Title and statement of responsibility area
Title proper
General material designation
Parallel title
Other title information
Title statements of responsibility
Title notes
Level of description
Reference code
Edition area
Edition statement
Edition statement of responsibility
Class of material specific details area
Statement of scale (cartographic)
Statement of projection (cartographic)
Statement of coordinates (cartographic)
Statement of scale (architectural)
Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)
Dates of creation area
1959-1975 (Creation)
- Creator
- Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples
Physical description area
Physical description
11 m of textual records
4 photographs
Publisher's series area
Title proper of publisher's series
Parallel titles of publisher's series
Other title information of publisher's series
Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series
Numbering within publisher's series
Note on publisher's series
Archival description area
Name of creator
Administrative history
The Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples was an association of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, working in support of Indigenous peoples. It was originally established in 1957 under the name of the National Commission on the Indian Canadian, as a non-native organization created to study the "Indian problem." The first chairman of the Commission was Mrs. W.H. Clark. By February 1958, Indigenous people were invited to join in the work of the Commission. In 1960, the Indian-Eskimo Association (IEA) was incorporated, with Mrs. Clark as the first president. The IEA had several functions, including encouraging Indigenous leaders to form organizations, fund-raising, organizing workshops to discuss native housing, community and economic development, and providing advice and support in legal matters. Provincial and regional divisions were also created to help deal with specific issues. By 1968, several national and provincial Indigenous organizations had been organized and in September 1968, leaders of these organizations met with representatives of the IEA to discuss the future role of the Association. It was agreed that these Indigenous organizations still needed the IEA's support, but they should begin to deal directly with governments, without the IEA acting as the middleman. It was clear that the future of the IEA was to provide only support and advice to the developing Indigenous-led organizations. In 1972, many of the recommendations made in 1968 had come into effect. The name was changed to the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples to more accurately reflect the new functions of the Association. At this time, regional offices of the Association were closed, and the head office moved from Toronto to Ottawa. The Association dissolved in 2015.
Custodial history
The fonds was created by, and in the custody of, the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples until it was donated to Trent University Archives.
Scope and content
This addition to the fonds consists of the records of the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples arranged in five series : National Office, Toronto 1959-1973; Library and Information Centre 1972-1975; Western Regional Office, Edmonton, 1966-1972; Northwest Territories Regional Office, Yellowknife, 1967-1970; Ontario Native Development Fund, 1968-1971. The fonds includes correspondence, reports, minutes, financial statements, memorandum, and photographs.
Notes area
Physical condition
Immediate source of acquisition
The fonds was donated by the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples.
The fonds is arranged into five series, based on the office of origin. Attempts have been made to follow as closely as possible the triple-alphanumeric filing code used in the Toronto and Edmonton offices of C.A.S.N.P. in order to maintain the original filing system. (see finding aid for more details on the arrangement of this fonds.)
Language of material
Script of material
Location of originals
Availability of other formats
Restrictions on access
Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication
Finding aids
Associated materials
The Trent University Archives also holds the records of CASNP's predecessor, the Indian-Eskimo Association (95-006).
This fonds along with 82-014, and 94-009 is an addition to 75-015.
General note
A preliminary inspection of the papers revealed that they fell into five series, based on the office of origin. The bulk of the records were created in the national office in Toronto; the remainder came from the Library and Information Centre, the Western Regional Office in Edmonton, the Northwest Territories Office in Yellowknife, and the Ontario Native Development Fund. (The last named was not a part of C.A.S.N.P., but was affiliated with the Association.)
The Toronto and Edmonton offices employed a triple-numeric code in filing their records. A different code was employed by the O.N.D.F. These records have been arranged using the number codes, in an effort to recreate the original filing system. The records of the Library and Information Centre (located in toronto) were filed alphabetically; this arrangement has been maintained. It was not possible to ascertain how the Yellowknife office filed its records, so they have been arranged by the imposition of a three-digit code based on that used by the Toronto office.
