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  • All photographic material: Includes negatives and slides

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          2157 Archival description results for Photographs

          2154 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          Alan Brunger fonds
          08-004 · Fonds · 1972-1992

          Fonds consists of Professor Alan Brunger's research material pertaining to the historical geography of Bon Echo Provincial Park and Algonquin Provincial Park. Included in the Algonquin materials are aerial photographs and photographs of the Dennison Farm property. Also included is historical geography research material and microfilm reels relating to the Peter Robinson Irish emigration to the Peterborough area.

          Brunger, Alan
          Aitken, William and Jean
          UPC/001(05) · File · [1989]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of a photograph of William (Bill) and Jean Aitken and a newspaper clipping from the Peterborough Examiner from November 18, 1989. The clipping is of William and Jean Aitken and the caption is marking their 50th wedding anniversary. Bill is the oldest Trent graduate, graduating on October 25, 1986 at the age of 74.

          Aitken, Gary
          UPC/001(04) · File · 1989
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of a single photograph from the "original class reunion, Autumn 1989. Photo includes Tod de Jager and Gary Aitken."

          Aitken, Andrew
          UPC/001(03) · File · 1969
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of a photograph - on verso is written "pre-dinner sherry in Abott House, fall 1969, photo includes Andrew Aitken, Paul Rodgers and Victoria [Fullen]."

          Advertising - Minorities
          23-010/001(07) · File · 1946-1972
          Part of CASNP Library Services collection
          1. Kassarjian, Harold H. The Negro and American advertising, 1946-1965
          2. Re ad by Township of Chinquacousy for Indian chief
          3. Newspaper clippings etc. 1968
          4. Newspaper clippings etc. 1969
          5. Newspaper clippings etc. 1971
          6. Newspaper clippings et. 1972
          7. Miscellaneous ads
          Adele Ebbs fonds
          97-009 · Fonds · [1930]-1990

          This fonds consists of documents and correspondence relating to the presentation of Trent University honorary degrees to Dr. J. Harry Ebbs and Mary Northway. The fonds also contains documents relating to Mary's death and her bequest of two million dollars to Trent University, various documents relating to Ontario camps and to the Brora Centre, and miscellaneous photographs.

          Ebbs, Adele
          80-014 · Fonds · 1909-1978

          The fonds consists of the personal records of Adele and Harry Ebbs relating to Camp Ahmek, Camp Wapameo, Algonquin Park Advisory Committee, Camp Tonakela (Madras, India) and camps in North Carolina, U.S.A. Also included are photographs as well as textual records which relate to the Ontario and Canadian Camping Associations.

          Ebbs, Adele and J. Harry
          Adams, Peter
          UPC/001(01) · File · [197-]-[199-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of photographs of Peter Adams. One photo includes geographers from Peoples Republic of China and Colin Taylor. Another photograph includes Jill Adams, Robert Campbell, and David Morrison.

          A.B. Mills fonds
          77-1013 · Fonds · 1890-1930

          The fonds consists of photocopies of records relating to boats on the Trent waterway including a typescript of a list of boats, a typescript of an article title the "Trent Canal System: Peterborough Hydraulic Lift Lock", a map of the Trent-Severn waterway, two photographs of the S.S. Water Lily (of the Calcutt line), one photograph of the fleet of the Stoney Lake Navigation Company of Young's Point, and a clipping which includes a photograph of the Peterborough hydraulic lift lock.

          Mills, A.B.
          A. Douglas Vaisey fonds
          04-010 · Fonds · 1947-1981

          Fonds consists of minute books, correspondence, and related materials of Peterborough organizations and churches, including the Peterborough Humane Society, Grace United Church, St. James United Church Men's Club, the Kala-Chi-Hi-Y Club of the Peterborough Y.M.C.A., Trinity United Church, Trinity Young Peoples' Club, and Grace United Church Boat People Committee. Also included are minutes, notes, and correspondence of The House of Four Seasons, a men's retreat centre organized by the Peterborough Presbytery Men's Council.

          Vaisey, A. Douglas