Politics and Government

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          Politics and Government

            154 Archival description results for Politics and Government

            154 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
            05-1011 · Fonds · 1991-1992

            This accession consists of bulletins dated 1991-1992 of the Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park. Also included is a photocopy of the Bill, An Act to Establish the Algonquin National Park of Ontario, dated 1893.

            Ad Hoc Committee to Save Algonquin Park
            Alan J. Slavin fonds
            02-006 · Fonds · 1982-1990

            Fonds consists of correspondence, pamphlets, journal issues, and other material related primarily to the peace movement. Included are records of Kawartha Ploughshares and Project Ploughshares, and letters written between Alan and Linda Slavin and government officials regarding nuclear disarmament, capital punishment, etc.

            Slavin, Alan J.
            Alexander McIntosh fonds
            89-1024 · Fonds · 1867-1899

            This fonds consists of legal documents which are mostly protests against Alexander McIntosh for promissory notes that were not honoured. The protesters are local Peterborough businesses and banks. There are also by-laws and other documents of a legal nature from North Monaghan township including some information on School Sections Nos. 1-4 and a class list for School Section No. 3.

            McIntosh, Alexander
            Alternatives fonds
            88-024 · Fonds · 1970-1985

            This fonds consists of essay submissions, correspondence and financial records which relate to the Alternatives magazine when it was published at Trent. There are layouts, original artwork and subscriber information for several issues. Conserver Society Notes, which amalgamated with Alternatives, also has material in this collection.

            Annapolis Royal, indenture
            75-1021 · Fonds · 14 Mar. 1719

            This item is an indenture between the Duke of Marlborough and Robert Wroth, for supplies received from regimental stores to aid in tracing deserters. Wroth was adjutant to Governor Phillip's regiment.

            Annapolis Royal
            Arthur G. Racey fonds
            96-003 · Fonds · 1899-1941

            This fonds consists of approximately 843 original cartoons by A.G. Racey covering a wide range of subjects. Due to the universal nature of his cartoons, Racey gained international recognition and his works were reproduced in numerous newspapers and magazines around the world. A file list and descriptions of the cartoons, including dates where known, is available below.

            Racey, Arthur G.
            97-1003 · Item · March 1874

            This item is a 16-page compilation of letters and excerpts from letters gathered in response to an attack on the Department of Education contained in a 24-page pamphlet written by G. Mercer Adam, a bookseller in Toronto. The first section contains three letters by Rev. Dr. Egerton Ryerson. The second section contains replies from public school inspectors, while the third section contains responses by J. George Hodgins, manager of the depository, and remarks and opinions of school trustees.

            The principal correspondent in the "Attack on the people's depository for Ontario", Rev. Dr. Egerton Ryerson, was the Chief Superintendent of the Department of Education of Ontario. It was under his guidance that the educational system for the province was established.

            08-016 · Collection · 1984-2006

            Collection consists of 9 audio cassette records of individuals reminiscing about Leslie Frost and his brothers Cecil and Grenville. Tapes were made in 1984 and individuals interviewed include: William Davis, Richard Gorwill, Hugh Latimer, Clare Westcott, Alf Cole, Roland Michener, and Marjorie Porter. there are transcripts available. Also included in the collection is an illustrated paper presented by Brian McFadzen, 2006, entitled "The Frost Brothers in Lindsay." Also included is a CD of photographs reproduced from a Frost scrapbook and showing their homes and offices in Lindsay Ontario and also showing portraits of the Frost brothers.

            McFadzen, Brian Marsh
            Bruce Mickleburgh fonds
            98-009 · Fonds · 1939-1970

            This fonds consists of publications, pamphlets, correspondence, journals, and reports concerning the International Peace Movement, socialism and communism.

            Mickleburgh, Bruce
            76-016 · Fonds · 9 May 1974

            This fonds consists of microfilmed records from the Library and Archives Canada, including both state records and land records of the Executive Council of United Canada, 1841-1867, those of its predecessors in Upper and Lower Canada, 1791-1841 and in the Province of Quebec, 1764-1791.

            76-040 · Fonds · 9 May 1974

            This fonds consists of registers and indices to Orders-in-Council; registers of decisions taken by the Privy Council including number, name and subject, date of receipt in the Privy Council, date of report of committee, date when confirmed in Council and remarks; and an index (1939-1945) of the Cabinet War Committee, with minutes and documents. The records on the microfilm date from 1867 to 1965.

            Privy Council Office
            76-017 · Fonds · 29 Apr. 1975

            This fonds consists of a group of 28 indexes compiled by the Registrar General's office and its successor, the Registrar's Branch of the Secretary of State including General Indexes, 1651-1954; keys to General Indexes, 1651-1947; indexes relating to Dominion Lands, Indian and Ordinance Lands, grants, deeds, proclamations, quit-claims, commissions, letters patent and others from 1700 to 1965.

            76-014 · Fonds · 3 May 1968.

            This fonds consists of 12 microfilm reels of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Yukon Territory records which are located in the Library and Archives Canada as RG 18 D, Series 1-4, Old or Series 1-3 New; PAC C-2143 to C-2154. This fonds includes Dawson City Headquarters records (letter books and general and local orders); detachment records; and general administration and other records. The records on the microfilm date from 1898 to 1951.

