Fonds 78-003 - Thomas H.B. Symons fonds : Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Thomas H.B. Symons fonds : Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples

General material designation

    Parallel title

    Other title information

    Title statements of responsibility

    Title notes

    • Source of title proper: Title based on the creator of the fonds

    Level of description


    Reference code


    Edition area

    Edition statement

    Edition statement of responsibility

    Class of material specific details area

    Statement of scale (cartographic)

    Statement of projection (cartographic)

    Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

    Statement of scale (architectural)

    Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

    Dates of creation area


    • 1965-1973 (Creation)
      Symons, Thomas H.B.

    Physical description area

    Physical description

    1.7 m of textual records

    Publisher's series area

    Title proper of publisher's series

    Parallel titles of publisher's series

    Other title information of publisher's series

    Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

    Numbering within publisher's series

    Note on publisher's series

    Archival description area

    Name of creator


    Biographical history

    Thomas H.B. Symons was born at Toronto, Ontario 30 May 1929, son of Harry Lutz Symons and Dorothy Sarah Bull. He was educated at Upper Canada College, University of Toronto (B.A. 1951), and Oxford University (B.A. 1953, M.A. 1957). He married Christine Ryerson 17 August 1963 and with her had three children: Mary, Ryerson and Jeffery. Professor Symons held many posts as an educator, including Assistant Dean of Men, Trinity College and Instructor of History, University of Toronto 1953-1955; and Dean, Devonshire House, University of Toronto 1955-63. His most notable post, however, was as the founding President and Vice-Chancellor of Trent University, 1961-1972. Symons also held many presidencies, chairmanships and memberships in various organizations, mainly dealing with the topics of education, Canadian studies, Indigenous rights and human rights. From 1971 to 1973, Symons was the President of the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples. He was the author of several reports and articles and contributed chapters to many books including: "Political Education in Canada" 1988; "Archives Libraries and the Canadian Heritage" 1983; "A Century of Canada's Arctic Islands, 1880-1980" 1981; "A History of Peel County" 1967; and "Native Rights in Canada" 1970. Professor Symons resided in Peterborough, Ontario until his death on January 1, 2021.

    Name of creator


    Administrative history

    The Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples was an association of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, working in support of Indigenous peoples. It was originally established in 1957 under the name of the National Commission on the Indian Canadian, as a non-native organization created to study the "Indian problem." The first chairman of the Commission was Mrs. W.H. Clark. By February 1958, Indigenous people were invited to join in the work of the Commission. In 1960, the Indian-Eskimo Association (IEA) was incorporated, with Mrs. Clark as the first president. The IEA had several functions, including encouraging Indigenous leaders to form organizations, fund-raising, organizing workshops to discuss native housing, community and economic development, and providing advice and support in legal matters. Provincial and regional divisions were also created to help deal with specific issues. By 1968, several national and provincial Indigenous organizations had been organized and in September 1968, leaders of these organizations met with representatives of the IEA to discuss the future role of the Association. It was agreed that these Indigenous organizations still needed the IEA's support, but they should begin to deal directly with governments, without the IEA acting as the middleman. It was clear that the future of the IEA was to provide only support and advice to the developing Indigenous-led organizations. In 1972, many of the recommendations made in 1968 had come into effect. The name was changed to the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples to more accurately reflect the new functions of the Association. At this time, regional offices of the Association were closed, and the head office moved from Toronto to Ottawa. The Association dissolved in 2015.

    Custodial history

    The fonds was created by Thomas H.B. Symons, during his association with the Canadian Association in Support of Native Peoples, and in his custody before he donated it to the Trent University Archives.

    Scope and content

    This fonds consists of the records of Thomas H.B. Symons relating to the Canadian Association In Support of Native Peoples of which he became president in 1971. The fonds includes correspondence, minutes, reports, briefs, memoranda, clippings and other records.

    Notes area

    Physical condition

    Immediate source of acquisition

    The fonds was donated by Professor Thomas H.B. Symons


    Language of material

      Script of material

        Location of originals

        Availability of other formats

        Restrictions on access


        Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

        Finding aids

        Associated materials

        For related records see: 75-015 and 77-018


        General note

        Box 1

        Folder 1:

        "Hot File" correspondence, November 9 1965 - March 20 1967, re NOREC, education, membership, president's report, workshops at Wikwemikong and Spanish River

        Announcement of above workshops

        Article about cultural adjustment ("To be or to become")

        Information, notes about NOREC


        Annual meeting and conference, Fort William, November 18-20 1966

        "The Canadian Indian: his heritage, hardships and opportunities"

        Indian Eskimo Association conference on education: "Indian Education" and "Education for what?"

