Fonds 89-015 - Ontario Camping Association fonds. 1989 additions

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Ontario Camping Association fonds. 1989 additions

General material designation

    Parallel title

    Other title information

    Title statements of responsibility

    Title notes

    • Source of title proper: Title based on creator of fonds.

    Level of description


    Reference code


    Edition area

    Edition statement

    Edition statement of responsibility

    Class of material specific details area

    Statement of scale (cartographic)

    Statement of projection (cartographic)

    Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

    Statement of scale (architectural)

    Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

    Dates of creation area


    • 1934-1990 (Creation)
      Ontario Camps Association

    Physical description area

    Physical description

    3 m of textual records and other material

    Publisher's series area

    Title proper of publisher's series

    Parallel titles of publisher's series

    Other title information of publisher's series

    Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

    Numbering within publisher's series

    Note on publisher's series

    Archival description area

    Name of creator

    Administrative history

    In 1900 A.L. Cochrane established the first private camp in Ontario. By 1925, the number of private camps in Ontario had increased to only six or seven. The camps established during this time period (1900-1925) were mainly for boys over the age of thirteen. Co-ed camps were unheard of at this time. As of 1925, the private camps were making headway in their development and agency camps, such as the Y.M.C.A., were opening up across the province. The leaders and directors of these camps, wanting to keep abreast of new trends, began to regularly attend the American Camping Association conventions, due to the absence of a Canadian or Ontario camping association. This situation, although helpful to the evolution of camps in Ontario, was not ideal. Issues relevant to Canadian camps, and camp leaders and directors, were not being addressed by the American association. As a result, the camp leaders in Ontario decided to form their own group. In the first few years, the meetings were informal, and held in private homes. The first members were A.L. Cochrane, H.E. Chapman, Mary Edgar, Mary Hamilton, Fern Halliday, and Taylor and Ethel Statten. One of the main topics of discussion centered on the need for a camping association in Ontario. In 1933, this group of private camp leaders and directors formally founded the Ontario Camping Association. Taylor Statten was made the first chairman of the Association. It was decided by the founding members that the Association would not just be for private camps, but would be open to anyone engaged in any aspect of camping. The interests of the founders of the Association encompassed the development and maintenance of high camping standards in the field of camping for children and an appreciation of the wider aspects of the camping movement. They believed that through discussion and consideration of common camping policies and problems, and by mutual exchange of ideas and knowledge, better camping would be achieved. The Ontario Camping Association was responsible for the development and implementation of standards for Ontario's children's camps, and, in 1941, in conjunction with the Provincial Department of Health, made the licensing of all camps mandatory. The headquarters of the Association are located in Toronto, Ontario. In 2012, the Ontario Camping Association changed its name to Ontario Camps Association.

    Custodial history

    This fonds was created by and in the custody of the Ontario Camping Association before it was donated to the Trent University Archives.

    Scope and content

    This addition to the fonds consists of records pertaining to the Ontario Camping Association and member camps in Ontario. It includes brochures, camping standards (camp visits), photographs (Camp Wanakita, 1934 to 1950), slides and other material.

    Notes area

    Physical condition

    Immediate source of acquisition

    This fonds was donated by the Ontario Camping Association.


    Language of material

      Script of material

        Location of originals

        Availability of other formats

        Restrictions on access


        Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

        Finding aids

        Generated finding aid

        Associated materials

        For related records see: Canadian Camping Association, the Quebec Camping Association, the Society for Camp Directors and Windy Pines.

        Related materials


        This fonds along with 78-006, 82-009, 84-019, 85-0141, 86-018, 88-066, 92-005 and 93-021 is an addition to 72-007.

        General note

        Over-sized items located in Large Materials Cabinet - Drawer 32.

        General note

        Box 1


        1: Camp Robin Hood

        2: Forest Valley

        3: Camp Ramah

        4: Camp Nominingue (t-shirt only)

        5: Camp Awakening

        6: Camp Kawabi

        7: Loyal True Blue & Orange Camp

        8: Eco-skills Workshops

        9: Integra

        10: Haliburton Hockey Haven / Quanahar Ringette Camp

        11: Camp Wanakita

        12: Camp Kilcoo (Photo 1933?)

