Fonds 72-007 - Ontario Camping Association fonds. Original accession

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Ontario Camping Association fonds. Original accession

General material designation

    Parallel title

    Other title information

    Title statements of responsibility

    Title notes

    • Source of title proper: Title based on the Association which created the fonds.

    Level of description


    Reference code


    Edition area

    Edition statement

    Edition statement of responsibility

    Class of material specific details area

    Statement of scale (cartographic)

    Statement of projection (cartographic)

    Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

    Statement of scale (architectural)

    Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

    Dates of creation area


    • 1922-1973 (Creation)
      Ontario Camps Association

    Physical description area

    Physical description

    3.2 m of textual records
    ca. 600 photographs

    Publisher's series area

    Title proper of publisher's series

    Parallel titles of publisher's series

    Other title information of publisher's series

    Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

    Numbering within publisher's series

    Note on publisher's series

    Archival description area

    Name of creator

    Administrative history

    In 1900 A.L. Cochrane established the first private camp in Ontario. By 1925, the number of private camps in Ontario had increased to only six or seven. The camps established during this time period (1900-1925) were mainly for boys over the age of thirteen. Co-ed camps were unheard of at this time. As of 1925, the private camps were making headway in their development and agency camps, such as the Y.M.C.A., were opening up across the province. The leaders and directors of these camps, wanting to keep abreast of new trends, began to regularly attend the American Camping Association conventions, due to the absence of a Canadian or Ontario camping association. This situation, although helpful to the evolution of camps in Ontario, was not ideal. Issues relevant to Canadian camps, and camp leaders and directors, were not being addressed by the American association. As a result, the camp leaders in Ontario decided to form their own group. In the first few years, the meetings were informal, and held in private homes. The first members were A.L. Cochrane, H.E. Chapman, Mary Edgar, Mary Hamilton, Fern Halliday, and Taylor and Ethel Statten. One of the main topics of discussion centered on the need for a camping association in Ontario. In 1933, this group of private camp leaders and directors formally founded the Ontario Camping Association. Taylor Statten was made the first chairman of the Association. It was decided by the founding members that the Association would not just be for private camps, but would be open to anyone engaged in any aspect of camping. The interests of the founders of the Association encompassed the development and maintenance of high camping standards in the field of camping for children and an appreciation of the wider aspects of the camping movement. They believed that through discussion and consideration of common camping policies and problems, and by mutual exchange of ideas and knowledge, better camping would be achieved. The Ontario Camping Association was responsible for the development and implementation of standards for Ontario's children's camps, and, in 1941, in conjunction with the Provincial Department of Health, made the licensing of all camps mandatory. The headquarters of the Association are located in Toronto, Ontario. In 2012, the Ontario Camping Association changed its name to Ontario Camps Association.

    Custodial history

    The fonds was created by and remained in the custody of the Ontario Camping Association.

    Scope and content

    The fonds consists of the papers and records of the Ontario Camping Association delineating its operation and policies, conferences, special programmes; the Canadian Camping Magazine; and brochures, photographs, newsletters from member camps. The fonds also contains the Ontario Camping Association's newsletter, and some sound and tape recordings of conference.

    Notes area

    Physical condition

    Immediate source of acquisition

    The fonds was donated by the Archives Committee of the Ontario Camping Association in 1971.


    The fonds has been arranged into two series: Camp Brochures and Photographs, and Organizational Records.

    Language of material

      Script of material

        Location of originals

        Availability of other formats

        Restrictions on access


        Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

        Finding aids

        Generated finding aid

        Associated materials

        For related records see: 77-024 (L.M. Frost fonds), and 80-022 (M.L. Northway fonds).

        Related materials


        Further accruals expected.

        General note

        The audio tapes have been physically removed from this fonds and been placed within a new fonds titled Canadian Camping Association fonds : Sound Tape Recordings (83-002).

        General note


        SERIES 1. Camp Brochures and Photographs (Appendix 1), 1922-1967

        SERIES 2. Organizational Records, 1952-1973
        Major Contents:
        Camp Staff Records
        Advisory Board and Archives
        OCA Board
        Conference Committee
        Education Committee
        Executive Committee
        Nominating Committee
        Standards Committee
        Conference Records
        Centenary Journey
        Agency Liaison
        ACA Records

        General note

        SERIES 1 - Camp Brochures & Photographs

        (Note: brochures are arranged alphabetically; see Appendix for a list of photographs)

        Box 1


        1: Camp Allsaw - Chrystal Springs
        Allsaw Reporter, brochure; Allan-a-Dale, Baptist Camps, Bark Lake, Beausoleil, Big Doe, B'Nai B'Rith (Ottawa), Bolton Bonita Glen (1951), Brebeuf, Brigadoon, Campus in the Woods, Cedar Nook (1952), Centennial (1954), Cherith, Clovelly (1954), Comak (1944-1945; 1947-1949), Camp of the Blue OX, Couchiching (1914, 1948, 1966, 1968), Chrystal Springs

        2: Davern - Glen Bernard
        Davern (1964), De La Salle (1961, 1965), Echo Bay, Fair Glen (1965), Fair Havens (1962), Forest Hill (1947), Forest Valley Day Camp (1967), Gay Venture (1952, 1964), Glen Bernard (1923, 1925)

        3: Glen Bernard: The Scroll, n.d., 1924 (2 copies) - 1925, 1933, plus photographs (from Dr. M.L. Northway), n.d. Added bound volume of "The Scroll" to this box in 2008. 1924-1934.

