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            47 Archival description results for Artwork

            19 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
            82-014 · Fonds · 1959-1978

            This addition to the fonds consists of Board minutes, briefs, correspondence, subject files, press clippings, periodicals and various other assorted records pertaining to the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples. The bulk of the fonds consists of correspondence, reports, minutes and photographs created by CASNP and its members and associated agencies. Please refer to the finding aid for a detailed listing of records located within this fonds.

            Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples
            86-027 · Fonds · 1824-1958

            This addition to the fonds consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, music books, notes and memorabilia concerning various parts of Peterborough County.

            Choate family
            75-1033 · Collection · 1850-1951

            This collection consists of assorted documents relating to Cobourg and vicinity. It includes marriage certificates, correspondence, indentures, opera house programmes, choral and church programmes, an oil sketch by Alice M. Duncan, and photographs and postcards. It also includes a copy of the "Cobourg World", April 8, 1898 Volume 25, and No. 43.

            97-003/001(06) · File · 1910s
            Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

            Folder includes the following letters:

            • June 11 1910, Toronto - Arthur Houston to his sister-in-law, Augusta (Robinson) Houston
            • November 3 1911 - Christopher W. Robinson to Augusta (Robinson) Houston
            • August 22 1912 - S.H. Blake to The Reverend Professor Wrong (re genealogy of his family)
            • January 16 1913, Chateau Laurier, Ottawa - A.H.U. Colquhoun to Griffin [ ] (re article written by Napier Robinson entitled "A Question of Morals"; article attached)
            • December 25 1913, Vice Regal Lodge, Dublin - [ ] [Aber___] to Minnie Forsyth Grant (letter is attached to a Christmas card which was sent in [1971] to Andrea [ ] from Stewart Bagnani - re person of noble status going to Ireland]
            • November 2 1915, Broadway, Worcestershire - Mary Anderson de Narasso to "Little Stewart Houston" (re de Narasso's autograph)
            • January 23 1915, Savile Club - [ ] to Mrs. Stewart (Robinson) Houston (re happy days in the Muskokas)
            • September 5 1916, Scotland - Christopher W. Robinson to Minnie (re a sketch of Forts Point Henry and Point Frederick at Kingston, Upper Canada, 1815, by Sir F.P. Robinson; copy of sketch attached)
            • December 27 1916, Beverley House - Christopher Robinson to (Augusta Robinson) Houston (see letter above - similar content)
            • 1917-1918 - several letters (11) referring to World War I from Cyril T. Houston and Alan Houston to their aunt, Augusta Houston, and to their cousin, "Baby" Stewart Houston (Cyril was in the Royal Air Force and Alan, the Army; while Stewart and her mother were in England, the brothers made their headquarters with them on their leaves; Cyril was killed in a plane crash in Belgium; Stewart visited his grave in 1929 on a visit through Belgium; attached to one letter are two unidentified women, and one hand embroidered Christmas card
            97-003/003(02) · File · 1965-1975, 1988-1989
            Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

            Folder includes correspondence between Stewart and Trent University re her position as special lecturer in art and as director of Mackenzie Gallery, lecture schedules, etc. (also included is a sketch of the building which housed Mackenzie Gallery before it opened as a gallery, by David Woods, 1971; also wedding photo of Mr. & Mrs. Gengembre-Curwood, 1970); miscellaneous letters to Stewart regarding the Bagnani medal, etc.; also financial records, etc. relating to Mackenzie Gallery

            David Macmillan fonds
            90-001 · Fonds · 1757-1978 ; predominant 1821-1870

            This fonds consists of correspondence, research notes and original documents which were collected by Professor David Macmillan during his research. Items such as voters' lists for Victoria County, Ontario and a series of broadsides advertising land in Victoria County; documents from the Hudson's Bay Company, East Indies; minutes from the Barbados Board of Legislative Council, a Sydney Australia Company, and the Sydney Australian Committee of the New Steam Company; and a number of reproduction engravings and prints are included in the fonds. Also included in the fonds is a copy of Macmillan's 1964 Ph.D. thesis: "The Scottish Australian Connection..." and assorted pamphlets relating to New South Wales.