        By-laws of the Ontario Division of the Indian Eskimo Association

        Letter and bulletin re conference, June 1966

        Minutes: Training courses for Indian women, Toronto, June 30 1965; mid-year board of directors meeting, Toronto, June 24 1967 and related documents

        Rough notes relating to educational issues

        Clippings, April 21 1965 - April 12 1969, re Eskimos in Quebec; view of Indians distorted by Francis Parkman; Indian Affairs pamphlet re Indian Eskimo Association

        Folder 2:

        Pamphlet relating to the Indian Eskimo Association

        Reports of the executive director to the sixth annual meeting, October 21 1965 and to the eleventh annual meeting, June 1970


        Eleventh annual meeting of members and directors' meeting, plus notice of meeting, June 12-14 1970

        Meeting of directors, Ottawa, June 13-14 1970, and documents relating to meeting (minutes of mid-term board meeting, 1970, and financial statements

        Minutes: Eleventh annual meeting of members, June 13 1970

        Agendas: Meetings of president with executive director, August 2 and 9, 1972

        Lists of members of executive committee and board of directors and of possible new names for the Indian Eskimo Association

        Rough notes from meetings

        Minutes of western regional meeting, November 23 1969, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology

        Notice and report of discussions of eastern regional meeting and executive meeting, October 17-18 1970, Halifax

        Material re library, books by and about Indians, multi-media kit

        Article re contributions made to American society by Indians and other material re same


        C.A.S.N.P. fund-raising programme

        "The Canadian Indian in Ontario school texts, February 1970

        "Indians and the city contract with secretary of state", March 1971

        Presentation to Senate committee on poverty

        Indian Eskimo Association of Canada brief to the special joint committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on the constitution of Canada

        Memoranda, September 22 1970 - June 12 1973 re library; loaning of funds; administration; submissions to various organizations

        Correspondence, June 8-30 1972 re land rights, Canadian north

        Folder 3:

        Drafts of message from new president; open letter from president to members; biographical notes; letter to John E. Gasson; letter to heads of corporations re financial aid for C.A.S.N.P.; new membership brochure; submission to Minister of Education, February - March 1973

        Folder 4:

        Schedule of events, registration form, agenda for twelfth annual meeting, June 11-13 1971, Toronto

        Report of executive director, nominating committee and financial report

        Minutes of board meetings, February 19-21 and June 13 1971

        Correspondence, June 14-17 1971; clipping, June 14 1971; Indian Eskimo Association bulletin, May 1971, re annual meeting

        Memoranda, agendas, reports, correspondence, minutes re thirteenth annual meeting, June 10 1972, and board of directors meeting, June 9 and 11 1972

        Speech by T.H.B. Symons to thirteenth annual meeting, and rough notes for speech (ms.)

        Folder 5:

        President's report to the General Assembly on the Activities of the National Indian Brotherhood for fiscal 1971-72

        Folder 6:

        Correspondence, March-October 1973, re relations between social science researchers and native groups; fishing rights; course at McGill

        Letter, June 28 1973, inviting Hon. Hugh Faulkner to be guest speaker at annual meeting dinner

        Notes for introduction of Faulkner

        Financial statements, reports

        Agendas and exhibits for executive committee meetings, September 14 1973, and October 12 1973

        C.A.S.N.P. annual report of the executive director to members of the association, 1973

        Agenda for business session of fourteenth annual general meeting, September 1973, and documents relating to meeting, including amended aims and objectives of the Association, by-laws, minutes of thirteenth annual meeting, June 1973

        Correspondence, March-September 1973 renomination of new president, pipeline development advisory committee, etc.

        Agenda and exhibits for board meeting, September 16 1973

        Miscellaneous notes, memoranda and papers relating to general meeting

        Folder 7:

        Agendas for meeting of directors, June 13-14 1970, Ottawa, and eleventh annual meeting of members, June 1-14 1970

        Minutes of mid-tem board meeting, January 30 - February 1 1970

        Special report on by-laws arising from board meeting, January 30 - February 1 1970, by Mrs. W.H. Clark

        Memorandum, June 5 1970, re loaning funds; financial statement, March 31 1970

        Clippings (xeroxes), May 26 - July 23 1970, re land rights: Harold Cardinal and the Red Paper; Iroquois confederacy; Eskimo rights; poverty

        Minutes of the annual meeting of directors, June 13-14 1970, Ottawa, and of the meeting of the board of directors, June 13 1971, Toronto

        Minutes, reports, correspondence, schedules relating to mid-term meeting of board, February 19-21 1971, at Trent University

        Minutes of Inuit meetings, February 18 1971

        Folder 8:

        Memoranda, agenda, programme, rough notes re board meeting in Whitehorse, October 1-5 1971

        Minutes of meeting, financial statements, brief re Yukon Indian bands

        Memoranda re Information Centre, employee benefits, January 14-16 1972 board meeting, National Development Fund, staffing of Indian Eskimo Association