        4: Glen Bernard: Photographs - originals of canoe trip (1927), and camp activities, 1922-1940 (copy negatives shelved in Archives Office)

        5: Glen Mohr - Kiawa
        Glen Mohr Presbyterian Camp (1948), G.T.R. Cub Camps, Haliburton Scout Reserve, Hobachi (1961), Huron Presbytery Camp (1958), Hurontario, John Island, Inawendawin, John Island, Kagawong (receipts and expenditures, (1918), Kakeba, Kanawana (1940), Kandalore (1967), Kawagama (1952), Kawabi (1952), Kawartha (1961, 1962, 1966), Kennaway (1954), Kenny (1954), Kiawa (1961)

        6: Kilcoo - brochures and photographs (originals and copy negatives). Brochures from 1934, 1936, 1945, 1947, 1949 (copy negatives and photos shelved in Archives Office)

        7: Kitchikewana - New Moon
        Kitchikewana (1952), Kiwanis, Mazinaw (1950, 1960), Medeba (1962, 1964, 1965), Metagami (see also Temagami), Mi-a-kon- da (1959), New Moon

        8: Northway Lodge. Photographs (originals and copy negatives) - (copy negatives shelved in Archives Office)

        9: Northway Lodge - Norval
        Northway Lodge (1966, 1967), Norval (1947, 1949, 1956, 1959-1961, 1964, 1966-1967)

        1. Oak-a-lea - Ogama
          Oak-a-lea, Oconto (1950, 1964, 1966), Ogama (1967)

        2. Onawaw - Queen Elizabeth
          Onawaw (1929, 1931, 1934, 1936-1937, 1966), Ontario Society for Crippled Children, Otoneke, Otterdale (1956), Ouareau, Ponacka (n.d., 1952, 1961, 1964), Port Sydney (1965), Queen Elizabeth (1954, 1956)

        3. Robin Hood - Shawanaga
          Robin Hood (1961, 1966, 1967), Ro-Bruin (1956), Rollin' Acres (1967), Ruddy (1956), Ryde Lake (1959, 1966), Scott Mission (1968), Sharbot (1950, 1952, 1967), Shawanaga (1951, 1970)

        4. Ontario Camping Association Copy Photographs (copies filed with originals)

        Box 2


        1: Shadow Lake pamphlets and photographs (originals and copy negatives)

        2: Sherwood Forest: brochures (1934-1937, 1939, 1944), counsellor's guide and photographs, 1951, 1957-1959)

        3: Sparrow Lake - Tanamakoon
        Sparrow Lake (1966), Swallowdale, Summerland (1952, 1968), Tamakawa, Tamarack (1966), Tanamakoon (1930-1933, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1961); photographs of Tanamakoon (1930-1933), (originals and copy negatives)

        4: Camp Tamarack business papers and various issues of the newsletter Double Triangle, published by the 59th Toronto Boy Scout Council

        5: Tapawingo - Tinawatawa
        Tapawingo (1950-1952), Tawingo, Temagami (1905, 1953), T-Bar, Trailfinder, Ta-wa- si (1956), Tecumseh (1956), Tinawatawa. Photographs included

        6: Wabikon - Wae-gee-wa
        Wabikon, Wabun (1966), Wahanowin (1959), Wahcahmie, Wakana (1962), Wanapitei (1956), Wangoma (1958, 1959, 1966, 1967), Wa-sa-ah-bun (1944-1946, 1948, 1949, 1961), Waseosa, Wa-ye-kwa-kana (1951), Wee-gee-wa (1967, 1968)

        7: Wendigo - Winnebagoe; Camp Tonakela Photograph
        Wendigo (1965-1966), White Pine (1966), Wikwetonee (1965-1967), Winnebagoe

        SERIES 2 - Organizational Records

        Box 2 (cont'd)