        13: Teen Ranch

        14: Chippewa Day Camp

        15: Camp Mi-A-Kon-Da

        16: Missanabie Woods Academy

        17: Camp Chimo

        18: Camp Catchacoma

        19: Camp Moorelands

        20: Camp Cheboygan

        21: Camp Northern Lights

        22: Crusaders Bible Camp

        23: Camp Couchiching

        24: Ontario March of Dimes

        25: Camp Hollyburn

        26: Kinark

        27: Celtic Sports and Arts Centre

        28: Camp Ouareau

        29: Northwood Camp

        30: Camp Ponacka

        31: Camp Arrowhon

        32: Circle `R' Ranch

        33: Olympia Sports Camp

        34: Camp Mini-Yo-We

        35: Onondaga Sports Camp

        36: Camp Can-Ski

        37: Camp Green Acres

        38: Simpresca

        39: Matt Mann Camps

        40: Taylor Statten Camps

        41: Camp B'Nai B'Rith of Ottawa

        42: Camp Northway

        43: Camp Medeba

        44: Camp Walden

        45: Camp Oconto

        46: Camp Winnebagoe

        47: Crystal Springs

        48: Camp Chetwynd

        49: Camp Tawingo

        50: Miscellaneous correspondence, camp pamphlets, 1 photo

        51: OCA Archives Committee - minutes, newsletters, correspondence

        52: Correspondence and photo of Jack Pearse

        53: 1988 OCA Board photos

        54: Tanamakoon photos

        55: ACA 1988 Convention photos

        56: CCA Magazine's misc. photos

        57: OCA Skills Weekend timetable drafts, meeting minutes

        58: Youth Camp Director Institute 1984 minutes, conference agendas

        59: ACA 1990 National Conference brochure

        60: Draft proposal for accreditation in the OCA

        61: OCA Board minutes May 1985 - March 1986

        62: Saskatchewan Camping Association Board minutes November 1986 - September 1989

        63: "A Warranty for Planet Earth" (article by Sam Hambly)

        64: OCA operational review - minutes, consultant correspondence., "Martin Hunt's Thoughts", draft report

        CAMPING STANDARDS 1983-1987


        Box 2


        1: Bayview Glen, Camp Belwood, B'Nai B'Rith, Bolton Camp, By-Oa-Ca

        2: Brebeuf, Canterbury Hills, Canadian Adventure Camp, Camp Cherith, Chippewa Day Camp

        3: Davern, Dorothy Lake, Durham Region - YMCA, Earlscourt Special Day Camp, Camp Ekon

        4: Everton Scout, Fraser Lake Camp, Camp Ganadaoweh, Glenhuron, Camp Hilltop

        5: Hockey Opportunity, The Hollows, Hurontario, Illahee Northwoods, Jackson Pt.

        6: Camp Kakeka, Kandalore, Camp Kintail, Lake Joseph CNIB, Langskib

        7: Lorien Wilderness Camp, Mi-A-Kon-Da, Maple Glen, Maple Key Day Camp, Camp Marydale

        8: Camp New Strides, Onondaga, Pathfinder, Quin-Mo-Lac, Shadow Lake, Sidrabene

        9: Simpresca, Tanamakoon, Camp Tawingo, Thorncroft Day Camp, Wabikon, Camp White Pine

        10: Camp Adanac, Ahmek, Arowhon, Camp Awakening, Camp Calumet

        11: Can-Ski, Canadette Sports Camp, Circle R Ranch, Columbus Boys Camp, Camp Couchiching

        12: Crusaders Bible Camp, Crystal Springs, Explora Camp, Glen Mhor, Green Acres Day Camp

        13: Hollyburn, Huronda, Hyanto, Kawabi, Kee- Chi-Ha

        14: King Valley Day Camp, Lakefield Computer Camp, Le Camp, Medeba, Miri-Yo-We

        15: Mishewah, Mooredale Summer Day Camp, Oconto, Olympia Sports Camp, Ontario March of Dimes 1984-1985

        Box 3


        1: Otterdale, Ponacka, Camp Reena, Richildaca, Salvaine

        2: Thornhill Day Camp, Towhee, Walden, Wanakita, Wapomeo - (Taylor Statten)

        3: Winnebagoe, Wyoka, Y Outdoor Centre 4: BIG DOE, Catchacoma, Camp Chetwynd, Couchiching, Dog Lake

        5: Camp Duncan, Easter Seals: Blue Mountain Earlscourt, Forest Valley, Glenbrook Day Camp