        Tentative agenda for January board meeting

        Rough notes (xerox and original) from meeting

        Agenda, memoranda, correspondence, reports relating to board of directors meeting held at University of Toronto, March 17-19 1972


        • estimate of cost to move to Ottawa

        • name change

        • citizens support committee

        • committee to select executive director

        Brief re Resource and Information Centre financial statements; rough notes; minutes of January directors' meeting

        Folder 9:

        Agenda, memoranda, reports relating to board of directors meeting, June 11 1972, Toronto

        Agenda and exhibits for board of directors meeting, October 13-15 1972

        Box 2

        Folder 1:

        Correspondence, June 9-18 1972, re library, aircraft, resource people


        • president's meeting with executive director, June 23 1972, and exhibits

        • executive committee meeting, July 10 1972, Toronto

        Minutes of executive committee meeting, April 11 1972, Toronto

        Drafts: of letters to members, native organizations; of letters to members, native organizations; of letters of thanks; and of announcement for the Globe and Mail and the Financial Post and various other papers

        Memo, program, draft agenda and exhibits for board meeting, January 13-21 1973, Winnipeg

        Miscellaneous exhibits, list of names for reception

        Agenda and exhibits for board meeting, April 14-15 1973, in Montreal

        Correspondence from various members of parliament re public forum on James Bay

        Folder 2:

        Agenda (draft and final) for board meeting, January 19 1973, Winnipeg; exhibits for meeting

        Rough notes re broadcasting; clipping re CBC

        Correspondence, January - August 1973, re Indian and Metis Brotherhood at Stoney Mountain Penitentiary meetings, James Bay, etc.; memoranda

        Agenda for executive committee meeting, March 2 1973, Toronto

        Minutes of board meetings, September 14-16 1973

        Agenda and exhibits for board of directors meeting, June 23 1973, December 2 1973, and September 1974

        Folder 3:

        Minutes, executive committee meeting, May 18 1971

        Minutes, exhibits, correspondence, executive committee meeting, July 6 1971

        Agenda, minutes, correspondence, executive committee meeting, September 7 1971

        Agenda for T.H.B. Symons/Allan Clark meeting, October 10 1971

        Agenda, minutes, exhibits for executive meeting, November 2 1971

        Agenda, minutes, exhibits for executive meeting, December 9 1971

        Papers, memoranda, notes on organizational (Support Cardinal) meeting, December 14 1971

        Agenda, minutes, exhibits for executive meeting, December 29 1971

        Agenda, minutes, exhibits, notes for executive meeting, January 18 1972

        Rough minutes, exhibits for executive meeting, April 11 1972

        Folder 4:

        Agenda, papers, exhibits, minutes for first C.A.S.N.P. meeting; Indian Eskimo Association by-laws, July 10 1972

        Papers on Indian Eskimo Association administrative procedures; material on C.A.S.N.P. library and Symons' presidency of the association

        Agenda for meeting of president and executive director of the association, September 16 1972

        Folder 5:

        Agenda, exhibits, minutes, correspondence for executive committee meeting, September 1 1972

        Memoranda, June 29 - November 23 1972, re meetings, funds, grant, liaison with National Indian Brotherhood

        Miscellaneous exhibits

        Folder 6:

        Agenda, exhibits for executive committee meeting, December 8 1972

        Agenda and some exhibits, minutes, executive committee, March 2 1973

        Agenda, exhibits for executive committee meeting, May 11 1973

        Agenda and exhibits, executive committee meeting, June 22 1973

        Minutes of executive committee meeting, October 12 1973

        Agenda, exhibits for executive committee meeting, August 28 1974

        Folder 7:

        Memoranda and correspondence, June 12 1970 - March 25 1971, re nominating committee and nomination

        Rough notes, lists of proposed committee members

        Minutes of meeting of ad hoc committee of by-law review, November 16 1970

        Memo re report of by-law committee and draft of by-laws, February 4 1971

        Letter to board re by-law committee, March 5 1971

        Report of executive director, June 1970, Symons' copy with notations

        Agenda, minutes for nominating committee meeting, April 5 1971, Toronto

        Minutes and draft minutes of nominating committee meeting, April 5 1971

        Correspondence, April 7 - May 7 1971, to proposed nominees and leaders of national native organizations re appointing delegates

        Memoranda re acceptances, April 29 - May 25 1971

        Correspondence re further meetings, April 6 - May 26 1971

        Biographical notes

        Agenda and exhibits for nominating committee meeting, May 26 1971, Toronto

        Schedule for twelfth annual meeting

        Minutes of nominating committee meeting, May 26 1971

        Correspondence, memoranda re nominations

        Agenda and exhibits for nominating committee meeting, June 11 1971, Toronto

        Rough draft and final minutes of meetings of nominating committee, June 11-13 1971, and memorandum

        Rough notes for presentation of report of nominating committee and copy report

        Correspondence re nominations

        Folder 8:

        Correspondence, February 22 - September 27 1971, re legal committee meetings

        Memoranda, February 3 1970 - May 9 1972, re legal committee, aboriginal rights, legal aid in Northwest Territories, certification of documents, etc.

