Title and statement of responsibility area
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Statement of scale (cartographic)
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Dates of creation area
1967-1981, n.d. (Creation)
- Creator
- Trent University. Otonabee College
Physical description area
Physical description
1.5 m
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Name of creator
Administrative history
Otonabee College was officially opened on the west bank of the Symons Campus, Trent University, in 1973. Masters have been Robert Carter, Gary Aitken, Elwood Jones, Finn Gallagher, Gordon Johnston, Robert Annett, Ivana Elbl, and others. For further information about the College and its administration, see A.O.C. Cole, Trent: The Making of a University, pp. 126-129; D'Arcy Jenish, Trent University: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence, 2014; and the annual course calendars (available in the Archives Reading Room).
Custodial history
Scope and content
Fonds consists of records from Otonabee College, including council minutes, administrative matters, Japanese Thought and Culture Program materials, College handbooks, Dennis Lee project, student housing, and Cabinet matters.
Notes area
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Immediate source of acquisition
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Script of material
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Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication
Finding aids
Associated materials
General note
Box Listing
Box 1
1. Administrative-Financial, B.R.P. minutes, energy management reports, circuletters to college heads (some annotated), financial correspondence, repairs and alterations, budgets, etc. 1974-76
2. G.A. Macdonald: correspondence 1973-74 re: furnishings, PRC townhouses
3. Admission procedures, Oct 1976, College Admissions Report, manual
4. Administrative (General) Robert Page's "Report on Aspects of the Administration Machinery at the Assistant and Secretarial Level of the Four Existing Colleges of Trent University," 1973 - Potpourri on Wenjack
5. M.J. O'Brien: correspondence, security 1973-74
6. R.M. Sadlier: circuletters, correspondence re: enrolment, general administrative matters; Robert Carter appointment; report on OC conference facilities 1972-74
- Dennis Lee project: correspondence, clipping with Sean Kane and Bronfman Foundation
8. Dennis Lee writer-in-residence, fall 1975
9. Athletic Department: brochures, equipment prices for OC purchases, 1973
10. Athletic programming reports 1973-74 - Robert Carter correspondence re: Physical Fitness Workshop 1976
12. Ontario Campers Culture Association, 10 July 1973
13. Audio Library programme: appeal for readers 1974; correspondence 1976 re: CBC use of tapes from Chinese Thought Series
14. Audio-Visual 1973
15. Biology Department: 1973 re: housing for ecology students - Board of Governors: minutes, correspondence 1973-1976
17. Bus schedules 1972-76
18. Canada Council Awards
19. Canadian Federation of University Women 21 Feb 1974
20. Canadian Writers' weekend 16 Oct 1973
21. Careers: 1973 public service
22. Cars and parking: 1976; 1973 re River Road barrier
23. Committee report 1976-77
24. Catering services - Beaver Foods 13 Aug 1973
25. Colleges - general: 30 Nov 1970; Committee on Colleges paper "The Colleges at Trent: What Next?"
26. Graduation 1975: program, invitations, guest list, graduation dinner items
27. Convocation 1976 spring and fall
28. FCE founding, role of 1975-76
29. Council of Fellows Constitution (OC) draft: minutes of fellows' meeting 1973
30. Fellows' general correspondence: circuletters, draft constitution; "prospective fellows" meetings; 1976
31. Council of Fellows general meetings: 1973-1975 minutes
32. Fellows' list 1973-74 to 1976-77
33. Fellows - circuletters 1973-1975
34. Collegiate re-organization: minutes, correspondence, drafts of constitutions, 1974-76; job descriptions for administrative assistant and senior tutor; budget figures
35. College Council 1975 constitution
36. 1972-74 minutes, correspondence with Master and Ombudsperson
37. Future correspondence and business for College Council 1975
38. Restructure: "A Proposal for Academic and Collegiate Reorganization"
39. Champlain College general: Council and Cabinet minutes 1973-76
40. PRC General: 1974-76
41. LEC: 1973-76
Box 2
1. CPTC: Council and Cabinet minutes 1974-77 directories
2. College Heads: academic departments staff lists; energy consumption monthly reports; circuletters and memos; Robert Carter's "First Annual Report from the Head of Colleges 1973-74"
3. OC Academic Committee correspondence 1973-75
4. College V Committee 5 Jan - 29 April 1968
5. COAP: leaves policy report April 1975
6. Committee on Colleges minutes 1972-73; 1975
