County of Peterborough

Elements area



Scope note(s)

  • The land which is now Peterborough County was originally part of Newcastle District before 1841, and the Colbourne District until 1850, the year when districts were replaced by counties in Upper Canada. At this time the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria were created. In 1861, Victoria County was given independence from Peterborough. Peterbourgh County is made up of the following townships: Galway, Cavendish, Anstruther, Chandos, Harvey, Burleigh, Methuen, Ennismore, Smith, Douro, Dummer, Belmont, North Monaghan, Otonabee, and Asphodel.

Source note(s)

  • Taken from: "Illustrated Historical Atlas of Northumberland and Durham Counties, Ontario." Belleville: Mika Silk Screening Limited, 1972.

Display note(s)

    Equivalent terms

    County of Peterborough

      Associated terms

      County of Peterborough

        104 Archival description results for County of Peterborough

        74 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
        Alan Brunger fonds
        08-004 · Fonds · 1972-1992

        Fonds consists of Professor Alan Brunger's research material pertaining to the historical geography of Bon Echo Provincial Park and Algonquin Provincial Park. Included in the Algonquin materials are aerial photographs and photographs of the Dennison Farm property. Also included is historical geography research material and microfilm reels relating to the Peter Robinson Irish emigration to the Peterborough area.

        Brunger, Alan
        20-004 · Fonds · 1746; 1815-1991

        This fonds consists of Professor Brunger's research in 19th century Canadian historical geography, mainly in Upper Canada/Ontario, focused on emigration from the U.K. and settlement in Newcastle (Peterborough County) District and London (Talbot Settlement) District. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.

        Brunger, Alan
        Andrew Mather letter
        76-1012 · Item · 1839

        This item is a letter written by Andrew Mather of Beadnell, 9th Concession, Otonabee Township to his son-in-law Jonathan MacDougall after the death of Mather's daughter. The letter outlines the opportunities open to MacDougall if he were to choose to settle in Otonabee Township. The letter also gives news of neighbours and friends. Included is a transcript and comments regarding MacDougall by Margaret Dunham Vanderploeg, great granddaughter of MacDougall.

        Mather, Andrew
        77-029 · Series · 1871
        Part of Census microfilm collection

        The microfilms are copies of the decennial nominal census for Peterborough County from 1871. The microfilm also includes census records for parts of Northumberland East, Prince Edward and Hastings Counties.

        Canada. Peterborough County Census.
        86-027 · Fonds · 1824-1958

        This addition to the fonds consists of newspaper clippings, correspondence, photographs, music books, notes and memorabilia concerning various parts of Peterborough County.

        Choate family
        13-008 · Fonds · 1824-1952

        Fonds consists of original letters, certificates, sketches and maps pertaining to the family of Thomas Alexander Stewart and Frances Stewart of Peterborough, Ontario and their descendents. Included are letters to Ellen Dunlop written by Frances Stewart, Catharine Parr Traill, Harriet Beaufort, and others. Also included are pieces of sheet music and music certificates of Alice Roger Collins; medical certificates of Doctor Thomas Hay; newspaper clippings related to Katherine E. Wallis; and a scrapbook of nineteenth-century ferns and mosses of the United Kingdom.

        Collins and Gammon families
        David Brown collection
        98-015 · Collection · 1826-1967

        This collection consists of miscellaneous ledgers and legal documents of businesses, doctors, etc. in Peterborough, surrounding counties and areas in southern Ontario.

        Brown, David
        David Macmillan collection
        05-003 · Collection · 1655-1918

        This collection is comprised of disparate documents collected by Professor David Macmillan. The scope of the papers is primarily North America, 1680 to 1918.

        Macmillan, David Stirling
        95-016 · Fonds · 1898-1993

        This addition to the fonds consists of articles and booklets written by Frank Morris; manuscripts and published articles by Douglas Sadler; correspondence, minutes of meetings relating to Sadler's involvment in environmental and naturalist issues and activities; correspondence relating to Teacher's College and several issues of the Young Naturalist.

        Sadler, Douglas
        96-001 · Fonds · 1930-1990 ; predominant 1952-1959

        This addition to the fonds consists of bird spotting forms for the Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas and Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas error forms. Also included in the fonds are numerous publications and newsletters from various naturalist clubs across Ontario.

        Sadler, Douglas
        Dunsford family tree
        04-1008 · Item · 1886

        Item is a rolled family tree with the title "Pedigree of the family of Dunsford." It was compiled in 1886 by George Lichigaray Dunsford of Exeter. The earliest information is dated 1631 and the latest 1884.

        Dunsford family
        01-1007 · Fonds · 1840, 1995

        Fonds consists of 7 watercolours done by Edward C. Caddy. Likely locale of some of the paintings was supplied by Professor Gordon Roper; these locations include Scotland (2), Gull Lake, Stoney Lake, Lake Superior. Two have no indication of location. Also included is a two section map showing Herriots Mill near Kitchiwannoe Lake, and a map (mockup) of Peterborough, Ontario entitled "Location of Built Heritage (demolished and standing) in relation to the MNR building site", 1995.

        Caddy, Edward C.
        72-001 · Fonds · 1838-1935

        The fonds consists of family and related papers of Henry Fowlds and his family including James S. Fowlds and H.M. Fowlds. It also includes business correspondence, invoices, some journals and cashbooks, mortgages as well as deeds regarding the business of Henry Fowlds, Jas. S. Fowlds and Bros. and H.M. Fowlds. In December 2001, Trent University Archives launched an online exhibit which depicts Helen Fowld's experiences in World War I. All her letters and diaries are transcribed and are found at the following site: [Nursing Sister Helen L. Fowlds: A Canadian Nurse in World War I.]:

        Fowlds family and business
        Frances Stewart fonds
        74-1005 · Fonds · 1823-1854

        The fonds consists of three original letters. Two are written to Harriet Beaufort, the third and last one to Maria Noble. Letter #1 (November 9, 1823-December 6, 1823), tells of mail received, the death of Frances' daughter Bessie, description of produce, and of difficulties in communication with Cobourg. Letter #2 (January 27, 1824-February 5, 1824), describes Frances' troubles with servants, of Tom's trip to Cobourg over the Rice Lake/Peterborough Road, and his getting lost on the lake, and her new baby girl. Letter #3, written from Goodwood, (April 11, 1854), tells of Tom's death, and her reflections on it.

        Stewart, Frances Anne