        6: Haliburton Hockey, John Island Camp (YMCA), Kadimah, Katonim, Keewaytan

        7: Kennebec, Kin Camp, Kinark Camp, Lakewood Camp, Long Bay

        8: Minwassin, Mulmer Hills, Northwater, Northwood Opemikon

        9: Ovareau, Pioneer Day Camp, Project Canoe, Queen Elizabeth, Ramah

        10: Camp Robin Hood, Saddlewood, St. Vincent de Paul, Scott Mission, Sparrow Lake, Sports Ridley

        11: Swallowdale, Timberlane, Toronto Brigantine, Trailfinder, Valleyview Day, Voyager, Woodecles1986

        12: Director's response forms for 1986 booklets


        13: Arrowhead Day Camp, Barklake, Camp Big Canoe, Bil-0-Wood, Branchton Camp

        14: Christie Lake Boys Camp, Clover Day, Connemara Camp, Doe Lake Camp, Camp Fundale

        15: Campgay Venture, Camp Gesher, Glen Bernard, Haliburton Scout Reserve, Humriva

        16: Keewayden, Kilcoo Camp, Kitchekewana, Camp KI-WA-Y, Kwasind

        17: Manitomono, Merrywood, Mooredale Day, Camp Naorca, New Freda Youth Camp

        18: Camp New Moon, Camp Nominingue, Northland B'Nai B'Rith, Ottawa YMCA/YWCA Day Camp, Pinecrest

        Box 4


        1: Pioneer Camps, Pleasant Bay Bible Camp, Rainbow Valley, Ryerson Day Camp, Camp Shalom

        2: Shomria, Camp Solelim, Camp Tamakwa, Tapawingo Teen Caravan

        3: Camp Wabanai, Wabun, Wahanowin, Wanapitei

        BROCHURES- 1987

        4: Bayview Glen, Camp Bellwood, Belwood Lodge and Camp, B'Nai B'Rith of Ottawa, Bolton Camp

        5: Brebeuf, By-Da-Ca, Canadian Adventure, Canterbury Hills, Cave Springs

        6: Cherith, Dorian Bible Camp, Dorothy Lake, Camp Edgewood, Camp Ekon

        7: Fraser Lake, Camp Canadaoweh, Glen Huron, Hilltop, Hockey Opportunity

        8: The Hollows Camp, The Horse People, Huron Church Camp, Camp Hurontario, Illahee Northwoods

        9: Camp-Ka-Ke-Ka, Kandalore, Camp Kintail, Lake Joseph Centre, Langsxib Canoe Camp

        10: Maple Glen, Maple Key, Marydale, Camp Mazinaw, Camp Mi-A-Kon-Da, Camp New Strides

        11: Pathfinder, Shadow Lake, Sidrabene, Silverlake, Silver Lake Menonnite, Tanamakoon

        12: Tangewood Daycamp, Tawingo, Wabikon, White Pine, Camp Y-Ma-Wa-Ca, City of Toronto Leadership Camp


        13: Canadette Sports (Private)

        14: Camp Chamara

        15: Connemara (Private)

        16: Charles N. Agree Outpost Camp

        17: D'Ette (French Day) Toronto Montessori Schools

        18: Downtown Tennis Camp

        19: Durham Region YMCA Day Camp

        20: Explora Camp - Communication Development Program

        21: Flamborough Equestrian Farms

        22: Glenhuron (The Salvation Army)

        23: Green Acres Day Camp (Private)

        24: Heritage Riding Camp

        25: Kinark Child and Family Services Lottit Lake Camp

        26: Lorien Wilderness Camp

        27: Rainbow Programmes for Children

        28: Richildaca (Day) Private

        29: Thorncroft Equestrian Centre

        30: Thornhill Day Camp

        Miscellaneous Items:

        31: Camp B'Nai B'Rith of Ottawa

        32: Crests from Camps - Northwood, Blue Mountain, Merrywood, Bolster

        33: Guidelines for Accreditation for Residential Camps Draft 1989

        34: Camp Wanakita Photos 1934-50, 5 unidentified slides

        35: 14 photos and 1 slide of 20th anniversary of Society of Camp Directors

        Box 5


        1: Members Addresses 1974-1976 Environmental Committee

        2: Reports 1975-1978, Budgets, Objectives, Progress - 2 photos of Moorelands Camp