            Macmillan, David Stirling
            94-002 (revised) · Fonds · 1712-1960

            This addition to the fonds consists of correspondence, research notes and photographs as well as manuscripts of Professor David S. Macmillan while he was researching topics and papers for publication or lectures.

            Macmillan, David Stirling
            IMC-048 · File · 1918-1979
            Part of Isolated manuscripts collection

            Drawings of Jim Lauder, a Canadian soldier, from a German prisoner-of-war camp in 1944. Also, added in 2019, a copy of Hard Tears & Soft Laughter by James William Lauder (Tellwell Talent, 2018); the manuscript for this book was written by James William Lauder and published posthumously by Lauder's son, Jimmie Arthur Lauder, in 2018.

            Lauder, James William
            01-1007 · Fonds · 1840, 1995

            Fonds consists of 7 watercolours done by Edward C. Caddy. Likely locale of some of the paintings was supplied by Professor Gordon Roper; these locations include Scotland (2), Gull Lake, Stoney Lake, Lake Superior. Two have no indication of location. Also included is a two section map showing Herriots Mill near Kitchiwannoe Lake, and a map (mockup) of Peterborough, Ontario entitled "Location of Built Heritage (demolished and standing) in relation to the MNR building site", 1995.

            Caddy, Edward C.
            Erik Loder fonds
            96-011 · Fonds · 1964-1993

            This fonds consists of correspondence, sketches and class lecture notes of Erik Loder. Loder's theories of art are discernible in his jottings and notes. Also included are numerous art catalogues and exhibition notes; slides of Loder art works; sketches, drawings and paintings; personal cards and letters sent at the time of Loder's death in 1993; art auction and sale lists.

            Loder, Erik
            99-005 · Fonds · 1893-1998

            This fonds consists principally of research materials for a paper entitled "A Caddy Chronicle," written by Gordon Roper, in collaboration with Gordon Dibb, April 14, 1998.

            Roper, Gordon
            97-003/002(03) · File · 1885-1888
            Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

            Loosely inserted in the journal are the following

            • ink drawing of the camp with title "Governor's Island, Muskoka"
            • pencil room plan of a building
            • ink drawing of a building
            • pencil drawing and 2 water colours of buildings with titles "Napiers idea," "Captain Wise's idea", and "Katie Merritts idea"
            • ink sketch of an artist
            • also silhouettes glued into the inside of the front and back covers (the silhouettes indicate that the journal was compiled by a member or acquaintance of the Robinson family - to name a few, the silhouettes are labeled "Augusta Robinson", "Napier Robinson"
            • loosely inserted page dated 1891 and written by M. Forsyth Grant (Minnie Robinson, Stewart Bagnani's aunt)
            01-009 · Fonds · 1864-1999

            Fonds consists of maps and plans of the Ottawa and Haliburton areas, time-books of Bronsons and Weston logging firm, and photographs of the building of a railway, and of the Haliburton area. Included also are research material and manuscripts relating to books which Harley R. Cummings wrote about schools in the Ottawa area, and on the history of Haliburton. Included are notes on John Strachan and a transcript of his diary. The fonds also includes several genealogical charts of the MacCallum family.

            Cummings, Harley R.
            97-016 · Fonds · 1952-1978

            This fonds consists of typescripts of "Aids to Jury Charges (Criminal)" and "Aids to the Small Claims Court Acts" written by Judge Kennedy. Also included are miscellaneous documents regarding the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies and the Humane Killing Trap Development Committee; various certificates and appointments; a Judge Kennedy portrait; a photo of Judge Kennedy and Harry Deyman in the opening ceremonies procession at Trent University; and one photo of a courtroom scene with Judge Kennedy.

            Kennedy, Judge John de Navarre
            Lightbody family fonds
            Fonds · 1960-2016

            Fonds consists of records documenting Robert Lightbody's experiences with Trent University, as a student, lawyer, fundraiser, and active alumnus. Records include correspondence, meeting minutes, photographs, newspaper clippings, planning records, student records, pamphlets and other ephemera, course syllabi, and student governance records. Fonds also includes a speech and pamphlets from a talk given by Margaret Lightbody for the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW).

            Fonds is organized into 11 series. Trent University student life; Student government and groups; Course materials; University development; Athletics building; Alumni Association and reunions; Trent properties, funds, and development; Bagnani Endowmnent; Photographs and alumni reunion; Newspaper clippings and images; Margie Lightbody CFUW speech.