The code used by the Toronto office, and adapted by Edmonton, numerically identified the contents of each file. The first digit identified a broad general topic, and when followed by two zeros denoted a general file. (eg. 9-0-0: Federal Government). The second number pinpointed a specific aspect of the general topic. This might be a government or Association office, a project, an individual or a committee, to give a few examples. (eg. 9-8-0 was the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development.) The third number further pinpointed the content and again could represent a number of different subjects. (eg. 9-8-1 was the office of the Minister of Indian Affairs.) The code used by the O.N.D.F. employed a similar principle; that is, an initial number representing a broad general topic with subsequent numbers standing for specific aspects of the topic. The pattern of the triple numeric code became apparent during the preliminary inspection of the records. As more files were seen it became possible to predict the file number of a given topic, and in some cases to assign a code to un-numbered files. Often only the first number could be predicted, as it is constant for each office. At other times two-number combinations could be predicted, but the third number could most often only be guessed.
A key to initial numbers is included in this finding aid. Researches will note discrepancies between the Toronto and Edmonton codes.
This finding aid includes a table of contents, index and lists of frequently occurring names and of abbreviations. The index should be consulted to locate references in the finding aid to a specific area of interest (eg. education). The lists should be used to clarify references which may not be clear: to identify an individual or to define an abbreviation. Reference should also be made to finding aid 75-015 for the first accession of C.A.S.N.P. records as the two accessions contain related material. In footnoting sources from either accession of C.A.S.N.P. papers, researchers should refer to the complete Trent University Archives code, including box and folder number. This will assist in maintaining complete bibliographic control over the source for future reference.
National Office (Toronto) (Series 1)
1 - Office Administration
2 - Finance
3 - Board of Directors
4 - Executive Committee
5 - Membership
6 - I.E.A. Publications
7 - Native Organizations and Individuals
9 - Government of Canada
10 - Indians and the City
11 - Housing
12 - Education
13 - Legal and Aboriginal Rights
14 - Northern Regional Committee
15 - Community Development Projects
16 - Economic Development
18 - Cultural Development
19 - Communications and Public Relations
20 - Friendship Centres
21 - Health and Welfare
22 - Human Rights and Discriminations
23 - Research Information
27 - Government of the United States
29 - Technical Services Division
30 - Northwest Territories Division (I.E.A.)
31 - British Columbia Committee (I.E.A.)
32 - Alberta Division (I.E.A.)
33 - Saskatchewan Committee (I.E.A.)
34 - Manitoba Committee (I.E.A.)
35 - Ontario Division (I.E.A.)
39 - Yukon Territory
40 - Northwest Territories Council
41 - Government of the Province of British Columbia
42 - Government of the Province of Alberta
43 - Government of the Province of Saskatchewan
44 - Government of the Province of Manitoba
45 - Government of the Province of Ontario
46 - Government of the Province of Quebec
47 - Government of the Province of New Brunswick
48 - Government of the Province of Nova Scotia
49 - Government of the Province of Prince Edward Island
50 - Government of the Province of Newfoundland
51-73 - Agency Liaison "A" to "W" (each number is formed by adding the number of a letter's position in the alphabet to 50 - eg. the fifth letter, "E", is 55; the sixteenth letter, "P", is 66)
Western Regional Office (Edmonton) (Series 3)
Unless otherwise noted, initial numbers have the same meaning as in the Toronto office.
5 - I.E.A. Divisions
8 - I.E.A. Library
10 - Special Projects
13, 14, 23, 27, 29 - not used
30 - Community Involvement
31-50 - not used
51 - Agency Liaison "A" to "Z" (the second number of the code is determined by the letter's position in the alphabet - "E", the fifth letter, is 51-5-0; "P" is 51- 16-0.)
Ontario Native Development Fund (Series 5)
Only the numbers listed are used.