        3: OCA Board "Business" September 1982 - November 1983

        4: OCA "Board Information" February 1983 - February 1984

        5: OCA Board, Minutes, Correspondence, Agendas September 1984 - March 1987

        6: OCA Board Minutes, Correspondence... 1984/1985

        7: Board and Members Addresses

        8: OCA Minutes, Agendas 1985-1986

        9: OCA Operational Review 1986

        10: OCA Board Business, Agendas, and Minutes April 1987 - August 1987

        11: OCA Board Business, Agendas, and Minutes September 1987 - November 1987 - includes 1 photo

        12: OCA Board Business, Agendas, and Minutes December 1987 - February 1988

        13: OCA Board Business, Agendas, and Minutes March 1988 - May 1988

        14: OCA Board Business, Agendas, and Minutes June 1988 - September 1988

        15: OCA Board Business, Agendas, and Minutes October 1988 - January 1989

        16: OCA Board Business, Agendas, and Minutes January 1989 - June 1989

        17: Submissions for Newsletter

        18: Research Information

        19: Letterhead

        20: Environmental Concerns Committee (E.C.C.) Board Minutes 1975-1978

        21: E.C.C. General Correspondence 1974-1977

        22: E.C.C. Correspondence 1975-1979 ??

        23: E.C.C. Correspondence ??

        24: Camping and Environmental Seminar 1975- 1976

        25: E.C.C. Pamphlet

        26: E.C.C. Chair Manual

        27: E.C.C. Miscellaneous Correspondence June 1982 - October 1983

        28: E.C.C. Minutes, Agendas ??

        29: E.C.C. Year End Report 1984, Financial Forecast 1985

        30: E.C.C. Minutes and Agendas 1986-1987

        31: E.C.C. 1977-1978 Conference

        Box 6


        1: ECO Skills Weekend 1982-1984 - lists, photos, negatives, reports

        2: ECO Skills Weekend 1982-1987 - miscellaneous information, correspondence

        3: ECO Skills Weekend 1986 - questionnaires, timetables, 2 photos

        4: ECO Skills Weekend 1986 - minutes

        5: Resource Materials

        6: "Northern Conservation" - includes 1 map and Provincial Parks materials

        7: E.C.C. questionnaires 1982

        8: "Environmental Issues"

        9: Environmental Standards for the O.C.A.

        10: Conservation and Alternate Resource Development in Camping (CARDIC)

        11: "Save Maple Mountain"

        12: Mailing Forms from 1977-1978 E.C.C.

        13: E.C.C. Correspondence April 1985 - March 1987

        14: E.C.C. Correspondence 1986 re: Red Squirrel Road extension

        15: E.C.C. Correspondence with M.N.R. re: camping and forestry

        16: E.C.C. Minutes, Agendas November 1985 - March 1986

        17: E.C.C. concerns ??