        8: Confidential Camp Counsellor Survey, 1952. Correspondence and questionnaires
        Correspondence with Canadian Girl Guides, Camp Gay Venture, Glen Bernard, Hiawatha Junior, Ontario Council of Christian Education, Temagami, Sunfish, Mary Edgar, Kawagama, Wabi-kon, and Welfare Council of Toronto
        Questionnaires and responses (most incomplete) for the following camps: Ahmek, Bonita Glen, B'Nai B'Rith Ottawa, Cedarmonk, C.G.I.T., Comak, Erie Heights, Gay Venture, Glen Bernard, Hiawatha Junior, Kagawong, Kandalore, Kawabi, Kawagama, Kitchikewana, Maginaw, Moorelands, Northland, Onawaw, Ponacka, Shadow Lake, Sharbot, Summerland, Sunfish, Tapawongo, Wabi-kon, Wapomeo, Wa-ye-kwa-kana, Winnebagoe

        9: Staff application forms (by camp), including application forms, staff ratings and questionnaire, reference forms, contract agreements, job analyses and training manuals. Not all types of record available for each camp
        B'Nai B'Rith, Comak, Gay Venture, Kandalore, Kawabi, Kawagana, Kitchikewana, Onawaw, Orillia YMCA, Ponacka, Sharbot, Sherwood Forest, Tapawingo, Taylor Statten and Wabi-Kon

        10: OCA committees - Advisory Board and Archives
        Advisory Board - minutes, 8 May 1967 - Report re OCA crest - Archives - minutes, reports, correspondence, draft history of camping, oral history interviews, interviewing, procedures and assorted collected materials, 1908, 1966-1973

        11: OCA Board - minutes, 7 Dec. 1955, 6 Nov. 1958
        Conference Committee - minutes, May-Dec. 1967, Jan. 1968
        Cultural Committee - copy of Lynda Petrosky's report for Children's International Summer Villages (on Vancouver Island Village), 1969

        12: Education Committee - outdoor education, conservation brochures (re Albion Hills School), questionnaire, 1972
        Ontario Government recommendations re purchase of Bark Lake campsite, 1947- 1948
        Information re Duke of Edinburgh award

        13: Correspondence re Jamaican Counsellors' Fund, 1963-1965

        14: Executive Committee - minutes, 1954-1959
        Legislation Committee - minutes, reports 1957, 1969-1973
        Nominating Committee - committee lists, 1965, 1970
        Public Relations Committee - parents' guide to camps (1961, 1969), news releases, National Camping Day report, photos and Pollution Probe correspondence

        15: Canoe Instruction and Water Safety materials, questionnaire on life- jackets, supervised canoe trips, Camp Onawaw canoeing rules, 1957 - 1971; OCA canoe trip brochure, 1939

        16: OCA Canoeing test sheets, 1964-1965

        17: OCA Canoeing test sheets, 1966

        18: OCA Canoeing test sheets, 1967

        Box 3


        1: Standards Committee - minutes, Jan. 1955 May 1960

        2: Standards for Children's Day Camps - studies of camping practices and mandatory standards, 1953, 1955, 1956, 1962, 1968, 1969, 1970

        3: Standards and Camp Practices - studies, reports and regulations from Ontario, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and American Camping Association, 1954-1965

        4: Standards Committee - Voluntary Accreditation scheme - correspondence, 1954-1958; OCA initiative and responses of individual camps; reports of committee, camp self-evaluations, camp ethical problems, and assistance for standards programme, 1954-1970; correspondence re camp visitations, 1958-1959

        5: Standards Committee forms - reaction to visitation scheme, with comments of camp owners etc., and requests for visitations; lists of camps visited, camp visitor's kit, and minutes of Executive Committee, 15 Oct. 1958. Arranged in alphabetical order, 1958- 1963

        6: Standards Committee - returns re self- evaluation questionnaire

        Box 4


        1: Standards Committee - self-evaluation questionnaire returns and summary, 1955

        2: Standards Committee (as per Box 4 Folder 1), 1956

        3: Standards Committee (as per Box 4 Folder 2), 1956, continued

        Box 5


        1: Standards Committee - questionnaire responses, 1958

        2: Standards Committee (as per Box 5 Folder 1), 1958

        3: Standards Committee (as per Box 5 Folder 2), 1958, continued

        4: Standards Committee (as per Box 5 Folder 3), 1953

        5: Early material on camp standards from the ACA, YMCA, and OCA, 1937-1947

        6: The Camp Counsellor's Book (ed. by Mary L. Northway and Barry G. Lowes) - typescript

        7: Revised, annotated copy of typescript

        8: Revised corrected typescript of The Camp Counsellor's Book

        9: Page proofs of book

        10: Correspondence re The book, 1961-1969. Correspondents include publishers and contributors to the book, Mary Edgar, the authors, and the American Camping Association

        11: Reviews of the book; publisher's lists and book advertisements, 1963-1964

        12: OCAsional News, Feb. 1962 - Oct. 1972 (incomplete run); also, the Ontario Camp Bulletin, 1946-1949 (including [1949] News Letter)

        13: National YMCA camp charts, 1953; membership committee material; analysis of camp fees by Stan Wild, 1968; report of the Standing Conference of Youth Organizations, 1963