7. OC Dining Rooms Committee 1974 re OC/CC meal, exam arrangements; minutes 6 Dec 1973
8. OC Executive Committee: Joint Executive 1973-75 SRC materials
9. Fine Arts: special project correspondence print materials, course and other proposals for OC - development 1974-75
10. Performing Arts Committee correspondence re: concert series 1974-75
- OC House Committee: minutes. memos 1973-74
12. Presidential Advisory Committee on the Status of Women: correspondence - OC Room Allocation Committee: JCR uses and improvements
14. Site Development Committee: brief to Architect, College V 1968; OC renovations: SDC minutes and correspondence
15. Special Review Committee: Interim Report 1973
16. Subcommittee: BRP items 1973; interim report
17. Undergraduate Student Committee: 1973
18. Conferences 1973-75 bookings; OC arrangements, related correspondence
19. Convocation: 1974 (Fall) arrangements
20. Creativity Series: correspondence 1975-76; program details re: The Social Function of Art
21. Department of English: 1975 re: Hugh Kenner; S, Kane paper on "Literature as a System" 1974; OC/Department liaison re: Roper Symposium
22. Dining Hall equipment: list, chair cover samples, procedural materials
23. Dining Hall subcommittee on Dining Arrangements: meal counts (LEC) cost-cutting measures
24. Enrolment - 1972-77
25. Entrance Scholarships: 1975-76 lists; 1974-75 lists
26. list nd
27. Examinations: S.S. 1975; 1974-75 timetables; OC arrangements 1974
28. Fees: circuletter re fee payments, routine memos 1974-75
29. SDF: press releases 1975
30. Development Fund: correspondence - Health Services: acquisition of student medical records; landlord tenant agreements; x-rays clinics
32. Student Housing Service: copy of Joan Doyles' reports 1973-76
33. Mid year reviews proposals from senior tutor 1973-74
34. Native Studies program proposals: 1969-76 re: correspondence and briefs
35. Founding Peoples of Canada: Nind/Carter correspondence re: "Thematic Decor for Otonabee College" 1973
36. Native Studies: correspondence re: pow-wows; N.S. Department materials/liaison re: native artists at Trent, brief 1972-76 - Part time Studies 1974
38. Registration 1974-75: advance planning, fees
39. 1973-74: form letters, procedural items
40. Report and recommendations for the Subcommittee on Experimental Programmes 1970
41. Report of Senate Subcommittee on Teaching Methods and Curriculum 1969
42. Third report on Teaching Methods June 1967
43. Suggested revisions to 2/42 May 1967
44. Procedures for selection of the Head of a new College
45. Reports: Tenure and Reappointment 1969 and 1973 COAP working interpretation
46. Registrar's Office: Carter/Cole on OC/office liaison; miscellaneous senate materials 1972-75
Box 3
1. Safety: 1974
2. SDF press releases
3. Special Events SCR, guest lecturers, visitors
4. Graduates 1973-74
5. Student employment placement centre: memos re: bursaries and payment for part time student help
6. OSAP bursary letter
7. Student awards file loan appeals, bursary appeals, lists of scholars 1973
- Student account balances 1975 marks release policy
- Summer assistance applications, hiring letters 1973
10. Memos to supervisors of study 1973
11. Supervisors 1973 lists by supervisor; "The Supervisory System" 1974-75
12. Telephones 748 exchange
13. Studio Lab Theatre: funding, correspondence, production materials, on related OC cultural events, OC Fine Art Committee and artist-in-residence program 1974
14. Theatre Trent: program Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 1974
15. Town and Gown Concerts 1973-74, 75-76
16. Travel grants 1973-76
17. Computer Services
18. TSU minutes of executive; OC participation in 1973-75
19. Trent OC Club membership and special events
20. Trent Water Group: minutes, OC liaison, member profiles 1972-73
21. Under Attack: freedom of speech issue 1974 (Jan) see Arthur
22. United Way Campaign 1973
23. University Affairs: OCUA briefs, SDF memos to College Heads; OC Master's Report 1972, miscellaneous on cultural facilities
24. CUA: 1973 brief
25. Matchette Foundation: re grants OC projects
26. Yale College courses 1973
27. Carleton University "Archives" computer reference system 1973
28. McGill-Queen's University Press correspondence 1974
29. Queen's-Trent Teacher Education Program: lecture series proposed to exchange 1973
30. McArthur/Crawford Social Studies in Ontario Elementary Schools, 1973
31. Seminars SGWU definition and 1972 proposal
32. SGWU Innovation Report: course outline (Phil 621); Nietzsche Bibliography; OC Assistant to Master
33. SGWU - faculty and students
34. Yale college - see 3/26
35. Theatre - OC correspondence re use 1973-74
36. Theatre dedication - 1974
37. Vietnam 1973-74
38. Organizational Charts: Trent and other Universities Student Services
39. Foreign Students TISA liaison 1977
40. Student Personnel Administrators 1976-77