        18: Guide to Membership

        19: Wilderness Camping Standards draft

        20: Wilderness Camping Standards

        21: Day Camp Standards

        22: Woodsmanship School

        23: as above

        24: Membership Committee (M.C.) Recruitment of New Camps

        25: M.C. Form Letter Drafts

        26: M.C. "Old Notes" October 1977 - February 1979

        27: M.C. Minutes, Correspondence February 1978 - October 1981

        28: Individual Members Lists 1978-1982

        29: Membership Prospects

        30: M.C. Correspondence March 1978 - October 1981

        31: Re: Camping Directory Inserts

        32: Re: OCA Code of Ethics

        33: M.C. Forms and Form Letters

        34: M.C. "Old Reports" 1977-1983

        35: M.C. Budgets/Expenses 1981-1983

        36: M.C. Minutes, Questionnaires October 1982 - November 1983

        37: Re: Girl Guides: Northern Ontario

        38: Report on the Nova Scotia Outdoor Leadership Development Program

        39: C.C.A. Constitution and By-Laws

        40: Correspondence with other camping associations

        41: C.C.A. ---------

        42: Auditors File 1969-1972

        43: Better Business Bureau - correspondence

        44: Canada Permanent Trust Company - bank statements, correspondence

        45: Charters Sharpe Estate

        46: "Office" 102 Eglinton Ave. E. - leases, correspondence

        47: 1986 Director's Conference

        48: 1985 Director's Conference

        49: 1984 Director's Conference

        50: Advertising Information 1981-1983

        51: Counsellor's Conference 1979

        52: Counsellor's Conference 1980

        53: Counsellor's Conference 1981

        54: OCA Corporate Planning Process

        55: Camp Kawagama Materials from David Towler 1986

        Box 7


        1: Counsellor's Conference 1982 - correspondence, materials

        2: Counsellor's Conference 1983

        3: Counsellor's Conference 1984

        4: Counsellor's Conference 1985

        5: Exhibits

        6: Director's Conference 1978

        7: Director's Conference 1979

        8: Director's Conference 1980

        9: Programme Committee Minutes - Director's Conference 1980

        10: Director's Conference 1981

        11: Director's Conference 1982

        12: OCA Conference Notes 1977

        13: OCA Conference Notes 1978

        14: OCA Conference Notes 1979

        15: OCA Conference Notes 1980

        16: OCA Conference Notes 1981

        17: OCA Conference Notes 1982

        18: OCA Conference Notes 1984

        19: OCA Conference Notes 1985

        20: Miscellaneous Conference Notes 1980-1982

        21: ACA Convention Workbook 1985

        22: 1985 Conference Materials

        23: OCA Conference Notes 1986

        24: Miscellaneous Conference Programmes

        Box 8


        1: OCA Fall Weekend 1973 Arrowhead Ranch

        2: Director's Weekend December 1974 Keswick Youth Camp

        3: Open Meeting Black Creek Pioneer Village October 1975

        4: Camp Director's Weekend November 1977

        5: Director's Fall Weekend November 1978

        6: Director's Fall Weekend November 1979

        7: Director's Fall Weekend November 1980

        8: Director's Fall Weekend November 1981

        9: Director's Fall Weekend November 1982

        10: Education Committee - General Correspondence 1961-1981

        11: Membership Correspondence 1976

        12: Membership Committee General Correspondence 1977

        13: Membership Committee General Correspondence 1978

        14: Membership Committee General Correspondence 1979

        15: Membership Committee General Correspondence 1980

        16: Membership Committee General Correspondence 1981

        17: Membership Committee General Correspondence 1982

        18: Membership Committee General Correspondence 1983

        19: Membership Committee General Correspondence 1984

        NON-MEMBER CAMPS 1976-1986

        20: Camp Adelaide (Girl Scouts of Canada)

        21: "Doris Goldfarb's Day Camp"

        22: Cooper Sports Camp

        23: Camp Crossroads

        24: Edelweiss Sports Centre

        25: Evangel Church

        26: Gilford Sports Camp

        27: Handicapped Action Group

        28: Jewish Community Centre of Ottawa

        29: Little White Fish

        30: Nanawaqua

        31: Camp Nee Jee

        32: Northwoods Youth Camp

        33: Outdoor Educational Services

        34: Outlook Hamilton

        35: Owandonze

        36: Quetico Centre

        37: Scallywag Camp

        38: Camp Sirrah

        39: Spectrum

        40: Summer Adventures Canoeing Program

        41: Camp Sun Rise

        42: Camp Tekakwitha

        43: Weight Watchers Camp

        44: Wagonwheel Ranch

        45: Lost Bay Camp

        46: Ontario Hydro Eastern Ontario Transmission Lines

        47: Education Committee 1966-1977

        48: Department of Education General File 1954-1969

        49: Department of Education General File 1970

        50: Quetico Foundation

        51: Conservation Council of Ontario 1967- 1971

        52: Education Committee - Director's Weekend 1966-1968

        53: Education Committee - Director's Weekend 1969

        54: Education Committee - Director's Weekend 1970

        55: Education Committee - Director's Weekend 1971

        56: Education Committee - Director's Weekend 1972

        Loose in box

        Slides (17) and Script for January 26, 1989 - Jane McCutchen receives Dorothy Walter Award at the OCA Conference Annual Meeting

        1 envelope containing 3 slides from Joy Bible Camp

        Miscellaneous slides for Archives Slide Show - 1989 Annual Meeting (4 boxes)

        1 box of the 1988 OCA Counsellor's Conference (13 slides)

        Winners of the Annual OCA photo contest 1988? (17 slides)

        Large Materials Cabinet - Drawer 32:

        Haliburton Hockey Haven OCA Accreditation Certificate 1971-1978

        Alternative identifier(s)

        Standard number

        Standard number

        Access points

        Subject access points

        Place access points

        Name access points

        Genre access points

        Description record identifier

        Institution identifier

        Rules or conventions

        Language of description

          Script of description


            Accession area