        14: Miscellaneous and collected publications; OCA bibliography, 1948; OCA Brief to Ontario Select Committee on Youth, 1965 (including drafts and memoranda), 1965; Brown Camps newsletter, 1967; YWCA Camp Project Report, 1967; The White Bearer, 1967

        15: Miscellaneous and collected publications and speeches:

        1. Lectures on camp education (1940)
        2. Records in a camp education (1940)
        3. Problems discussed at counsellors' meetings (1940)
        4. Outline of content of evening course in camp education (Northway)
        5. Camping trips. (F.A. MacDougall, 1940)
        6. Camping in Canada. (Northway; Canadian Geographical Journal, 1940)
        7. A Philosophy of Camping
        8. Camping - what is it? (ACA publication)
        9. Canadian Camping: its foundations and its future (Northway) - (See Box 9 Folder 5)
        10. Organized camping
        11. Nature in Camp (ACA publication)
        12. Teaching the director to teach
        13. Teaching the counsellor how to understand behaviour, particularly his own
        14. Teaching the counsellor to understand group life
        15. Study weekend at Pinecrest - the role of the OCA
        16. The length of time campers spend at camp (F.M. Hill)

        16: Miscellaneous and collected publications (continued)

        1. A Workbook for Camp Counsellors
        2. Cross-cultural relationships in a summer camp (Grof and Warlow, 1967)
        3. Among ourselves (Edgar)
        4. The Counsellor's job at camp (Raymer)
        5. Counsellor's responsibilities for health in camp (Ebbs)
        6. Fatigue: a major health problem in camps (Ebbs)
        7. Homesickness (Statten)
        8. Its fun to cook out (Northway and Morrison)
        9. Our indebtedness to our Indian friends (Edgar)
        10. Nobody needs to drown
        11. Outdoor education (Northway)
        12. Some thoughts on canoe trip planning
        13. So went the summer (Northway)
        14. Camping was always an adventure (Northway)
        15. Country life in Canada fifty years ago (Haight)
        16. Camp Schools for bear urbanization (St. John)
        17. Camp School aids school pupils (St. John)
        18. Report of a trip to 28 camps in Ontario and Quebec (Northway and Gibson)
        19. History of organized camping (Northway)
        20. Nominigan: The Early Years (Northway)

        Box 6


        1: Conference brochures, 1939, 1941, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1953-1955, 1957, 1959-1965

        2: Conference brochures, 1966-1973; Convention Daily News, 1972

        3: Conference correspondence, 1948-1961

        4: Conference correspondence, 1962-1965

        5: Conference correspondence, 1961-1965

        6: Conference exhibits, 1960-1967

        7: Conference correspondence, 1966

        8: Conference routine; publicity, speakers, finances, displays, etc., 1966

        9: Conference routine (as per Box 6 Folder 8), 1967-1970; official receipts, 1968

        10: Convention, 1973: annual reports of committees, etc.

        11: Annual meetings, reports, 1955, 1958, 1959, 1969; miscellaneous brochures/flyers; miscellaneous conference records, 1942-1971

        12: Centennial Canoe Trip (Centenary Journey), 1967: personnel data sheets, trip logs, area histories and trip reports

        13: Centenary Journey, 1967: personnel lists, correspondence, trip logs

        14: Centenary Journey, 1967: Ontario Chairman's correspondence

        15: Centenary Journey, 1967: routes, schedules, logs, etc.

        16: Centenary Journey, 1967: Ontario chairman's correspondence

        17: Centenary Journey, 1967: photographs; articles on Quetico and the Peterborough canoe

        18: Centenary Journey, 1967: correspondence, reports, 1965-1968

        19: Centenary Journey, 1967: historical essays on canoe routes

        (See also rolled map of Centenary route in Map Collection)

        Box 7


        1: Centenary Journey, 1967: conference, 1966; minutes of Journey committee

        2: Centenary Journey, 1967: progress reports

        3: Centenary Journey, 1967: correspondence, reports, lists of routes

        4: Centenary Journey, 1967: correspondence, information sheets

        5: Centenary Journey, 1967: correspondence, committee minutes

        6: Centenary Journey, 1967: organizational

        7: OCA miscellaneous collected materials; promotional literature on camping; study of camping practices (typescript, 1958); assorted publications and correspondence, 1945-1967

        8: Collected Papers
        Ann Hall - "Arthur L. Cochrane", Queen's, 1964 - Judi Wright - "Organized Camping in Canada", Queen's, 1966 - Mary E. Keyes - "John H. Crocker, 1870-1959", UWO, 1959

        Box 8

        OCA Collected Photographs


        1: Canadian Camping Convention

        2: Charlie Plewman file (originals and copy negatives)

        3: Photos extracted from other folders (originals and copy negatives)

        Box 9


        1: "Agency Liaison" material, from the Quebec section, Canadian Camping Association - correspondence, papers, 1960-1962

