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              29 Archival description results for Postcards

              29 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              86-004 · Fonds · 1862-1936

              This addition to the fonds consists of family correspondence relating to the land surveyor, Alfred Cameron.

              Cameron family
              75-1033 · Collection · 1850-1951

              This collection consists of assorted documents relating to Cobourg and vicinity. It includes marriage certificates, correspondence, indentures, opera house programmes, choral and church programmes, an oil sketch by Alice M. Duncan, and photographs and postcards. It also includes a copy of the "Cobourg World", April 8, 1898 Volume 25, and No. 43.

              97-003/001(24) · File · 1980s
              Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

              Folder includes the following letters:

              • Letter from Patrick Brode to Stewart re his historical research on Sir John Beverley Robinson, 1980;
              • letter to the Bagnani's from a former Trent student who was gay, 1983;
              • letters of condolence to Stewart re Gilbert's death, 1985;
              • letter from University of Toronto re Gilbert's Memoir, 1985;
              • card from Jean Murray Cole with a copy of her "The Old Doctor: A Backwoods Sketch by Catharine Parr Traill" attached, [1985];
              • letter to "Sally and Michael" re their residency in Vogrie while Stewart is away, 1985;
              • letter from Molly Mackenzie to Stewart re Stewart's "horrid accident at the Art Gallery", 1987;
              • letter to Stewart from Helen Davidson, 1987, with attached paper called "The Bagnani Residence - 1939" by Florence Davidson; letter and clipping re University of Toronto's exhibition of books donated from Gilbert's estate, 1987;
              • letters from the University of Toronto Malcove Collection re Stewart's donation of three icons, 1989;
              • letter to Stewart from Budge, 1989;
              • plus other miscellaneous letters
              97-003/001(10) · File · 1920s
              Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

              Folder includes the following letters:

              • Letters to Gilbert from The Morning Post, London, re contributions he has made to the paper, 1922
              • letters from Gilbert to his mother, 1922 & 1926
              • letter from Lt.-Gen. Sir Aylmer Hunter-Weston, Ayrshire, re Bagnani lecture, 1922
              • letter from [W ] Murray to Gilbert re his analysis of [Stewart's] handwriting, knows Gilbert's mother and sends his regards, 1925
              • letter to Mrs. Strong from [C. __loney] re the Cross in the S. Pudenziana mosaic, 1925
              • letter from Cath[ryn] Merritt to Florence Bagnani, 1926
              • 2 letters regarding the postcards, one from Mrs. Houston to Gilbert and one from Gilbert to Mrs. Houston, 1926
              • letters from Stewart to Gilbert, 1929
              • letter to Gilbert and Stewart on their wedding day from Gilbert's mother, June 27 1929 (three newspaper clippings attached re the wedding)
              • letter to her mother from Stewart in Rome re the engagement of the Crown Prince, 1929
              • plus other miscellaneous letters, some of which are written in languages other than English
              80-034 · Fonds · 1869-1949

              This addition to the fonds consists of records created by Frank Morris. The fonds is arranged into the following series: correspondence, manuscripts and typescripts; postcards of the British Isles and Canada; photographs and negatives of botanical species from field trips; glass lantern slides of flowers, fine arts, museums, and scenes of Europe; and maps, mostly of Great Britain and Ontario.

              Morris, Francis J.A.
              04-016 · Fonds · 1904-1931

              Collection consists of greeting cards, humorous postcards, and postcards portraying places in Canada, U.S.A., and the U.K. Some of the humorous postcards depict social concerns of the time, such as the women's suffragette movement and WWI. Several of the cards were posted to people in Yorkshire, England and in Markham and Milliken, Ontario.

              80-003 · Fonds · 1914-1952

              The fonds consists of concert and theatre programs from Millbrook, Ontario; World War I materials including prisoner-of-war post cards, and photographs; and theatre programs, menus and other material relating to entertainments which allied prisoners in German war camps devised for their own amusement and which were collected by Lieutenant W.E. Massey-Cooke.

              Massey-Cooke, W.E.
              Munro family fonds
              79-006 · Fonds · 1856-1975

              This fonds consists of the family and personal papers of William Hamilton Munro, his brothers Reid and Alan and his sister Effie. The materials in the fonds make reference to World War I; Peterborough County; hydro-electric companies in Canada and the third world; photographs, postcards, maps and plans of the Trent Canal; City of Peterborough; and locations in Bolivia, Europe and North America.

