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  • All photographic material: Includes negatives and slides

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          2157 Archival description results for Photographs

          2154 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          90-004 · Fonds · 1977-1989

          This addition to the fonds consists of publicity materials such as photographs, slides and newspaper clippings for Arbor Theatre.

          Arbor Theatre
          86-025 · Fonds · 1978-1986

          This addition to the fonds consists of posters, photographs, flyers, newspaper clippings and programs pertaining to the 1986 season of Arbor Theatre in Peterborough, Ontario.

          Arbor Theatre
          86-008 · Fonds · 1979-1982

          This addition to the fonds consists of publicity materials, correspondence, advertising materials, financial materials, press and newspaper clippings, volunteer lists, reports, programmes, mailing lists, rehearsal schedules and posters of Arbor Theatre.

          Arbor Theatre
          Arbor Theatre fonds
          85-007 · Fonds · 1977-1985

          This fonds consists of posters, publicity materials, set design sketches, brochures, programs, photographs and newspaper clippings of Arbor Theatre, Peterborough, Ontario.

          Arbor Theatre
          Aoki, Jodi
          UPC/001(12) · File · [198-]-[199-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of two photographs of Jodi Aoki, who worked in the archives and served as University Archivist.

          Annett, Robert
          UPC/001(10) · File · [199-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of fourteen photographs of Robert Annett. One of the photos is from 1994. Other photos include shots in scuba gear at a pool, and headshots in graduation attire.

          Anna Leveridge fonds
          73-1000 · Fonds · 1883-1972

          This fonds includes the letters of Anna Leveridge, written to her mother and family friends in England, describing their boat trip to Canada and pioneer life in the backwoods of Hastings County, Ontario, near Coe Hill, Marmora, and Millbridge. The fonds also includes family genealogy and photographs.

          Leveridge, Anna
          Andrew Finnie II fonds
          18-008 · Fonds · ca. 1850s-ca. 1960s

          Fonds is comprised of approximately 105 historical photographs, family genealogy documents, various company shares, wills, and land documents pertaining to the family of Andrew Finnie II (1820-1908), resident of South Monaghan Township and farmer from the 1850s onwards. The photographs pertain largely to descendants, some of whom moved to Manitoba and sent photographs of themselves to the home farm in South Monaghan; many fine examples of photographs taken by Peterborough photographers in the 19th century are included. This fonds also includes detailed genealogical information compiled by the donor about the people represented in the photographs; also included are the donor’s detailed descriptions of the textual documents.

          Fonds includes 16 envelopes containing approximately 105 photographs, especially of people, with attached genealogical information. Family names include the following: Finnie, Porter, Wood, Chambers, Cochrane, McAllister, Hall, Fisher, Dawson, Stewart, Truscott, Pacey, Scott, Moncrief, Vincent, Renton, Nairn, Richmond. Also included are photographs pertaining to the Centreville Presbyterian Church (South Monaghan), and the Finnie family homestead in South Monaghan Township. An envelope titled “Sophia Finnie” includes a typed document written by the donor titled “Our Canadian Roots”; it explains the family lineage stemming from the eighteenth-century fur trader William Renton of the Hudson Bay Company.

          Fonds also includes 11 envelopes of various company shares, wills, and land documents pertaining to Andrew Finnie II and family descendants; attached to each envelope are typed notes describing the contents.

          Finnie II, Andrew
          Amy Cosh collection
          05-006 · Collection · 1942-1946

          Collection consists of a photograph album containing 188 photographs and newspaper clippings of soldiers from Bobcaygeon, Ontario who served in WWII. Also included is a booklet entitled "The Royal Canadian Legion, Bobcaygeon Branch 239, 1932-1992.

          Cosh, Amy
          Allen-Bellamy family fonds
          14-016 · Fonds · ca. 1880-2007

          Fonds consists of correspondence, photographs, scrapbooks, greeting cards, diplomas, certificates, maps, pamphlets, reminiscences, genealogical materials, and memorabilia pertaining to the Allen and Bellamy families.

          Allen-Bellamy family
          Allan L. Sherwin fonds
          15-001 · Fonds · ca. 2001-ca. 2013

          Fonds consists of Professor Allan L. Sherwin’s research materials relating to the biography of Bridging Two Peoples: Chief Peter E. Jones, 1843-1909 and the nineteenth and early twentieth century history of the Mississaugas (Ojibwe) of the New Credit First Nation of Hagersville, Ontario. The research materials consist primarily of photocopies of original documents including letters and papers from Library and Archives Canada, the Archives of the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nation and various other publications. Copies of correspondence between Dr. Jones and Prime Minister John A. Macdonald, copies of The Indian, the newspaper edited by Dr. Jones and writings of various Aboriginal writers are included. Interspersed within the files is correspondence with other academics especially Canadian Historian Professor Donald B. Smith, the author of the classic biography of Dr. Peter E. Jones’s father entitled Sacred Feathers: The Reverend Peter Jones (Kahkewaquonaby) and the Mississauga Indians.

          Sherwin, Allan L.
          Alderson, Kai
          UPC/001(07) · File · [198-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of two photographs of Kai Anderson who was Chair of the Trent Student Union (1992-1993) and the 1995 recipient of the Bagnani Medal.

          21-001 · Fonds · 1775-2017

          This fonds consists of research in the 19th and 20th century Canadian historical geography, specifically emigration and settlement from British Isles to Upper Canada, the Trent Canal use during WWII, the environmental and cultural consequences of flooding from the Trent Canal dam in the late 19th century, and research on Bon Echo, Algonquin, and Banff National Parks. Research is also included on European migration and land settlement patterns and processes in Cape Province, South Africa in the early 19th century and in Western Australia in the early 20th century. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.

          Brunger, Alan
          20-004 · Fonds · 1746; 1815-1991

          This fonds consists of Professor Brunger's research in 19th century Canadian historical geography, mainly in Upper Canada/Ontario, focused on emigration from the U.K. and settlement in Newcastle (Peterborough County) District and London (Talbot Settlement) District. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.

          Brunger, Alan