41. Areas of activity
42. Ontario Committee on Student Affairs - Helsing's conference report 1977
43. OACUHO (University Housing Officers) 1977
44. Selection of residential staff
45. Executive Council - minutes, correspondence 1977
46. Otonabee Council list of members and committees, minutes, agenda, constitution 1977-78; search committee for interim Head, 1977-78; Report of Administrative Review Committee 1977
47. Council of Fellows: minutes, reports (annotated); college head list of responsibilities; opinion poll: summary and raw returns 1977-78
48. Committee on Colleges - minutes, agenda 1977 - Heads of College Committee: budgets, student accounts, cost savings proposals, 1977-78; minutes, exhibits, residence agreement
50. Student accounts 1977 - circular; accounts receivable summaries Jan 31, 1978
51. Student aid 1978-79
52. College programme: LEC visitors 1976-77 summary OC prospects
53. Orientation Day proposed for Aug 5, 1978 - Fitness programme: Carter/Sitken/Goldie correspondence 1976
55. Residence life: OC code of conduct; don's review committee; copy of residence survey
56. Administrative positions
57. Senior tutor D. Page outline of duties 1975
58. Job description (of College officers, dons etc.): residential judicial system
59. College appointments: Spring 1977 correspondence
60. Japanese Thought and Culture - program and funding sources 1973-74
61. Japanese Thought and Culture – program
62. Japanese Thought and Culture - accounts, invitations, brochures, memos and design materials
63. Japanese Thought and Culture – funding correspondence 1974; review summary of the series; invoices; itineraries; confirmations of guests; thank-you; visiting lectureship proposals
64. Japanese Thought and Culture - funding correspondence invitation, proposed budget
65. Japanese Thought and Culture - Japan Series, invitations to prospective participants 1974
66. Japanese Thought and Culture -promotional material; series review Oct 1974-Jan 1975; posters, brochures ads
67. Japanese Thought and Culture - early formative materials Dec 1974-March 1974
68. Toyota visit
Box 4
1. Creativity Series 1975-76: organizational correspondence, funding, etc.
- Financial, budgets
3. Promotional and advertising
4. Early proposals 1974-75
5. Miscellaneous notes
6. Contemporary Chinese Thought: “An Inaugural Series Marking the Opening of Otonabee College” 4 Oct 1973
7. Contemporary Chinese Thought program drafts, funding correspondence with panelists 1973
8. Contemporary Chinese Thought invitations 1973
9. Contemporary Chinese Thought correspondence accounting
10. Contemporary Chinese Thought copies of Arthur article Oct 1973
11. Hamilton Philharmonic Institute: concert/lecture series by, presented by OC Fine Art Committee, 26-28 Jan 1976 8x10 photos, poster paste up, brochures; OCFAC posters of other events
12. Hamilton Philharmonic Institute and Canadian Brass
13. Hamilton Philharmonic Institute correspondence funding and invitations 1975-76
14. Hamilton Philharmonic Institute OCFAC materials
15. PHI follow-up correspondence; school board liaison; list of activities presented in Associates in Residency Program 1976
16. OC Handbook preliminary notes 1975
17. Duplicates of drafts 1975 - Typescripts 1975
19. 1975
20. 1975 Handbook – paste-ups 1974-75
21. Revisions to 1974 OC Handbook
22. Revisions to 1974-75 Handbook for 1976 preparation
23. OC Handbooks; Help! (Intro Week Guide); Nicholas Knock; Moving to the Clear (1976 Poems from Trent University, introduction by Dennis Lee); Otonabee Oracle; Constitutional Review committee materials; Bob Komarnycky Memorial Programme; and bulletin 20, Experimental College, Tufts University, Fall 1972
24. Miscellaneous cartoons, postcards, etc. - "Ode to "C" House Dons" (poem from students of Otonabee College to Dons David & Sharon Lasenby, 1972; item received from David Lasenby 2010)
Box 5
- Residence survey – returned questionnaires
- Microfilm (3 rolls) re College V (architectural drawings and contract specifications)
- Loose: OC poster half tones
Additional material received from College Office June 2011
- Miscellaneous publicity materials
General note
Trent Cabinet - Drawer 8 (in Folder "Lectures & Conferences")
- George Raab: Scratch One-Print Two
2. JA Blair: Is there any obligation to reason well?
3. Canadian Images – cash bar poster
4. John Cage and the Art of Stillness (lecture by Professor Alan M. Gilmore)
5. An Introduction to the Mysteries of China (Dobson lecture, OCSCR) 1981
6. OC Christmas Dinner 1980 - Professor John Blacking – Queen’s University Belfast (South African lecture – OC Cultural Committee; Cultural Studies Programme)
8. Peterborough Historical Society used book sale - Professor JA Sharpe – Crime and Punishment
10. The Chinese Cultural Heritage – WACH Dobson lecture series (OC Cultural Committee)