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  • All photographic material: Includes negatives and slides

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          2157 Archival description results for Photographs

          2154 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          14-013 · Fonds · 1990-1994

          Fonds consists of correspondence, meeting agendas and minutes, reports, photographs, tapes of WSA meetings, news releases, newspaper articles, legal documents, and publicity materials pertaining to the WSA. Also included are background documents and discussion papers for the Forestry/Land Use Management Plan developed by the WSA, and research materials (primarily photocopies) pertaining to forests and logging, fish and fisheries, wildlife, biodiversity and environmental matters.

          Wendaban Stewardship Authority
          Wernick, Andrew (Andy)
          UPC/011(29) · File · [197-?]-[200-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of photographs of Andrew Wernick, professor of Cultural Studies at Trent University. Wernick was also Master of Peter Robinson College in 1982. One photo includes Ian McLachlan.

          Weston, Galen
          UPC/011(30) · File · [199-? or 200-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of one photograph of Galen Weston. Duraham College Whitby's campus has the W. Galen Weston Centre for Food.

          Wheatley, Fred
          UPC/011(34) · File · [198-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of photographs of Fred Wheatley, an Ojibwa language instructor at Trent University. File includes photocopied images from the National Archives.

          Whillans, Tom
          UPC/011(38) · File · [199-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of photographs of Tom Whillans, Associate Professor in Trent University's School of the Environment. Whillans is also the Program Coordinator for Ecological Restoration Program. Photos include Jim Stuthers, Jackie Powell, and Kevin Edwards.

          William Breyfogle fonds
          89-1071 · Fonds · 1938-1987

          This fonds consists of a bibliography of William Breyfogle's works and a biography. Also included is a photograph of Breyfogle which was taken by Roy Photo Studio, Peterborough in November, 1938. The covering letter from Velma McWilliams who compiled the bibliography is included as well.

          Breyfogle, William Arthur
          97-1015 · Item · [1860]

          This photograph shows William Brownscombe at his potters wheel shaping a large stone jug with a narrow neck. Another jug stands on a shelf to his left.

          Brownscombe, William
          William Hamilton House fonds
          96-1006 · Fonds · 1985

          This fonds consists of one 13-page document concerning the designation of the William Hamilton House at 459 Reid Street in Peterborough, Ontario in accordance with the provisions of the Ontario Heritage Act of 1974. The fonds includes correspondence, legal and architectural description of the property and building, historical background, and photocopies of photographs of the house.

          William Hamilton House
          80-033 · Fonds · 1877-1964

          This addition to the fonds consists of maps, correspondence and related documents of the Bronson Company, the Gatineau Power Company, and the Ottawa Power Company collected by William Hamilton Munro.

          Munro, William Hamilton
          20-011 · Fonds · ca.1940s–2009

          Fonds is comprised of research and manuscript material pertaining to the sports career of William Lloyd (Moon) Wootton. Materials include correspondence, manuscripts, interview tapes with Moon and with local sports personalities, floppy discs, photographs and newspaper clippings. Also included is a copy of Donna Wootton’s book on her father, Moon Remembered: The Life of Lacrosse Goalie Lloyd “Moon” Wootton (The Ginger Press, 2009).

          Wootton, William Lloyd (Moon)
          83-1020 · Collection · [196?]

          The fonds consists of three copies of 8 X10 black and white photographs of William O. Mitchell used in Profiles in Canadian Literature (Dundurn Press).

          Mitchell, William O.
          William Paterson fonds
          75-005 · Fonds · 1854-1914

          This fonds consists of personal and political correspondence of William Paterson including personal correspondence of his wife, Lucy, and other family members; political papers, including petitions, copies of timber licenses and material on the Six Nations First Nation Reserve; notes and drafts of some of Paterson's speeches; and other records including receipts, dinner invitations, family photographs, scrapbooks containing newspaper clippings and loose clippings, and geological survey maps.

          Paterson, William