        2: "Agency Liaison" - Alberta Camping Association, correspondence, 1962-1965

        3: "Agency Liaison" - British Columbia Camping Association, Camp Administrators Conference, 1966

        4: "Agency Liaison" - Nova Scotia Camping Association, Camp Leadership Conference, 1966

        5: "Agency Liaison" - Canadian Camping Association - brochures, 1938; annual meeting, 1966; conference, 1967; Mary L. Northway - Canadian Camping: Its Foundation and Its Future, 1946 (given to Manitoba Camping Association)

        6: ACA miscellaneous reports, brochures; includes California Department of Social Welfare paper "Camps for Children", 1952

        7: ACA New York District - minutes and constitution, 1962

        8: American Camping Association / Ontario Camping Association: camp standards; guidelines and reports; ACA programme

        9: ACA reports on camping standards, 1963

        10: ACA standards committee, 1954-1960

        Box 10


        1: ACA conference, 1960

        2: ACA miscellaneous publications re camp administration and leadership, 1943- 1967; Camp Nicolet brochure

        General note



        Box 1

        Folder 3: Glen Bernard

        1. Wash day. Black/White, no neg., 9x6
        2. Camping out, b/w, no neg., 9x6
        3. At the Sundridge Station, b/w, no neg., 9x6
        4. Bloomer Girls, b/w, no neg., 9x6

        Folder 4: Glen Bernard

        1. Swimming costumes, circa 1914, b/w, 11x7
        2. In the Canyon of the Lost River, late 20's or early 30's, b/w, 13 1/2 x 8 1/2
        3. Junior campers, 1920's, b/w, 10x7
        4. Glen Bernard late fall, 1920's, b/w, 13 1/2 x 8 1/2
        5. Miss Mary Edgar and counsellor, 1930's, b/w, 9 x 14 1/2
        6. Glen Bernard picnic, 1930's, b/w, 11x7
        7. Glen Bernard outpost cabin, 1930's, b/w, 11x7
        8. Glen Bernard canoe trip, 1930's, b/w, 10x7
        9. Glen Bernard entertaining local village children, b/w, 10x7
        10. Glen Bernard, 1930, b/w, 11x7
        11. Glen Bernard fancy dress, 1930, b/w, 12x9
        12. Miss Edgar and original campers, 1922, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        13. Glen Bernard, circa 1935, b/w, no neg., 10 1/2 x 6
        14. Iolanthe, 1937, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        15. Counsellor staff, 1937, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        16. Iolanthe, 1937, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        17. Iolanthe, 1937, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        18. Cast of Iolanthe, Aug. 1937, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        19. Runaway Ballerina, 1938, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        20. Runaway Ballerina opera, 1938, b/w, 12 1/2 x 17 1/2
        21. Closing Banquet, 1938, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        22. Arts & Craft display, 1939, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        23. Alice in Wonderland opera, 1940, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2

        Photo Album - Trip to Mattawa, 1927

        1. Island in Pine Lake, b/w, 7x5
        2. Talon Shute, b/w, 5x7
        3. Being towed across Lake Talon, b/w, 5x7
        4. 300' high cliff, b/w, 5x7
        5. 5x7, b/w, Various photos on route
        6. 7x5, b/w
        7. 7x5, b/w
        8. 5x7, b/w
        9. 7x5, b/w
        10. 7x5, b/w, some of the falls we portaged around
        11. 5x7, b/w, some of the falls we portaged around
        12. 5x7, b/w, various photos on route
        13. 5x7, b/w
        14. 7x5, b/w
        15. 7x5, b/w
        16. 5x7, b/w
        17. 5x7, b/w
        18. 5x7, b/w
        19. 7x5, b/w
        20. 7x5, b/w
        21. 5x7, b/w
        22. 5x7, b/w
        23. 5x7, b/w
        24. 7x5, b/w
        25. 7x5, b/w
        26. 5x7, b/w
        27. 5x7, b/w
        28. 5x7, b/w
        29. 7x5, b/w
        30. 7x5, b/w, various photos on route
        31. 5x7, b/w
        32. 5x7, b/w
        33. 5x7, b/w
        34. 7x5, b/w
        35. 5x7, b/w
        36. 5x7, b/w
        37. 5x7, b/w
        38. 5x7, b/w
        39. 5x7, b/w
        40. 5x7, b/w
        41. 14 1/2 x 9 1/2, b/w, hunting photos
        42. 9 1/2 x 14 1/2, b/w
        43. 9 1/2 x 14 1/2, b/w
        44. 9 1/4 x 14 1/4, b/w
        45. 14 1/2 x 9 1/2, b/w
        46. 14 1/2 x 9 1/2, b/w
        47. 9 1/2 x 14 1/2, b/w
        48. 9 1/2 x 14 1/2, b/w
        49. 6x5, b/w
        50. 12 1/2 x 5, b/w, Alsy - car

