Fonds consists of Professor Alan Brunger's research material pertaining to the historical geography of Bon Echo Provincial Park and Algonquin Provincial Park. Included in the Algonquin materials are aerial photographs and photographs of the Dennison Farm property. Also included is historical geography research material and microfilm reels relating to the Peter Robinson Irish emigration to the Peterborough area.
Brunger, AlanTrent faculty papers
74 Archival description results for Trent faculty papers
This fonds consists of Professor Brunger's research in 19th century Canadian historical geography, mainly in Upper Canada/Ontario, focused on emigration from the U.K. and settlement in Newcastle (Peterborough County) District and London (Talbot Settlement) District. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.
Brunger, AlanThis fonds consists of research in the 19th and 20th century Canadian historical geography, specifically emigration and settlement from British Isles to Upper Canada, the Trent Canal use during WWII, the environmental and cultural consequences of flooding from the Trent Canal dam in the late 19th century, and research on Bon Echo, Algonquin, and Banff National Parks. Research is also included on European migration and land settlement patterns and processes in Cape Province, South Africa in the early 19th century and in Western Australia in the early 20th century. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.
Brunger, AlanFonds consists of correspondence, pamphlets, journal issues, and other material related primarily to the peace movement. Included are records of Kawartha Ploughshares and Project Ploughshares, and letters written between Alan and Linda Slavin and government officials regarding nuclear disarmament, capital punishment, etc.
Slavin, Alan J.The fonds consists of lecture notes, correspondence and records related to Professor Barbara Rooke and her membership in the Department of English at Trent University.
Rooke, BarbaraThis addition to the fonds consists of the research work of Professor Barbara Rooke with special reference to Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his works.
Rooke, BarbaraThis fonds consists of corrected proofs and original annotated typescript of a book by Professor Brian Heeney titled A Different Kind of Gentleman: Parish Clergy as Professional Men in Early and Mid-Victorian England. The book constitutes Volume V of the Studies in British History and Culture Series, published for The Conference on British Studies and Wittenburg University by Archon Books.
Heeney, BrianThis fonds consists of Professor Bruce Hodgins' speeches, student files and records relating to the Frost Centre at Trent University.
Hodgins, BruceThis fonds consists of the personal records of Professor David Kettler relating to his membership in the Julian Blackburn College Academic Advisory Board and to the development of the Social Theory Program at Trent University. Included in the fonds are correspondence, minutes, reports, proposals, financial and budget records, and course and curriculum proposals.
Kettler, DavidThis collection is comprised of disparate documents collected by Professor David Macmillan. The scope of the papers is primarily North America, 1680 to 1918.
Macmillan, David StirlingCollection consists of disparate materials collected by Professor Macmillan who was a philatelist. The correspondence and documents pertain to writers in Great Britain and the British Empire. The subject matter ranges from military campaigns between the British and the French, mutiny in the West Indies and India and the sugar and slave trade in the West Indies. Subjects of letters include: battles in India, trade routes in West Indies and Asia; wars with France, Spain, and Austria.
Macmillan, David StirlingThis fonds consists of correspondence, research notes and original documents which were collected by Professor David Macmillan during his research. Items such as voters' lists for Victoria County, Ontario and a series of broadsides advertising land in Victoria County; documents from the Hudson's Bay Company, East Indies; minutes from the Barbados Board of Legislative Council, a Sydney Australia Company, and the Sydney Australian Committee of the New Steam Company; and a number of reproduction engravings and prints are included in the fonds. Also included in the fonds is a copy of Macmillan's 1964 Ph.D. thesis: "The Scottish Australian Connection..." and assorted pamphlets relating to New South Wales.
Macmillan, David StirlingThis addition to the fonds consists of correspondence, research notes and photographs as well as manuscripts of Professor David S. Macmillan while he was researching topics and papers for publication or lectures.
Macmillan, David StirlingThis collection is comprised of research files, published articles, government documents, reports and supporting documents all pertaining to Indigenous issues in Canada.
Newhouse, DavidFonds consists of correspondence, questionnaires and reports generated by Professor David R. Cameron who was commissioned by the Department of the Secretary of State (superseded by the Department of Canadian Heritage) to investigate the status of Canadian Studies in the 1990s. His report, "Taking Stock: Canadian Studies in the Nineties" was published by the Association of Canadian Studies in 1996. Materials include readers' comments on the draft report.