            75-015 · Fonds · 1956-1973

            This fonds consists of minutes, reports, briefs, memoranda, scrapbooks and memorabilia of the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples which has been divided into the following series: A-1 - Constitution and by-laws; A-2 - minutes - with 4 sub-series - National Commission on the Indian Canadian; Board of Directors: Papers of Executive Director; Committees. B-1 - correspondence; C-1 - Annual Reports and Briefs; C-2 - conferences, conventions, workshops, etc.; C-3 - materials on native and non-native organizations; C-4 - Indian-Eskimo Association - Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples Library; C-5 - Student Volunteer Service: C-6 - applications for employment; C-7 - subject files, arranged alphabetically; D-1 - D-2 - association and divisional financial statements,; E - 1,2,3 - accounts, ledgers, materials from financial campaigns; and F - miscellaneous, photos memorabilia and scrapbooks.

            Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples
            77-018 · Fonds · 1959-1975

            This addition to the fonds consists of the records of the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples arranged in five series : National Office, Toronto 1959-1973; Library and Information Centre 1972-1975; Western Regional Office, Edmonton, 1966-1972; Northwest Territories Regional Office, Yellowknife, 1967-1970; Ontario Native Development Fund, 1968-1971. The fonds includes correspondence, reports, minutes, financial statements, memorandum, and photographs.

            Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples
            89-005 · Fonds · 1973-1986 ; predominant 1977-1986

            This addition to the fonds consists of records from the Canadian Forum magazine primarily from the years of 1979 to 1986, although some of the material dates back to 1973. Included are manuscripts from most issues between 1979 and 1986, as well as correspondence with the editors.

            Canadian Forum
            77-1014 · Collection · 1795 to 1800, 1849

            This fonds consists of two typescripts of diaries written by Captain Thomas G. Anderson. The first diary consists of reminiscences of his early life, covering the years from 1795 to 1800 (10 pages). The second diary was written while Captain Anderson was the visiting Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Cobourg, Canada West from September to December 1849. It includes an account of a journey to settle an Indigenous land claim on Lake Superior and Lake Huron (34 pages).

            Anderson, Captain Thomas Gummersall
            Cecil Gray Frost fonds
            77-025 · Fonds · 1923-1947

            This fonds consists of correspondence, reports, notes and other records relating to the provincial election of 1937, federal election of 1940, Progressive Conservative party conventions of 1938 and 1942, Port Hope conference of 1942, meetings of the Dominion Conservative party in 1944 and 1946. It also includes material regarding the murder trial of John Schell, 1923-25 (C.G. Frost most important early case) and to municipal and school board affairs, Lindsay, 1936-47.

            Frost, Cecil Gray
            Charles Latimer fonds
            95-010 · Fonds · 1946-1972

            This fonds consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings and miscellaneous documents. The creator of the fonds, Charles Latimer is nephew of Donald Sheridan who was a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (the Wobblies). Along with nearly 100 associates, including correspondents represented in this fonds such as David Ingar and Richard Brazier, Sheridan was sentenced to Leavenworth prison for expressing anti-capitalist, anti-militarist opinions during World War I.

            Folders in box:

            1. Probate of Donald Sheridan's will Certificate of Naturalization for Donald Sheridan, 1946 Certificate of Social Insurance, Donald Sheridan, 1951
            2. Newspaper clippings; copies of the "Industrial Worker" June 1970 and September 1969.
            3. Correspondence of Marie Ingar, David Ingar, Charles Latimer, Philip Taft, Tony Scara, 1970-1972
            4. Song Book: I.W.W. Songs To Fan the Flames of Discontent; typescript copies of lyrics of Wobbly songs by Richard Brazier
            Latimer, Charles
            99-1005 · Collection · 1921-1931

            This collection consists of eleven published reports, addresses, and articles by the Honourable Vincent Massey. Topics include education, art and nationality, drama, external affairs, etc. with respect to Canada. Included also are typed notes compiled at a meeting at which Massey was present, on "Diplomatic Machinery", held in 1931.

            Massey, Charles Vincent
            86-031 · Fonds · 1970-1986

            This fonds consists of briefs, correspondence, memoranda and responses to "To Know Ourselves" and "Some Questions of Balance".

            Commission on Canadian Studies
            86-005 · Fonds · 1980-1985

            This fonds consists of minutes of meetings, briefs, reports and press clippings relating to the Council of Ontario Universities.

            Council of Ontario Universities
            93-002 · Collection · 1881-1949

            This collection consists of municipal proceedings published in pamphlet form from various townships and counties in Ontario.

            County and township proceedings, minutes and financial statements are usually produced approximately once a year in a published format. They are distributed to citizens who want an accounting of the county and township councils activities and expenditures.

            David Macmillan collection
            05-003 · Collection · 1655-1918

            This collection is comprised of disparate documents collected by Professor David Macmillan. The scope of the papers is primarily North America, 1680 to 1918.

            Macmillan, David Stirling
            08-012 · Collection · 1612-1931

            Collection consists of disparate materials collected by Professor Macmillan who was a philatelist. The correspondence and documents pertain to writers in Great Britain and the British Empire. The subject matter ranges from military campaigns between the British and the French, mutiny in the West Indies and India and the sugar and slave trade in the West Indies. Subjects of letters include: battles in India, trade routes in West Indies and Asia; wars with France, Spain, and Austria.

            Macmillan, David Stirling