        Folder 6:

        1. Kilcoo Camp, 1933, b/w, 14 1/2 x 8 1/2
        2. C.F. Plewman, 1933, b/w, 9x15
        3. C.F. Plewman and sailboat, b/w, 20x25
        4. C.F. Plewman and athletic gentleman, b/w, 20x25
        5. Staff photo, 1933, b/2, 14x9
        6. Kilcoo Camp, 1934, b/w, 14x9
        7. Kilcoo, 1934, canoes, colour, 20 x 12 1/2
        8. Kilcoo Lodge, 1935, b/w, 10x5
        9. Indian War Council at Kilcoo, 1938, b/w, 25 1/2 x 20 1/2
        10. Kilcoo, 1940, b/w, 21 1/2 x 16 1/2
        11. C.F. Plewman, b/w, 19 x 23

        Folder 8:

        North-Way Lodge

        1. Miss Case, b/w, 6 1/2 x 11 1/2
        2. Helen Little (Mrs. James Grantham), Mary Wright (Mrs. John J. Murphy, b/w, 8 x 12 1/2
        3. Helen Little in her darkroom, b/w, 13 1/2 x 8

        The Country

        1. 13x8, b/w
        2. 13x8, b/w
        3. 8x11, b/w, Log Chute
        4. 8x11, b/w
        5. 8x11, b/w, Log Chute
        6. 8x13, b/w
        7. 8x10, b/w
        8. 7x12, b/w
        9. 13x8, b/w
        10. 13x8, b/w
        11. 10x8, b/w, could be Gem Lake
        12. 11x6, b/w
        13. 8 1/2 x 10 1/2, b/w
        14. 11 x 7 1/2, b/w, might be down Madawaska River towards White Lake
        15. 6 1/2 x 11, b/w
        16. 8 1/2 x 10 1/2, b/w
        17. 8 1/2 x 10 1/2, b/w
        18. 8 1/2 x 10 1/2, b/w
        19. 10 1/2 x 8 1/2, b/w
        20. 11x7, b/w, across Cache Lake from Lookout Mountain


        1. Martha Fenn, Evelyn Noble, b/w, 8x13
        2. Henry Fenn, Willis Jones, anonymous female, b/w, 13x8
        3. Lunch on trip - Guides, Bruin and Hutchinson, b/w, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2
        4. Sketch class on playground - taught by Miss Elwood, b/w, 10 1/2 x 9
        5. Anonymous female, b/w, 8x13
        6. Anonymous female, on the dock, b/w, 6x9
        7. Washday, b/w, 7x11
        8. Girl in front may be "Alling" - behind her, Louise Metzger, b/w, 14x8
        9. Anonymous females knitting, b/w, 11x6
        10. Anonymous females diving, b/w, 7x11
        11. Anonymous females in hammock, b/w, 11x6
        12. Archery class on Playground, b/w, 13 x 8 1/2
        13. Washing dishes in dining room - Mrs. Swenson, Edna Fuller, anonymous, Miss Cannon, kitchen help, b/w, 13 1/2 x 8
        14. Mrs. White, Mrs. Swenson, helper, b/w, 8 1/2 x 7 1/2
        15. Kitchen porch. Mrs. White, Henry Fenn, helper, Willis Jones, Swenson child, Mr. Swenson, Mrs. Swenson, b/w, 14x9
        16. Mrs. White, cook, b/w, 8x13


        1. Marian Mann, Catharine Robinson, "Tennie" Jarvis, b/w, 6 x 9 1/2
        2. Younger Grant child, b/w, 6 x 9 1/2
        3. Helen Little, b/w, 8 1/2 x 10 1/2
        4. Anonymous group photo, x/w, 8 1/2 x 6
        5. Anonymous female photo, b/w, 7x11
        6. Anonymous female photo, b/w, 7x11
        7. Anonymous female photo, b/w, 6 x 8 1/2
        8. Anonymous female photo, b/w, 10 x 6 1/2
        9. Anonymous female photo, b/w, 7x11
        10. Elizabeth Beahan and two anonymous females, b/w, 6 x 9 1/2
        11. Mary (Jill) MacArthur and anonymous female, b/w, 7x11
        12. Anonymous female, b/w, 6x11
        13. Lucille Wilson - she couldn't sink, b/w, 7x12
        14. Marian Mann, Anne Adams, b/w, 8 1/2 x 7 1/2
        15. Anonymous females, b/w, 7x11
        16. Anonymous females, b/w, 6 x 8 1/2
        17. Anonymous females, b/w, 10 x 6 1/2
        18. Marian Mann, Eleanor Connell (?), b/w, 6 x 9 1/2
        19. Anonymous female, b/w, 6 x 8 1/2
        20. Anonymous female, b/w, 6 1/2 x 11