        Agenda for legal committee meeting, June 24 1971

        Minutes of legal committee meetings, March 1 - April 19 1971

        Box 3

        Folder 1:

        Minutes of speakers' bank meeting, June 23 1971

        Correspondence, May 25 - November 16 1971, re Symons' participation in speakers' bank

        Correspondence and papers relating to the advisory committee to the Native Council of Canada, 1972-1973, on Metis land claims and other claims and rights

        • proposals for land claims research programs for Metis and Non-Status Indians, by province (or territory)

        • brief re Metis people and land question in Alberta

        Notes for a meeting of the advisory committee on land claims, November 30 1972

        Outline of research design report

        Agenda and documents for meeting of the advisory committee on land claims research, March 9 1973

        Folder 2:

        Papers re Trent University liaison and involvement in Indian Affairs

        Agenda suggestions for meeting with Allan Clark, October 7 1970, and related documents and correspondence

        Notes from meeting with Allan Clark

        Agenda and exhibits for meeting with Allan Clark and Harvey McCue, December 2 1970

        Agenda and exhibits for meeting with Allan Clark, January 21 1971. Synopsis of meeting

        Agenda for meeting with Allan Clark, and exhibits, n.d.

        Agenda for meeting between Allan Clark and T.H.B. Symons, Harvey McCue and J.J.D. Redditt, March 23 1971; exhibits

        Agenda and exhibits for meeting of G. Allan Clark, Harvey A. McCue, and T.H.B. Symons, May 4 1971

        Minutes of executive meeting, March 16 1971, and miscellaneous correspondence

        Correspondence, clippings, briefs re involvement of Trent University and other programs, July 1970 - February 1973

        Folder 3:

        Agenda and exhibits for president's meeting with G. Allan Clark and John E. Gasson, July 18 1972; material from Elliott Business Systems Division

        Folder 4:

        Correspondence and memoranda, October 2 1967; April 16 1968; January 1970 - June 1972 including:

        correspondence, memoranda and progress reports relating to the precarious financial situation of the Indian Eskimo Association at that time, and the organizational changes precipitated by this situation (ie. change of name, move to Ottawa, change in aims)

        Folder 5:

        Correspondence, memoranda, July 1972 - September 1972, re change of executive director, congratulatory notes, letters requesting references, letters re meetings and financial matters, re Opportunities for Youth projects, etc.

        Folder 6:

        Correspondence and memoranda, October 1972 - June 8 1973, re finances, library, C.B.C.'s northern programming, aboriginal rights, meetings, education, relationship with George Manuel of National Indian Brotherhood (November 9 1972 and January 1973), James Bay question (eg. December 14 1972 and December 22 1972)

        Correspondence: John E. Gasson to Grand Chief D. Courchene, Winnipeg re support by non-natives, December 21 1972

        Letters from Frank Taiotekane Horn, Caughnawaga, re misuse of word "native" and about James Bay, January 20 1973 and February 22 1973

        Brief re Indian and Metis Brotherhood Organization at Stoney Mountain penitentiary, Manitoba

        Clippings, January 19 - March 21 1973

        Folder 7:

        Correspondence, August 8 1973 - September 21 1973, re CASNP's submission to secretary of state - report of past and planned activities

        Copies of submission to Secretary of State and grant application

        Correspondence, April 17 - September 5 1974, re request by Native Council of Canada for land claims research assistance (24, 26 and 31 July 1974); also re library, requests to premiers for financial assistance

        Supplementary letters patent issued to CASNP, February 18 1974

        Minutes of unofficial meeting of board of directors, April 28 1974

        Clippings, June 8 - July 9 1974

        Folder 8:

        Correspondence, June 28 - September 25 1974

        Memoranda, June 3, August 16, September 24 1974

        Minutes of executive meeting, August 28 1974, and annual general meeting, September 15 1973

        CASNP submission to the Hon. Thomas Wells, Minister of Education, Province of Ontario, March 12 1973

        Submission to Mr. R. Horsfield, corporate manager - Arctic, Imperial Oil, May 25 1973

        Brief to Indian Affairs Department with covering letters to Deputy Minister Basil Robinson, June 28 1973, and related letter

        CASNP submission to Secretary of State and covering letter to Bernard Ostry, Under-Secretary of State, August 8 1973

        CASNP submission to the Steel Company of Canada, and letter to J.P.G. Gordon, president

        Working copy of submission, August 9 1973

        Financial statements, March 31 1970 - June 30 1972

        Correspondence, July 8 1971 - January 27 1972 re grant requests

        Memoranda, June 22 - December 31 1972, re grants, policy on expense accounts, core funding of native organizations, financial situation, 1971