3 - Correspondence
6 - Walkathons
7 - Applications for Grants
8 - Cultural Promotion
10 - Liaison with Other Organizations
11 - Union of Ontario Indians
12 - Miles for Millions
45 - Government of Ontario
Northwest Territories Division (Yellowknife) (Series 4)
The numbers for this series have been imposed. The initial number "30" has been used to denote the Northwest Territories Division; the second numbers have been chosen from those used by the Toronto office and have the same meaning as Toronto's initial numbers. eg. 30-2-0 is finance (Northwest Territories).
Andras, Robert K. Minister of Urban Affairs, Minister Without Portfolio
Barnett, Thomas S. M.P.
Battle, Robert F. Assistant Director, Indian Affairs Branch, D.I.A.N.D.
Benidickson, William M. Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources
Bigwin, A.E. I.E.A. member
Boyd, Jack President, Northwest Territories Division, I.E.A.
Boys, Jeffrey V. Indian Commissioner of British Columbia
Bredin, H.J. Author of paper on the Indian bands of the Yukon
Buller, James H. Executive Secretary, Ontario Division, I.E.A.
Butters, Tom DELCAP worker
Cadieux, Leo Minister of Defence
Calder, Frank New Democratic Party M.P.
Cardinal, Harold President, Indian Association of Alberta
Cass, Dr. Elizabeth E. Ophthomologist
Chretien, Jean Minister of Indian Affairs
Clark, G. Allan (Eastern) Associate Director, I.E.A.; Executive Director, I.E.A.
Clark, Mrs. W.H. First President and founding member of I.E.A.
Cleall, Barbara I.E.A. staff, Edmonton
Colborne, Fred C. Alberta Minister of Public Works
Curley, Tagak President, Inuit Tapirisat of Canada
Currie, Walter President, I.E.A.; professor of Native Studies
Daniels, Stan President, Metis Association of Alberta
DeWeerdt, Mark M. Chairman, I.E.A., legal committee
Dieter, Walter Chief, National Indian Brotherhood
Dunne, Norman R. Western associate director, I.E.A.
Duran, James A. Legal consultant
Dymond, Matthew B. Ontario Minister of Health
Firth, Wally Executive secretary, Northwest Territories, I.E.A.; pilot of I.E.A. aircraft; M.P.
Gasson, John Executive director, I.E.A.
Harvie, Dr. Eric L. Author of report on treaty and aboriginal rights
Houston, Mrs. Alma Co-author of economic development report
Laing, Arthur Minister of Indian Affairs
Lavell, Jeanette Chairman, Ontario Native Development Fund
Lee, Gordon I.E.A. staff, Toronto
Leishman, Harry Executive secretary, Northwest Territories Division, I.E.A.
Lumsden, Paul DELCAP and NORCAP worker
Macdonald, Gordon Economic development co-ordinator, Union of Nova Scotia Indians; O.N.D.F.
Mackenzie, Rev. John A. President, Ontario Division, I.E.A.
Manning, Ernest C. Premier of Alberta
Manuel, George President, National Indian Brotherhood
McEwan, Ernest R. Executive director, I.E.A.
McKay, Diane Executive director, I.E.A.; public information officer, I.E.A.
Melling, John First executive director, I.E.A.
Mitton, Peter J. Assistant to the director, I.E.A.
Nadjiwan, Wilmer Chief involved in woodcraft project; member of Indian Advisory Committee, Department of Social and Family Services
Nicholas, Andrew President, I.E.A.
O'Connell, Martin P. President, I.E.A., Ontario Division; President and vice-president, I.E.A.; M.P.
Oliphant, Peter, President, I.E.A.
Orange, Robert J. Northwest Territories M.P.
Peters, Omer President, I.E.A.
Powadiuk, Joe Community relations consultant
Robbins, Peggy Member, I.E.A. Alberta
Sheppard, Doug I.E.A. staff
Shilling, Arthur Ojibway artist
Sim, R. Alex Consultant
Smith, Elijah Yukon Native Brotherhood
Solomon, Art Fieldworker
Solomon, Tony Ontario Native Development Fund
Staats, Howard Legal consultant
Steinhauer, Eugene Executive director, A.N.C.S.; director, Cree radio programme, I.A.B.