        Collection of Mary Wright - Counsellor in Charge of Woodcraft

        1. Mary Wright, b/w, 6x9
        2. Wendy's House - Lucille Wilson, Marian Mann, Mary Harper on roof, Miss Wright sitting, b/w, 8 1/2 x 14
        3. Sunday morning on the Playground, b/w, 13 1/2 x 8
        4. The whole camp at Campfire Point - from left - me in front, Martha Fenn, Frances Green, Katrina Quintur, Margaret Birchner - 2nd row left - Miss Lapatnikoff, Mrs. White, Dr. Patti, Helen Spaulding - 3rd left - Mrs. Swenson, anonymous, Marian Mann, some don't know, Carol Jarvis next to Hollis McCormack with long tie - front center - Mrs. Dodds, Honor Case, don't know the rest - standing 2nd from Hollis, Tenny Jarvis, Josephine Clark in dark sweater up around ears, Norman Clark in sweater, b/w, 14 x 8 1/2
        5. Sir Grant in center. He was physician to one of Queen Victoria's daughters for which he was knighted. His younger grandchild is to the right - the older one to the left, Mrs. Dodds with white collar is next left and Jean Pattison (Dr. Patti) at the end. Louise Metzger on ground. Miss Elwood is next to his child on right. Then Miss Cane, then Tenny Jarvis, then a Layman Girl and then Norma Wood who was swimming instructor that year. Can't place the others. b/w, 14x8
        6. The Point, b/w, 13x8
        7. Setting-up exercises on the Dock before swimming, b/w, oval, 6 1/2 x 9 1/2
        8. Swimming time on the Dock, b/w, 8 x 13 1/2
        9. "Tag End" the year Miss Little and Miss Wright had it alone, b/w, 14x8
        10. The Dining Tent, b/w, 11x8
        11. The Dining Tent at Dinner time, b/w, 14x8
        12. Inside the Dining Tent, b/w, 10 1/2 x 8
        13. "Those dishes thousands strong" - from left, the cook, Misses Cannon, Caroline Spaulding and Dowd, the cook's helper, b/w, 10 1/2 x 8
        14. Building the log cabin on Playground. Miss Wright at right. Josephine Clark is girl nearest her. b/w, 11 x 6 1/2
        15. "This is the way we wash our clothes" Mrs. Dodds '12, b/w, 6x8
        16. Another of building Wendy's House. All Junior Foresters, b/w, 7 1/2 x 5 1/2
        17. Building "Wendy's House". On roof - right - Katrina Quintus, Marian Mann, Francis Green, last one unknown, Miss Wright on ladder, b/w, 14x8
        18. More of log cabin. All girls are Junior Foresters. One on stump is weaving a cedar root basket. b/w, 8 1/2 x 5
        19. The Fiske girls, b/w, 4x6
        20. Sketching on Playground, b/w, oval, 9 1/2 x 6
        21. Miss Mary MacArthur and guide on a 2 day trip, b/w, 11x7
        22. Two guides, Miss Wright and Miss MacArthur on same trip, b/w, 11x7
        23. Miss Greenebaum's tip, "Lost, one bread knife". Mr. Bruin and Miss Greenebaum, b/w, 8 1/2 x 6
        24. Mr. Bruin, Angelyn Brown and "Patricia", b/w, 9x6
        25. Guides portaging canoes, b/w, 11x6
        26. Miss Ford's trip. First girl unknown, Mary Harper, Margaret Block, Miss Ford, last girl unknown, b/w, 7 x 7 1/2
        27. Katherine Beadle, Miss Wright and Elizabeth Shedd, b/w, 12x8
        28. Katherine Beadle, Elizabeth Shedd and Miss Wright on picnic, b/w, 11 1/2 x 7
        29. One of the Fiske girls in canoe, 1912, b/w, 6 1/2 x 11
        30. Miss Lapatnikoff - She had the "French table" at mealtime, b/w, 8x10
        31. Miss Edna Fuller, 1912, b/w, 6x10
        32. Counsellors Miss Florence Ford and Miss Helen Dowd, b/w, 10 1/2 x 8
        33. Deer seeing expedition Miss E. Fuller and Miss Dickenson packing up after breakfast, b/w, 9x6
        34. Miss Edna Fuller, b/w, 6 1/2 x 8 1/2
        35. Mary Taylor's birthday tree. Miss E. Fuller at far right, girl with tie is Gabriella Cameron, Counsellor in dark sweater is Miss Doris Fuller (swimming instructor), b/w, 10 x 6 1/2
        36. Gem Lake, b/w 8 x 10 /2
        37. Marian Gratz, Hollis McCormick and "Bobby", b/w, 10 1/2 x 7 1/2
        38. Nominigan Camp on Smoke Lake, b/w, 14 x 8 1/2
        39. Misses Wright, Fuller and Lapatinkoff sitting beside the railroad track, b/w, 10 1/2 x 6
        40. In the Arc - off for supper Sunday night on Sky Mount, b/w, 11 x 6 1/2
        41. Margaret Block, "Bargy" and Mary Harper, b/w, 8x8
        42. The Log Chute, b/w, 8 1/2 x 11
        43. Breakfast on White's Lake Miss E. Fuller made pancakes, b/w, 10 1/2 x 6 1/2
        44. Miss Edna Fuller, b/w, 5x7
        45. Looking toward Echo with the bath tent, which nobody used, b/w, 10 x 6 1/2
        46. View from Lookout Mt. Treasure, Blueberry, Patsy, Little Dad, Echo, b/w, 11 1/2 x 6 1/2
        47. Blueberry Island, 1912, b/w, 10 1/2 x 5 1/2
        48. Hollie McCormick, Ann Adams, and "Bobby", b/w, 11x8
        49. View from Birch Knoll, b/w, 10x6
        50. Forest Fires, Blue photo, 5 1/2 x 5 1/2
        51. Counsellor, Miss Helen Cannon, b/w, 8 x 10 1/2
        52. The Main Tent. Miss Wright lying on couch. Girl at right in chair is Lucille Wilson. Counsellor unknown, b/w, 10 x 6 1/2
        53. Swimming at 11:00 a.m., 1912, b/w, 9 x 7 1/2
        54. On the Playground, 1912, b/w, 10 1/2 x 6 1/2
        55. Miss Ellie Dickenson leave the Dock, 1912, b/w, 7 x 6 1/2
        56. The Point, 1912, Margaret Brickner in Canoe, b/w, 8 1/2 x 6
        57. Miss Doris Fuller, swimming counsellor, b/w, 7x10
        58. Ann Adams and Miss Wright off on an overnight trip to head Lake. It rained all night. Two other girls were along. b/w, 7 x 10 1/2
        59. Willis Jones and Harry Fenn, b/w, 8x14
        60. Martha Fenn, b/w, 8x14
        61. Log cabin belonging to the Park Rangers (except that wasn't their right name), b/w, 11x8
        62. View under the railroad trestle, b/w, 11x8
        63. On Sky Mount - 2nd from left, Margaret Block next Carol Jarvis, others unknown, b/w, 11 1/2 x 6 1/2
        64. Out on a trip - Guide Bruin and Lewis, (?), Ann Adams in foreground, b/w