              Munro family
              15-014 · Fonds · ca. 1900-1960

              Collection is comprised of approximately 7500 postcards (including some duplicates) pertaining primarily to the former Victoria County (now City of Kawartha Lakes). Dating from about 1900 to 1960, this collection was created by Norbert Erasmus Hyacinth Krommer of Lindsay, Ontario. A few postcards portray photographs of unidentified people, while others include handwritten messages on the reverse along with postal stamps and markings.

              Krommer, Norbert Erasmus Hyacinth
              90-016 · Fonds · 1882-1989

              This addition to the fonds consists of personal and career-related materials of Mary L. Northway such as cassettes with interviews, family wills, photographs and slides, an honorary doctorate from Trent University, correspondence and documents regarding the transfer of deed of Windy Pine property to Trent University, materials relating to camping and to Nominigan as well as copies of Mary Northway's publications. There are also business-related photographs, correspondence, etc. of John Northway, Mary Northway's grandfather. One file of papers regarding the Neathern Trust was added in 1992.

              Northway family
              04-1005 · Collection · 1908-1911

              Collection consists of 17 postcards depicting various buildings especially in the cities of Hamilton and London, but also in Belleville and Kingston, and one in Montreal, Quebec. Most of the cards are addressed to Miss Charlotte Banks, Brantford, Ontario, and are dated 1908-1911.

              04-1004 · Collection · 1960

              Collection consists of 13 Peterborough, Ontario postcards reproductions of scenes and buildings dated ca. 1940 - ca. 1955. Subjects include St. Peter's Cathedral, Western Clock Company Ltd., George Street, Civic Hospital, Trinity United Church, Quaker Oats Company Ltd., War Memorial, Peterborough Collegiate & Vocational School, St. John's Anglican Church, City Hall, George St. United Church, and St. Paul's Presbyterian Church.

              Peterborough City postcards reproductions
              IMC-107 · File · 1873-1915
              Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

              Postcards: Knox Church, Peterborough, St. John’s Church, Peterborough, The Armouries, Peterborough, Customs House, Peterborough.

              Photographs and postcards:

              • Image of two men. Written on back: “Ed. Doxsee sitting and Seaworth Hogg”. Roy Studio (postcard)
              • Three men standing. Written on back: “2- Elliott boys and their uncle” (postcard)
              • One man sitting. Written on back: “Allen McBain” (postcard)
              • A curious baby lying down looking beside the camera. Written on back: “Emma - Hutchinson about 1873”. W. McFadden, Little’s Old Stand, George Street, Peterborough
              • Profile of man with moustache. C. Lawes, Cobourg
              • Portrait of man with prevalent sideburns. J.H. Blomfield, Hastings
              • Profile of young man with fur lined collared coat. Sproule, Peterborough
              • Portrait of young woman with high and tight collar adorned with ribbon and a jewel in the middle of neck. P.H. Green “Grand New Studio”, Post Office Block, Hunter St., Peterborough
              • Full body portrait of a couple. Woman is holding a scroll and man is sitting in chair. Sproule, 170 Charlotte Street, Peterborough
              • A portrait of two young boys looking bored. Byers, George Street, Peterborough
              • Image of 9 people standing and sitting in a group. 2 men, 4 women, and 3 children. Written on back: “1915”. Roy Studio, Peterborough
              • Subset of 6 photographs said to have been taken at 61 Francis Street East, Fenelon Falls:
              • Two little boys (one tall one small) standing by house
              • A boy with a large brimmed hat and bandana with a girl in peter pan collared shirt and tartan skirt standing by house with stone and mortar wall.
              • Girl with long frilled and puffy sleeved dress standing by house
              • Girl in hat and coat and frilled dress standing on snowbank by house
              • Young boy with dog by house
              • A boy and a girl standing by small pine tree in the snow
              • Profile of bust of lady with a large braided hair bun, small post earrings, a grand frilled collared top adorned with large necklace. Thompson, Peterborough
              • Full body portrait of baby in white gown. W. Cowen, 170 Charlotte Street, Peterborough
              • Full body portrait of toddler in white socks and gown looking away from camera. Roy Studio, Peterborough"
              75-1031 · Fonds · 1850-1909

              The fonds consists of a collection of postcards, letters and photographs relating to people and events in Port Hope and vicinity (up to and including Bewdley and Bailieboro); including correspondence to Henry White.

              86-012 · Item · 1981

              This item is a bound, unpublished manuscript containing 7 photographs and 2 coloured post cards of Silver Islet. The manuscript contains the reminiscences of Ross Munroe Matthews about his family and friends.

              Matthews, Ross Munroe