Showing 72 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival description count People, organizations, and families count
Academic plans, courses, programs 0 0
Activism 15 0
Agriculture 45 0
Anthropology 2 0
Archaeology 7 0
Architecture 1 0
Archives 1 0
Arts (5) 103 0
Assessment and Census Records 24 0
Baseball 3 0
Basketball 0 0
Birding 2 0
Birds 1 0
Boer War 1 0
Business and Industry (3) 147 0
Camps and Camping 85 0
Canadian Studies
  • From the inception of the university in 1964, there was always an emphasis on Canadian Studies. The first President, Thomas H.B. Symons, was Chair of the Commission on Canadian Studies in the 1970s and held the strong belief that it was critical for us as Canadians
  • Trent was fortunate early on to have a "Canadiana Librarian," J.D.P. Martin, who collected editions of works critical to our understanding of Canada and Canadian culture. Trent University has continued this commitment by assuring that the library has acquired the entire output of the Canadian Institute of Historical Microfilm. See also the Special Collections and Rare Books page which describes published supporting material for the study of Canada. In addition, the Maps, Data and Government Information Centre (MaDGIC) on the 4th floor of Bata Library is an extraordinary resource. Listed below are only the most obvious archival resources for the study of Canada and Canadian institutions. Many other more specific sources will be found under other subject headings such as "Military" or "Literary."
38 1
Canoeing 0 0
Construction and Carpentry 2 0
Convocation 2 0
Cricket 2 0
Criminal Justice, prison, and prisoners 3 0
Dance 2 0
Education and Schools 104 0
Elections 3 0