Stewart, William A. Ontario Minister of Agriculture
Symington, Fraser Co-author of economic development report
Symons, T.H.B. President, I.E.A.; first president of Trent University
Thompson, Janice Eastern field secretary, I.E.A.
Wells, Thomas Ontario Minister of Education
Wishart, Arthur A. Ontario Attorney-General
Yaremko, John Ontario Minister of Citizenship
Box/Folder 1F1-42F49
National Office Administration 1F1-2F4
Finance 2F5-5F15
Board of Directors 5F16-9F20
Executive Committee 9F21-10F11
Membership 10F12-11F3
I.E.A. Publications 12F1-12F18
Liaison with Natives 12F19-16F8
Government of Canada 16F9-20F6
Office of the Prime Minister 16F10
Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development 16F19-16F43
Department of National Health and Welfare 16F45-17F1
Department of Secretary of State 17F4-17F17
Department of Manpower and Immigration 17F25-17F30
C.B.C. 18F1-18F5
Indians and the City 20F7-21F8
Housing 21F9-21F15
Education 21F16-22F10
Legal and Aboriginal Rights 23F1-25F15
Northern Regional Committee 26F1-28F13
Community Development Projects 28F14-29F11
Economic Development 29F12-29F17
Cultural Development 29F18-29F19
Communications and Public Relations 29F20-29F31
Friendship Centres 29F32-32F4
Health 32F5-32F9
Human Rights and Discrimination 32F10-32F15
Research Information 32F16-32F17
U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs 32F18
Technical Services Division 32F19
Northwest Territories Division 32F20-33F12
British Columbia Committee 33F13-33F16
Alberta Division 33F17-33F51
Saskatchewan Committee 33F52
Manitoba Committee 33F53-33F55
Ontario Division 34F1-37F7
Yukon Territory 37F8
Northwest Territories Council 37F9
Government of the Province of British Columbia 37F10-37F13
Government of the Province of Alberta 37F14-37F25
Government of the Province of Saskatchewan 37F26-37F31
Government of the Province of Manitoba 37F32-37F39
Government of the Province of Ontario 37F40-38F10
Government of the Province of Quebec 38F11
Government of the Province of New Brunswick 38F12
Government of the Province of Nova Scotia 38F13
Government of the Province of Prince Edward Island 38F14
Government of the Province of Newfoundland 38F15
- Agency Liaison:
- "A" 38F16-39F5
- "B" 39F6-40F4
- "C" 40F5-41F27
- "D" 41F28
- "E" 41F29-41F31
- "F" 41F32-41F35
- "G" 41F36-41F39
- "H" 41F40-41F41
- "I" 41F42-41F47
- "J" 41F48-41F50
- "K" 41F51-41F52
- "L" 41F53-41F57
- "M" 41F58-41F61
- "N" 41F62-41F65
- "O" 41F66-42F15
- "P" 42F16-42F18
- "Q" 42F19
- "R" 42F20-42F29
- "S" 42F30-42F38
- "T" 42F39-42F42
- "U" 42F43-42F47
- "W" 42F48-42F49
Box/Folder 43F1-47F17
Box/Folder 48F1-54F14
Office Administration 48F1-48F13
Finance 48F14-48F21
National Board 48F22-49F2
National Executive 49F3-49F5
I.E.A. Divisions 49F6-49F11
Publications 49F12-49F13
Liaison with Natives 50F1-52F5
I.E.A. Library 52F6-52F7
Government and Its Agencies 52F8-52F10
Special Projects 52F11-53F5
Housing 53F6
Education 53F7-53F11
Community Development 53F12
Economic Development 53F13
Cultural Development 53F14
Communications 53F15-53F16
Friendship Centres 53F17
Health and Welfare 54F1-54F3
Community Involvement 54F4
Agency Liaison: "A" - "Z" 54F5-54F14
Box/Folder 55F1-56F16