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              2 Archival description results for Convocation

              2 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              12 · Series
              Part of University photograph collection

              Convocation 1967 (Copies of Zoltan Temesy photographs: see also the original slides and prints in the Zoltan Temesey Photographs folder and scanned images on CD #7 in the "Compact Discs, Microfilm, Reels" box) - (see also Slide Collection)
              Convocation 1968 - (see also Slide Collection)
              Convocation 1969
              Convocation 1970
              Convocation 1971
              Convocation 1972
              Convocation Spring 1973
              Convocation Fall 1973
              Convocation Spring 1974 (includes photos of Robertson Davies)
              Convocation Fall 1974
              Convocation Spring 1975
              Convocation Fall 1975
              Convocation Spring 1976
              Convocation Fall 1976
              Convocation Spring 1977
              Convocation Fall 1977
              Convocation Spring 1978
              Convocation Fall 1978
              Convocation Spring 1979
              Convocation Fall 1979
              Convocation Spring 1980
              Convocation Fall 1980
              Convocation Spring 1981
              Convocation Fall 1981
              Convocation Spring 1982
              Convocation Spring 1983
              Convocation Fall 1983
              Convocation Fall 1984
              Convocation Spring 1985
              Convocation Spring 1986
              Convocation Fall 1986
              Convocation: Special convocation for installation of John Stubbs, October 2, 1987
              Convocation Spring 1987
              Convocation Fall 1988
              Convocation Spring 1989 (see also also two reels of proofs located in "Compact Discs, Microfilms, Reels" box)
              Convocation Fall 1989
              Convocation Spring 1990
              Convocation Fall 1990
              Convocation Spring 1991
              Convocation Fall 1991
              Convocation 1992
              Convocation 1993
              Convocation 1994
              Convocation 1995
              Convocation 1996
              Convocation 1997
              Convocation 1998
              Convocation 2004 (see also CD #2 in Trent University Photograph Collection for additional photographs)
              Convocation 2005
              Convocation 2007
              Convocation 2008

              Convocation: students receiving degrees (various years; students are identified)
              Convocation: unidentified honorary graduates
              Convocation: miscellaneous photos with Thomas H.B. Symons as president (some photos include Thomas Bata)
              Convocation: miscellaneous photos with Donald Theall as president
              Convocation: miscellaneous photos with John Stubbs as president
              Convocation: miscellaneous shots

              Convocation: Durham Campus, 1999-2002