        Statements of executive director on conditions and aims - membership, fund-raising, projects 1973

        Alphabetical subject files

        Folder 9:

        Clipping from Globe and Mail, June 9 1970, re Alberta Indian Development System

        List of board of governors of Arctic Institute of North America. Press release re Canada Council grants

        Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies list of publications, February 1971. Clippings re Chretien in New Zealand, land rights in Australia, March 26 1971 - February 5 1972

        British Columbia - correspondence and clippings re land rights and re Coqualeetza Indian Hospital, November 9 1970 - May 1 1971

        Calder case (Nishka Indians, British Columbia) - letter for Original Peoples' Entitlements (C.O.P.E.) in case; notice of motion for leave to intervene (xerox) to the Supreme Court of Canada from C.O.P.E.

        Cape Croker - correspondence, December 1971 - August 1972, between T.H.B. Symons and Dr. James A. Duran, Jr., Ransomville, New York, re latter's work at Cape Croker and Trent students working there; and between Symons and Giles Keeshig, band administrator, re request that Trent study land and water rights of Cape Croker and Saugeen bands; clippings

        Correspondence, James J.D. Redditt, with Harold Cardinal, June 8-10 1970; clippings re Cardinal's resignation as president of the Association of Alberta Indians, and re the "Red Paper", June 4 1970 - June 27 1972

        Castellano - letter to James J.D. Redditt from D.B. Sutherland, president, Sir Sandford Fleming College; copy of "Red Hopes and White Reality", October 1970, and "The Native Settlement at Burleigh Falls" by Marlene Castellano, October 1970; transcript of remarks made by Harold Cardinal when presenting "Red Paper" to federal cabinet in Ottawa

        Committee for Original People's Entitlement - agenda, eleventh annual meeting, June 12-14 1970, with panel discussion re Native Rights in Canada and panelist from C.O.P.E.; correspondence and clippings, September 12 1970 - April 27 1971 re C.O.P.E.

        Committee on the Constitution of Canada - memo re brief to constitutional committee; copy of brief; brief presented by Union of Ontario Indians to the Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on the Constitution of Canada

        Folder 10:

        Community Development and Native Industry - correspondence, January 1968, re community development programs; transcript of comments made by Andrew Nicholas re community development, April 17 1968, at St. Mary's reserve hall; clippings, April 19 - May 22 1971

        The Community Indian - brochure re multimedia kit

        Curve Lake Reserve - correspondence, May 26 1966 - December 28 1971; letters from T.H.B. Symons to Chiefs Dalton Jacobs and Elsie Knott and other band members; letters re Canadian Federation of University Women's Conference at Curve Lake; biographical notes; clippings, May 21 1966 - April 10 1971; series of articles in Peterborough Examiner about Curve Lake; "Hike for Hundreds" (Trent to Curve Lake walk held in 1968); retirement of Dalton Jacobs and election of Mrs. Elsie Knott as chief, etc.

        Discrimination - correspondence, memoranda, clippings, June 1970 - May 1972

        Folder 11:

        Education - correspondence, August 11 1970 - December 28 1971; clippings and articles, March 1970 - June 1973; report by United States Subcommittee on Indian Education (xerox), November 3 1969; syllabus for Indian-Eskimo studies, Trent University, 1970; pamphlets re North American Indian Travelling College; brief re Indian Eskimo Association public education program; National Indian Brotherhood Policy paper re "Indian control of Indian education"

        Box 4

        Folder 1:


        -Alaska - correspondence, March 12 - October 6 1971, with University of Alaska and United States Department of Education re Federal Bilingual Education Act; clippings, September 15, 1970 - April 22 1971; press releases; xerox copies of legislation proposed by Alaska Federation of Natives for settlement of land claim; Banks Island - correspondence, November 11-13 1970, re report on oil and gas exploration in Mackenzie Delta; communique re same, November 3 1970; clippings September 13 1970 - March 6 1971; material re fifth National Northern Development conference, November 4-6 1970 (xerox)

        -Coppermine Conference - minutes of conference, July 14-18 1970; resolutions of same; correspondence, August 12 - September 9 1970, re report of Arctic Slope Native organization to conference; clippings, July 18 - August 1 1970, re resolution sent to Prime Minister Trudeau by conference to halt oil exploration on Banks Island, etc.