            Lightbody family
            90-016 · Fonds · 1882-1989

            This addition to the fonds consists of personal and career-related materials of Mary L. Northway such as cassettes with interviews, family wills, photographs and slides, an honorary doctorate from Trent University, correspondence and documents regarding the transfer of deed of Windy Pine property to Trent University, materials relating to camping and to Nominigan as well as copies of Mary Northway's publications. There are also business-related photographs, correspondence, etc. of John Northway, Mary Northway's grandfather. One file of papers regarding the Neathern Trust was added in 1992.

            Northway family
            Olive Langley painting
            04-1012 · Fonds · [1950]

            Item is a framed unnamed watercolour of a house with a woman standing in front. The inscription reads: Olive Langley. /50. A further identification tag on the frame reads: Peterborough Artist and Author.

            Langley, Olive
            98-010 · Fonds · 1980-1997

            This fonds consists of letters addressed to Peter Gzowski and the CBC radio show "Morningside". It also consists of manuscripts, correspondence with publishers, etc.

            Gzowski, Peter
            01-004 · Fonds · 1986-1999

            Fonds consists of letters written to Peter Gzowski in his role as broadcaster for CBC's "Morningside" show. The hundreds of letters include such subjects as literacy, Prime Minister Jean Chretien, and Edith Babb. Also included are contracts, correspondence, notes, and memos relating to Peter Gzowski's career with CBC; records relating to Gzowski's association with the "Peter Gzowski Invitational Golf for Literacy" tournament; Gzowski's association with Ridley College, and Trent University (Margaret Laurence tribute, Timothy Findley conference, chancellorship); and greeting cards, personal calendars, photographs, family genealogical information, and correspondence relating to awards received. The fonds also includes correspondence, partial manuscripts, and notes relating to various books which Gzowski has written.

            Gzowski, Peter
            84-005 · Fonds · 1974-1978

            This fonds contains galley proofs, correspondence, art work, page proofs, boards for deluxe copy and cover, clippings, press releases and research data collected prior to the publication of the Peterborough Historical Atlas.

            Peterborough Historical Atlas Foundation
            97-003/005(01) · File · 1910-1918
            Part of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

            Folder includes the following photographs
            1: young girl holding baby, unidentified, presumed to be Stewart's cousins in England, c.1910-1918
            2: Hon. John Beverley Robinson, Toronto, 1820-1896
            3: Hon. Justice Hagerman
            4: Stewart Houston (Bagnani), with her father, Stewart Houston
            5: Louisa Robinson, daughter of Sir John B. Robinson (Note: she was the first wife of George Allan) - daguerreotype, 6th plate
            6: Augusta (Robinson) Houston, wife of Stewart Houston, and mother of Stewart Houston (Bagnani) (on back of photo “Victoria Era”)
            7-10: [Augusta Robinson]
            11: Augusta (Robinson) Houston, with back spaniel (2 copies)
            12: [Stewart F. Houston}, with back spaniel
            13: Black spaniel (see 11&12)
            14: [Stewart F Houston] (see 11 & 12)
            15: Stewart F. Houston, husband of Augusta, and father of Stewart Houston (Bagnani)
            16-28: Augusta (Robinson) Houston in Cairo, 1933 (also one negative - #28)
            29: Silhouette of woman facing right (on back of frame “Sam’l Johnson, LLD” - framed
            30: Silhouette of a man facing left
            31: Silhouette of a man facing left (on back ‘Hagerman or MacCauley”
            32: Augusta (Robinson) Houston, 1920?
            32a: Augusta (Robinson) Houston (on back of photo “A.L.H 1919”
            32b: Alan Houston
            32c: [Bill and Barbara Houston], 1965
            32d: Houston tomb stone [Louisa’s grave, Rome?] (Note: negative only)

            Large Materials Cabinet – Drawer 36: 32b. [Augusta & Stewart Houston wedding photo] (Note: This is unidentified but the woman in the wedding gown appears to be the same woman as in photos #7-10)

            89-1005 · Fonds · 1870-1916

            This fonds consists of 59 photographs and 16 tintypes, (mostly unidentified), and one scrapbook with a number of original artwork pieces including two paintings on leave.

            Proctor photographic and artwork