Cameron, David R.Fonds is comprised of correspondence, memos, legal documents, and reports pertaining to the administrative career of David Morrison at Trent University.
Morrison, David R.Fonds consists of manuscript copies, correspondence, newspaper clippings, research materials, and notes related to the English translation by Professors Dawn and Denis Smith of the 1998 edition of El Ultimo dia de Salvador Allende by Oscar Soto. The English title is The Last Day of Salvador Allende: a Chronicle of the Assault on La Moneda Palace, Santiago de Chile.
Folders in the box include the following:
Folder 1
- Correspondence, 1999-2001: correspondents include Dawn Smith, Denis Smith, Alicia Soto, Oscar Soto, and Bella Pomer
- Book proposal, manuscript submissions, letters to editors, newspaper clippings, notes, right to translate, 1999-2001
Folder 2
- “Allende Files”: Correspondence, 1998-1999; includes correspondence with Alicia Soto
- “Notes for Oscar Soto” regarding the translation of text
- Notes regarding contracts, fees, and rights to the translation
Folder 3
- Typed drafts of the English translation of the introduction to Oscar Soto’s The Last Day of Salvador Allende (also floppy disk labeled “New Introduction 30.12.99”)
Folder 4
- Manuscript copy of The Last Day of Salvador Allende: A Chronicle of the Assault on La Moneda Palace, Santiago de Chile by Oscar Soto, translated into English by Professors Dawn and Denis Smith (also floppy disk copy of same manuscript)
- Photocopy of blueprint of La Moneda Palace
Folder 5
- News articles on the Pinochet trial from November 1998 to May 2000
- Printed email correspondence between Denis Smith and various editors of newspapers
Fonds consists of Professor Dawn L. Smith's research on the Spanish Golden Age Theatre revival, post-Franco 1975-1996. The collection includes research materials, newspaper clippings, theatre bulletins, correspondence, notes, and published articles. Also included are copies of two books: Historia de los Teatros Nacionales 1939-1962 and Cuatro Siglos de Teatro en Madrid.
Smith, Dawn L.This fonds consists of correspondence with Board of Governors of Trent University and other Trent records. It also contains research records for book a by Professor Denis Smith: Bleeding Hearts, Bleeding Country and records relating to his editorialship of "Canadian Forum".
Smith, DenisThis addition to Professor Denis Smith's fonds consists of records forwarded to the Archives via the office of the Journal of Canadian Studies in 1988 which were apparently generated by Professor Denis Smith. Most files relate to Trent University, its founding and architectural history, and areas of interest to Professor Smith such as the Committee For An Independent Canada and the Canadian Forum.
Smith, DenisThis addition to the Professor Denis Smith fonds consists of correspondence concerning Politics courses at Trent University, general correspondence regarding the Department of Politics, correspondence and clippings concerning Ron Thom--architect, John Stubbs, the Liberal Convention of 1968, library matters, Professor Frank Underhill, Trent University clippings, records concerning Lakefield College School, University of Kent, University of Alberta, McGill University and York University.
Smith, DenisFonds consists of research materials relating to the biography of John Diefenbaker: Rogue Tory. Includes interviews with John Diefenbaker, Dalton Camp and photocopies of many letters and papers from the Diefenbaker Centre, the National Archives of Canada, the Public Record Office and the Kennedy Library.
Smith, DenisFonds consists of correspondence, reserach notes and manuscripts created by Professor Denis Smith during his career as a university professor, political science commentator and author. Materials in this fonds relate to Gentle Patriot (biography of Walter Gordon); Diplomacy of Fear (Canadian/American relations during the period of the cold war). Also included are materials generated by Smith as editor of the Canadian Forum and the Journal of Canadian Studies.
Smith, DenisFonds consists of research notes re RCMP, and Prisoners of Cabrera. Also included is a translation of the book on Pinochet.
Smith, DenisFonds consists of essays, opinion pieces, research notes and correspondence generated by Professor Smith during his career as a political scientist and author. Included are research materials, correspondence, publishing and promotion materials relating to Smith's books on Michael Ignatieff, Ignatieff's World: A Liberal Leader for the 21st Century? (James Lorimer, 2006), and Ignatieff's World Updated: Iggy Goes to Ottawa (James Lorimer, 2009).
Smith, Denis