        -General - letter re Eskimo and Metis population, August 27 1970; clippings, June 22 1970 - February 4 1972, re education, culture, oil exploration, discrimination, article re Polar Eskimos of Thule, Greenland

        -Quebec - clippings, March 26 1970 - April 27 1971, re federal or provincial control over Quebec Eskimos; co-op at Fort Chimo; no vote provincially for Eskimos in unorganized territory; land of education of Eskimos

        -Northwest Territories Council - "Survey report to the Anglican Church of the Western Region of the Northwest Territories", September 30 1970, by Professor Robert K. Thomas and Reverend John A. Mackenzie; clippings, December 23 1970 - December 9 1971

        Folder 2:

        Federation of Saskatchewan Indians - clipping, October 23 1970; correspondence, August 12 1970 - March 24 1972

        Clipping July 9 1970, re First Citizen, newspaper speaking for Canadian Indians

        Gas Arctic - Northwest study group - clippings, July 25 - August 11 1972

        Government: positive reaction statements - correspondence, June 19 1970 - December 23 1971; requests for information and literature; memoranda, July 7 - October 30 1969, re White Paper on Indian Policy; copy of speech by Jean Chretien, October 2 1969; copy of Harold Cardinal's speech re "Red Paper"; statement by Prime Minister at meeting with Indian Association of Alberta and National Indian Brotherhood in Ottawa, June 4 1970; clippings, July 8 1969 - May 6 1972, re policy statement; Red Paper; land claims; summer jobs for Indians; oil in North, etc.; re report of Committee on Indian Education to House of Commons with copy of report, June 22 1971

        British Columbia Homemakers' proposal for consideration to the Indian-Eskimo Association conference, Whitehorse, and the Human Rights Conference, Quesnel, October 1-3 1971, re housing, financial support

        IEA-OXFAM - correspondence, memoranda re OXFAM, funding for aeroplane, purchase of aeroplane, July 20 1971 - April 19 1972; brief re OXFAM; biography of Wally Firth (pilot)

        Indian Act - appeal from the Federal Court of Appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada re loss of Native status by Native women who marry non-Natives; clippings, July 15 1969 - October 8 1971, re termination/loss of status

        Indian-Eskimo Association: western region - outline of Metis and Non-Status Indian history of the prairies and British Columbia; brief re British Columbia land claims (xerox); report of western region activities

        Folder 3:

        Indian Association of Alberta - clippings, June 1970 - December 1971, re Harold Cardinal, "Red Paper", education, etc.; copy of Citizens Plus (the "Red Paper"; pamphlets re Indian Association of Alberta and Alberta Indian Education Centre

        Indians and the 1972 election - National Indian Brotherhood's projection for 1972 election; article, February 27 1973, re possible formation of a Native people's party; press release, April 2 1973, from the New Democratic Party re development task force

        Institute for Northern Studies - correspondence, May 1971, re University of Canada North; northern conference

        Folder 4:

        Inuit Tapirisat of Canada - minutes of meeting, February 13-22 1971, Toronto; correspondence, February 22 1971 - September 7 1972, re founding conference of Inuit Tapirisat, letter of congratulations from T.H.B. Symons to Tagak Curley; memoranda, July 28 1971 - September 8 1972, re conference, syllabic typewriters; description of coining of word "Inuit"; clippings, February 22-25 1971

        Iroquois confederacy - statement of claim and statement of defence in the Supreme Court of Ontario re dispute between elected band council and Iroquois "Warriors", July 15 1970 (xerox); "The Chretien White Paper: Peril and Opportunity", speech given by James A. Duran to Institute of Iroquoian Studies seminar, University of Waterloo, October 3 1970; program of seminar; clippings, June 11 1970 - January 13 1971, re lockout of band council, various aspects of dispute

        James Bay development - correspondence, August 2 1972 - February 9 1973, re CASNP meetings in Winnipeg; position paper on James Bay development program, James Bay committee, March 1972; clippings, August 14 1972 - February 17 1973, re people of James Bay, rights involved

        Legal aid - federal - Northwest Territories - correspondence, September 1 - October 1 1971; requests for material; copy of memorandum of agreement between the Government of Canada and the government of the Northwest Territories to set up a legal aid program for the people of the Northwest Territories, August 17 1971 (xerox); press release and clipping re agreement

        Manitoba Indian Brotherhood - letter, clippings, July 13 1970 - December 23 1971, re Chief Dave Courchene; Grand Rapids hydro project; education control

        Maritime Indian - copy of an address given by Professor Doug Saunders, research director, Native Rights in Canada, to a joint meeting of Union of Nova Scotia Indians and Union of New Brunswick Indians on "Legal status of Indians in the Maritimes", Halifax, October 16 1970; clippings, October 17 1970 - May 4 1971, re housing, pollution, oyster farming, poverty, education, "tax war" of Nova Scotia Indians with province, grants

        Media - transcript of meeting between CBC officials and Native leaders, November 22 1972, Ottawa; application by CASNP for free or special rate time from broadcasting stations; clippings re Anik

        Clipping re firing of six employees of the Metis Association of Alberta over land demonstration, May 1 1971

        Metis Federation of Manitoba - clippings, June 24 1970 - April 14 1971, re "lost" Indians (ie. loss of treaty status); formation of Native Council of Canada; housing

