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Scope note(s)

  • All photographic material: Includes negatives and slides

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          2157 Archival description results for Photographs

          2154 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
          Beach, Lee
          UPC/001(26) · File · [196-]-[199-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of four photographs of Dr. Lee Beach (1934-2011). Two are headshots, one is with an unidentified male at a table, and one is him sitting in a recliner.

          Baulch family fonds
          76-1013 · Fonds · 1881-1942

          The fonds consists of two ledgers and loose items relating to the business of the Baulch Family: one cash book, business at Hampton, Ontario, 1881-1890; ledger, R. Baulch and Son, Port Hope, 1889-1904 and 1916-1937. The loose items include agreements between Joseph H. Baulch and various others to lease property from Baulch; tax notices and receipts; and a letter from Will Baulch. Also included is one photograph (tintype) of unidentified male.

          Baulch family
          Bata, Thomas
          UPC/001(25) · File · [196-]-[1990?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of nine photographs of Thomas J. Bata, one wearing academic regalia shaking hands with Professor Tom Symons, multiple headshots, and one photo of Jon Stubbs and Tom Buto at the Bata Reception, September 26, 1990.

          Barker, John
          UPC/001(22) · File · [198-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of three photos of Dr. John Barker, Professor Emeritus, History Department teaching an unidentified class outside.

          81-020 · Fonds · 1910-1958

          The fonds consists of original photographs taken and collected by the Bark family. It includes: a photograph album of Lieutenant George S. Gray depicting World War I aircraft training scenes; pictures of area in and around Meaford and Collingwood, Ontario; photographs of "Lingerlonger Lodge" located south of Minden, Ontario, on Moore Lake; Sea scout and military photographs; and photographs of a road survey crew north of Dorset, Ontario (field work students from the School of Practical Science, University of Toronto.)

          Folder contents are as follows:

          1. Flight Lieutenant Geo S Gray's album, n.d., 1916 -Gray learned to fly before the war in Dayton, Ohio
          2. Cottage photos from family album, 1910- 1958
          3. Contents as per folder 2, including typed description of Lingerlonger Lodge, by CE Potter -includes Sea Scout and military photos, n.d., 1915-1925
          4. Assorted loose photos
          5. Mounted photos on oversize sheets mostly of road survey crew north of Dorset, pre 1915 (Field work of students from the School of Practical Science, University of Toronto)
          Bark family
          Barbecue shots
          UPC/013(03) · File · [199-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of photographs of Trudy Kirschner, Marilyn Miller, Ken Brown (I.T. Department), Jeff Domm (Facilities and Physical Collections Coordinator at Bata Library), John Wales, Kenneth (Ken) Field (Principal of LEC), Donna Ronaldson, Ed Flaherty, and Diane Choate (Secretariat Office). The photographs are all taken at a staff and faculty barbecue.

          Bandyopadhyay, Pradeep
          UPC/001(21) · File · 1969; [197-]-[198-?]
          Part of University photograph collection

          File consists of two photographs and two images of Dr. Pradeep Bandyopadhyay, Professor Emeritus, Sociology. One photo is Dr. Bandyopadhyay in front of a chalkboard, the other is a headshot.