Fundos 98-010 - Peter Gzowski fonds. 1998 additions

Área de título e declaração de responsabilidade

Título próprio

Peter Gzowski fonds. 1998 additions

Designação geral do material

    Título paralelo

    Outra informação do título

    Título(s) de declaração(ões) de responsabilidade

    Notas de título

    • Fonte do título próprio: Title based on creator of fonds

    Nível de descrição


    Entidade custodiadora

    Código de referência


    Área de edição

    Declaração de edição

    Declaração de responsabilidade da edição

    Área de detalhes da classe de materiais específicos

    Declaração de escala (cartográfica)

    Declaração de projeção (cartográfica)

    Declaração de coordenadas (cartográfica)

    Declaração de escala (arquitetural)

    Autoridade emissora e denominação (filatélica)

    Área de datas de criação


    • 1980-1997 (Produção)
      Gzowski, Peter

    Área de descrição física

    Descrição física

    3.39 m of textual records and other materials

    Área das séries dos editores

    Título da editora

    Títulos paralelos das publicações do editor

    Outra informação do título das publicações do editor

    Declaração de responsabilidade em relação à série editora

    Numeração das publicações do editor

    Nota sobre as publicações do editor

    Área de descrição arquivística

    Nome do produtor



    Peter Gzowski was born July 13, 1934 in Toronto but grew up in Galt, Ontario. His great-grandfather was engineer Sir Casimir Gzowski. He was educated at Ridley College in St. Catharines and the University of Toronto. During his time at the University of Toronto he edited the University's newspaper "The Varsity". He has worked for town newspapers in Timmins, Moose Jaw and Chatham. He became managing editor of Maclean's Magazine in 1962. In 1971 he worked for CBC's "This Country in the Morning" for three years. After this he hosted a radio show called "Gzowski on FM". Peter entered national late night television by hosting a show called "90 Minutes Live" from 1976 to 1978. In 1982 he started hosting CBC's "Morningside" radio show. He has written three books: "Spring Tonic" in 1979, "The Sacrament" in 1980 and "The Game of Our Lives" in 1981. He is the father of five children. (Taken from: "The Canadian Encyclopedia" Vol. 2. 1988 and "CBC Biographies".) In 1974, 1983 and 1985 Peter won ACTRA awards for best host-interviewer on radio. He has also won three National Magazine Awards one of which was in 1981 for his profile on Wayne Gretzky. In 1986 he was made an Officer of the Order of Canada and a Companion in 1999. Trent honoured him with an honorary doctor of laws degree October 31, 1988. He had an honorary doctor of letters from the University of New Brunswick. (Taken from: "Trent Fortnightly." Vol. 18, No. 3, 1987.) Gzowski served as Trent's eighth Chancellor from 1999 until his death in 2002 from chronic pulmonary obstructive disease.

    História custodial

    This fonds was created by and in the custody of Peter Gzowski before it was donated to Trent University Archives.

    Âmbito e conteúdo

    This fonds consists of letters addressed to Peter Gzowski and the CBC radio show "Morningside". It also consists of manuscripts, correspondence with publishers, etc.

    Área de notas

    Condição física

    Fonte imediata de aquisição

    This fonds was donated by Peter Gzowski


    Idioma do material

      Sistema de escrita do material

        Localização de originais

        Disponibilidade de outros formatos

        Restrições de acesso

        Personal letters may not be quoted without permission of the writer

        Termos de uso que regem, reprodução e publicação

        Instrumentos de descrição

        Materiais associados

        For related records see the David Carley fonds (95-022). Associated material located at the Archives of Ontario and York University Archives.


        This fonds, along with 95-008, 99-015, and 01-004, is an addition to 92-015.

        Nota geral

        Table of Contents

        Series A: Correspondence from Morningside listeners

        Series B: Business and personal correspondence, etc.

        Series C: Morningside scripts and related materials

        Series D: "The right to read and right..."