        National Foundation of Native Peoples - correspondence, June 18 - August 16 1971, memos, notes re National Foundation for Native Progress, National Native Development Fund

        Folder 5:

        National Indian Brotherhood - correspondence, March 23 1971 - March 20 1972; memoranda, September 2 1970 and July 26 1971; brief re the negotiating committee of the National Indian Brotherhood; report on terms of reference for negotiating council, January 1971; speech, "the National Indian Brotherhood and a National Policy by Indian People" delivered by George Manuel, president, November 9 1971; clippings, October 5 1970 - April 5 1972

        Native claims - correspondence, August 20 1970 - May 20 1971, re land issues; papers "Anthropologists in the United States and the Indian claims committee" and "First priority: an Indian claims act"; clippings, spring 1970 - March 8 1973, re land disputes, cash settlements

        Comments of Andrew Delisle re autonomy; the Supreme Court of Canada; Frank Calder et al v. the Attorney of British Columbia and Committee for Original People's Entitlement; brief, "The Metis people and the land question in Alberta"; agenda, notes, for meetings of advisory committee on land claims, November 30 1972 and March 9 1973; outline of research design report; proposed land claims research programs

        Folder 6:

        Native Council of Canada - telegram, July 27 1971, from Andrew Nicholas, Indian Eskimo Association president, to prime minister and cabinet re support for funding of Native Council; correspondence, January 21 - February 15 1972; tentative agenda of second annual general assembly of the Native Council of Canada; brief presented to Gerard Pelletier, secretary of state; clippings

        Native Council of Canada reserve project - rough first draft of brief, "Metis and non-status Indian land claims: a suggested approach for development of a research program design", E.R. McEwan, October 1972

        Native peoples' bibliography - correspondence, March 23 - April 12 1972; "Indian studies programmes in Canadian schools", November 17 1971; "Farming for Canadian Indians? an economist's view", by Helen Buckley, January 1970

        Native peoples' culture - correspondence, August 12 - 25 1970, re Kenomadiwin Radio Native languages; resolutions made at the first Indian ecumenical conference, Crow Agency, Montana, August 13-19 1970, and report on the conference; material re Manitu Arts Foundation; clippings, March 26 1970 - June 8 1972, re culture centre; Indians and Eskimos at Mariposa Folk Festival; radio show in Cree; bilingualism in English and Blackfoot; article re Indians of Tierra del Fuego

        Native peoples: economics - clippings, July 23 1970 - August 1 1972, re housing, inadequacy of grants, food, L.I.P. grants

        Native peoples: legal matters - clippings, December 15 1971 - June 23 1972, re committee to study Indians in court, allegations of bias in legal matters, land claims; article form Canadian Bar Review, September 1967, "The unique constitutional position of the Canadian Indian" by Kenneth Lysyk

        Native peoples philosophies - clippings, 1967, November 5 1971 - December 30 1971, re integration versus assimilation, violence, Indians in Toronto

        Folder 7:

        Native rights: correspondence - correspondence, May 7 - August 21 1970, re review of Native Rights in Canada, written by T.H.B. Symons for Bulletin; Symons' connection with research committee; discussions with various people about Native rights; report by Dr. N.A.M. Mackenzie, April 9 1970; clippings re Native rights

        Native rights: issues, statements - correspondence, clippings, text of speech by Dr. James A. Duran (re White Paper), August 1969 - May 1971 re policy, land rights, legality of Indian Act, Iroquois confederacy, etc.; additional clippings, April 1970 - April 1974

        Northern development - clippings, November 1970 - April 1971, November 1972, re oil exploration in North, tankers, pipeline, "White Power" in Yellowknife, ecological disputes, social problems

        Northwest Territories Indian Brotherhood - clippings, May 1970 - May 1971, April 23 1973 re discrimination, telsat, Dogrib village at Rae Lakes, education; correspondence

        Ontario Metis and Non-Status Indian Association - correspondence re funds and internal problems; clippings re housing, growth of association; financial statement year ending March 31 1972; agenda of founding meeting, March 27 1971, Thunder Bay; observations made by James J.D. Redditt at meeting

        Quebec Indian Association - clippings, March 1971 - April 1972, re James Bay, land claims, rejection by Indians of Dorion report on territorial policy; "Issues and events: the beginners' survival kit", March 1972

        Progressive Conservative party: policy on Native peoples - correspondence, briefs, clippings, March 1967; April - May 1971; remarks by Robert Stanfield re condition of Indians, Calgary, March 21 1967; draft of working committee policy proposal, April 4 1971; clipping, correspondence re policy paper

        Royalty tour of Northwest - clippings, July 13-16 1970, April 1971

        Syllabic typewriters - correspondence re Inuit Tapirisat contract with Olivetty Canada concerning production and sale of Cree-Eskimo syllabic typewriters, July-September 1972

