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  • All photographic material: Includes negatives and slides

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          2157 Archival description results for Photographs

          2154 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          89-1018 · Fonds · [between 1918 and 1928]

          This scrapbook contains clippings about World War I and photographs of the Trent Canal and River system including Lakefield Canoe Co., Kirkfield and the Peterborough Lift Lock. The people in the photographs are unidentified.

          World War I photograph album
          83-1002 · Item · [between 1910 and 1920]

          This album contains photographs of Canadian soldiers from World War I, the monument to Edith Cavell and a Canadian troop train.

          83-1004 · Collection · [between 1941 and 1946]

          This collection contains 89 2.5" x 4" black and white photographs of soldiers from World War II of the Peterborough and Cobourg areas.

          Wright, Robert
          UPC/012(03) · File · 1995
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of photographs of Robert Wright a professor of History at Trent University. [Written on the back: Cultural Studies]

          W.S. Tucker collection
          91-008 · Collection · 1910-1940

          This collection consists of texts of papers and speeches written by William Sansome Tucker, D.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. in his particular area of expertise-sound phenomena-as well as other topics. Also included are letters patent, photographic and diagram illustrations as well as a few tear-sheets from periodicals about his work. There are also two or three papers by Dr. Tucker's colleagues.

          Tucker, William Sansome
          02-014 · Fonds · 1863-1917

          Fonds consists of diaries, notebooks, and "cash books" of W.T.C. Boyd relating primarily to business matters, with occasional references to personal matters. Also included are photographs of family members; letters written during WWI by Boyd's son, Thornton; letters and documents related to the building of Boyd's house by architect, John E. Belcher; and letters and documents relating to the family cattle/buffalo cross-breeding enterprise.

          Boyd, W.T.C.
          04-003 · Fonds · 1889-1917

          Fonds consists of photographs of Boyd's family, postcards, a notebook, and a book entitled Canada in Khaki: A Tribute to the Officers and Men now serving in the Canadian Expeditionary Force, 1917.

          Boyd, W.T.C.
          04-011 · Fonds · [183-?]-[188-?]; 1918; 1983

          Fonds consists of the wills of W.T.C. Boyd and Ida Lillian Boyd, with attached deed of Laurence Chadwick Boyd. Also included are several Boyd family photographs and one portrait. One of the albums has a photograph of Anne Langton, pioneer artist and teacher who settled in the Sturgeon Lake area, and whose journals have been published.

          Boyd, W.T.C.
          10-003 · Fonds · 1987-1998

          Fonds consists of five photograph albums related to the activities of the Peterborough area Xi-Iota Chapter of the Beta Sigma Phi. The albums are dated 1987-1988, 1988-1989, 1995-1996, 1997, and 1997-1998.

          Xi-Iota Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi
          Young Nim You fonds
          01-1015 · Fonds · 1988-1993

          Fonds consists of a photograph of Young Nim You; various Korean church-related journal issues and extracted excerpts, many with hand-written English explanations; Korean pamphlets relating to women's involvement in Korean churches and cultural groups; and a manuscript and published article written by You entitled Korean Sisterhood and published in Newsletter: Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada, March 1993. Also included are two posters and a calendar.

          Young, Nim You
          91-003 · Fonds · 1897-1991

          This addition to the fonds consists of original Peterborough YWCA incorporation documents from 1897, YWCA photographs, financial and business documents, and other records including audio cassettes with oral interviews and tea meetings.

          Young Women's Christian Association
          94-011 · Fonds · 1939-1989.

          This addition to the fonds consists of ledgers, annual reports, program information, and other records regarding the YWCA women's residence and nursery school. There are also many photographs, mostly from the 1960's, of events and of people, who were associated with the Peterborough Young Women's Christian Association.

          Young Women's Christian Association
          97-002 · Fonds · [1930]-1993

          This fonds consists of Young Women's Christian Association scrapbooks from 1976-1993, and a photograph of the YWCA swim club "The Silver Finnettes" from the 1930's. Also included are several identified and unidentified photographs of YWCA staff and volunteers, and of buildings. There are also slides of the staff, and miscellaneous slides.

          Young Women's Christian Association
          05-001 · Fonds · 1958-1991

          Fonds consists of financial records, annual reports, minutes of Board meetings, 2 photographs, and printed programs relating to the Peterborough Women's Christian Association (YWCA).

          Young Women's Christian Association
          Young, Roger
          UPC/012(08) · File · [196-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of two identical potographs and a written note [written: Roger Young ('69) was at the Lady Eaton College Pit in October to address the World Affairs Colloquium. A senior Research officer with the North-South Institute, Roger spoke on "The Brandt Approach and Beyond."]