        Series E: Private Voice

        Series F: Canadian Living

        Series G: Morningside Papers (various)

        Series H: Art and photographs from Mornigside listeners

        Series I: Get well wishes for Peter Gzowski

        Series J: Correspondence regarding Peter Gzowski's retirement

        Series K: Correspondence regarding funding cuts in CBC

        Series L: Correspondence regarding PGI Golf Tournament

        Series M: Awards

        Series N: Permission forms

        Series O: Margaret Laurence

        SERIES A: Correspondence from Morningside listeners

        Box 1


        1: 1980

        2: 1982

        3: 1983

        4: 1984

        5-6: 1985

        7: 1986

        8: 1987

        9-11: 1988

        12-13: 1989

        14: 1990

        15-19: 1991

        20-22: 1992

        Box 2


        1-5: 1992

        6-13: 1993

        14-15: 1994

        Box 3


        1-17: 1995

        Box 4


        1-6: 1995

        7-13: 1996

        Box 5


        1-16: 1996

        Box 6


        1-7: 1996

        8-14: 1997

        Box 7


        1-10: 1997

        Box 8


        1: Undated

        SERIES B: Business and personal correspondence, etc.

        Box 9


        1: Retailing of Morningside cassettes, 1993

        2: Lakefield Literacy Festival (in memory of Margaret Laurence, 1995-1996)

        3: PEN Canada, 1992-1994

        4: Correspondence between Shelley Ambrose of Morningside and Manitoba correspondent, Fred McGuinness, 1997

        5: Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, 1996

        6: Gzowski & Co. - contracts with CBC, scripts, news releases, interview bookings, correspondence, Order of Canada correspondence, etc., 1986-1987

        7: Morningside workload review, 1989-1990

        8: Canadian Human Rights Commission case, 1991-1992

        9: Miscellaneous business and personal correspondence, notes, contracts, etc., ie. letters from publishers, letters from CBC to Morningside listeners, etc., 1986-1997

        SERIES C: Morningside scripts and related materials


        10-14: Morningside scripts and related notes, schedules, transcripts of interviews, transcripts of letters read, etc.

        SERIES D: "The right to read and write..."


        15: "The right to read and write..." / The G. Allan Roeher Institute, with a foreward by Peter Gzowski, 1990 - typescript

        SERIES E: Private Voice


        16: Correspondence with publishers, photo of Gzowski at book signing reception, photo of image used for cover of the book, etc., 1988-1989

        SERIES F: Canadian Living


        17-18: Correspondence between Gzowski and publishers of Canadian Living, Canadian Living column scripts written by Gzowski, etc., 1988-1996

        SERIES G: Morningside Papers (various)


        19-20: The Latest Morningside Papers - typescript of manuscript, correspondence, computer diskette, etc.

        21: The Fourth Morningside Papers - "Celebrations of the Canadian Landscape" section - typescripts with corrections, correspondence, notes

        22: The sixth Morningside Papers - discussions, correspondence, etc. re the possibility of publishing a sixth Morningside Papers, 1996

        SERIES H: Art and photographs from Morningside listeners

        Box 10


        1: Miscellaneous photographs and items of art sent to Morningside

        2: Picture by Janni Belgum (handmade paper)

        SERIES I: Get well wishes for Peter Gzowski

        Box 11

        Folder 1: Get well cards and correspondence, 1997

        SERIES J: Correspondence regarding Peter Gzowski's retirement

        Box 12

        Folder 1-2: Miscellaneous correspondence from Morningside listeners regarding P. Gzowski's retirement, 1997

        Box 13

        Folders 1-3: Ditto

        SERIES K: Correspondence regarding funding cuts in CBC

        Box 14

        Folder 1-2: Miscellaneous correspondence from Morningside listeners regarding CBC cuts and the impact on Mornigside, 1996

        SERIES L: Correspondence regarding PGI Golf Tournament

        Box 15


        1: Miscellaneous correspondence and documents regarding Peter Gzowski's Golf Tournament for illiteracy.

        SERIES M: Awards

        2: Miscellaneous correspondence and documents regarding awards presented to Peter Gzowski

        SERIES N: Permission forms

        Box 16

        Folder 1-2: Permission forms released by Morningside listeners for publication of their letters in Morningside Papers

        SERIES O: Margaret Laurence

        Folder 3: 2 letters re Margaret Laurence, including picture of a house, where she lived in Vancouver, 1987

        Identificador(es) alternativos

        Número normalizado

        Número normalizado

        Pontos de acesso

        Pontos de acesso local

        Ponto de acesso nome

        Pontos de acesso de gênero

        Descrição do identificador do registro

        Identificador da entidade custodiadora

        Regras ou convenções

        Idioma da descrição

          Sistema de escrita da descrição


            Área de ingresso