        Symons, review of Native rights in Canada - pre-draft notes, drafts I-III (final) for review by T.H.B. Symons

        Folder 8:

        Symons - drafts, Native rights 2 - drafts of various chapters for the second edition of Native Rights in Canada with notes, comments, suggestions; correspondence re proof reading of drafts; pamphlet re second edition, June-July 1971

        Box 5

        Folder 1:

        Termination study - briefs, articles, memorandum, correspondence re United States termination policy and its relation to the 1969 White Paper; bibliography re termination; brief by James A. Duran re debate on Canadian Indian policy; brief "Indian problem or White problem?"; statement on Menominee Termination Act (United States); articles re effects of termination; correspondence, clippings, news release re the Union of New Brunswick Indians, June 1971; February 1973, re housing; L.I.P. grants; Union of Ontario Indians, clippings, January 1970 to May 1971 re self-help projects, work of Union towards Indian take-over of funds, services supplied by Government, housing, marketing of Indian crafts, study of Indians in Toronto, proposed mobile legal clinic; brief to Special Joint Committee on the Constitution of Canada, December 7 1970

        University of Canada North - clippings, correspondence, April 7 - December 4 1971

        U.S. Indian policies - correspondence, briefs, clippings; brief "The American Indian and the Bureau of Indian Affairs 1969", February 24 1969; copy of Bilingual Education Act (United States) and amendments; correspondence, January - December 1971; clippings, July 1970 - February 1972; reports

        Folder 2:

        Yukon Native Brotherhood - briefs re meeting to form a Yukon community of Tlingit and Haida Natives: "The Indian bands of the Yukon Territories"; "Aboriginal rights and the non-status Natives of the Yukon"; binder containing a letter reposition paper and summary of the land claims position paper of the Yukon Native Brotherhood and "Together today for our children tomorrow"; final draft of position paper with table of contents, five appendices


        Folder 3:

        Clippings from various newspapers, February 1970 - April 3 1972, re education, grants, cultural programs; president's report to Indian Eskimo Association, annual meeting, October 21 1965; draft of report "Community development services for Canadian Indian and Metis communities" by E.R. McEwen; note to Symons, August 22 1967; outline re North American Indians by Basil Johnston; memoranda, February 16 1967 - July 16 1968; report of second annual meeting and conference, November 24-25 1967; material re education; correspondence, March 1 - September 24 1971; clippings, April 25 1970 - October 4 1971, re land claims, Arctic, Six Nations, unemployment, food prices; articles re policy, Native rights, with correspondence, 1971; correspondence, clippings, memoranda re Canada Council grants, treaties, rights, Inuit Tapirisat

        Box 6

        Folder 1:

        Correspondence, memoranda, reports, clippings, press release, January - December 1972; report of executive director, June 1972; brief re program to send Indians, Eskimos to Arctic Sweden; material re native crafts; material re Cardinal, Chretien, representation to Prime Minister Trudeau; report on financial position; correspondence from Native club at Millhaven; James Bay committee position paper, March 1972; correspondence, clippings, memoranda, reports, July - November 1972, re fund raising, aircraft management committee report, fifth report of standing committee on Indian Affairs and Northern Development, land claims, education; exhibits for October 1972 board meeting

        Folder 2:

        Correspondence including letter to Hon. Jean Chretien and letter from Donald S. Macdonald, July 5 - September 11 1973; clippings, September 5 - September 14 1973; memorandum; correspondence and brief re proposed Native studies service and research program at Queen's University, January 1973; miscellaneous correspondence re commission on Canadian studies relating to the Arctic; memoranda; membership statistics, June - August 1973; correspondence, clippings, reports, memoranda, March-July 1973, re Eskimo art, library, membership, funding for Metis land claims research, James Bay, etc.

        Folder 3:

        Correspondence, clippings, briefs, memoranda, November 1972 - October 1973, re parole, education, art, nominations, meetings, pipeline, membership; brief of the Native Council of Canada to the prime minister, June 12 1973; correspondence re James Bay, Inuit land use study; brief re CASNP and transformation from Indian Eskimo Association; message from the new president (Symons) re role of national citizens' organization in support of Native peoples; Volume 11 Number 2, Volume 12 Number 2, Volume 12 Number 4, Volume 13 Number 2 of the Indian Eskimo Association bulletin, with notations; Volume 14 Number 2 of CASNP bulletin, with notations

        Folder 4:

        Tape recording - CASNP "All in a day"

        Box 7

        Folder 1:

        Miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1972

        Folder 2:

        Miscellaneous correspondence, memoranda, briefs, 1973; correspondence and papers re corporate donations, ie. Ford Foundation, Imperial Oil; brief re Cape Croker; basic kit used for inviting membership

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