        Around Camp

        1. Campfire Point, b/w, 8x7
        2. Mrs. Dodd's tent (camp nurse), b/w, 7x6
        3. The Point, b/w, 8 1/2 x 6 1/2
        4. Dining tent, b/w, 11x7
        5. Dining tent from dock, b/w, 9 1/2 x 8 1/2
        6. 8x7, b/w, various photos of camp, Tag End
        7. 7 1/2 x 7, b/w
        8. 11x7, b/w
        9. 8 1/2 x 10 1/2, b/w
        10. 8 x 13 1/2, b/w
        11. 14x8, b/w, various photos of camp, Tag End
        12. 9 1/2 x 7, b/w, scene from Midsummer Night's Dream (see photos 253-261)
        13. 9 1/2 x 7, b/w
        14. 9 1/2 x 7, b/w
        15. 14x8, b/w
        16. 14x8, b/w, scene from Midsummer Night's Dream (see photos 253-261)
        17. Two anonymous females, b/w, 10 1/2 x 8
        18. Two anonymous females, b/w, 10 1/2 x 8
        19. Anne Adams, Marian Mann, Katrina Quintus, b/w, 13 x 8 1/2
        20. Anonymous female, b/w, 6 x 8 1/2
        21. Guide Hutchinson's successor became a flyer in World War I, b/w, 11x8
        22. Anne Adams, Helen Little, b/w, 8x13
        23. Anonymous female, b/w, 6 x 8 1/2
        24. Anne Adams, Marian Mann, b/w, 11 x 7 1/2
        25. Anonymous group at dinner, b/w, 10 x 5 1/2
        26. Anonymous male carrying canoe, b/w, 7x11
        27. Anonymous male carrying canoe with child, b/w, 11x8
        28. Anonymous female, b/w, 8 1/2 x 10 1/2
        29. On a camping trip, b/w, 13 x 8 1/2
        30. Anonymous female, b/w, 8 x 10 1/2
        31. Louise Metzger weaving Blue tree emblem, Indian style, on outdoor loom set up near Playground, b/w, 8 x 13 1/2
        32. Louise was the only one who tried it. Miss Elwood or Miss Scott taught her. Miss Case used this runner on the back of her chair in the main tent, b/w, 8 x 13 1/2
        33. Wendy's House - built by campers under direction of Crafts Counsellor, Mary Wright (seated), b/w, 8 1/2 x 14
        34. Hiking on the track. Left Lorna Clerk, third Peggy Brickner (?), right Helen Little, b/w, 14 x 8 1/2
        35. Two anonymous females, b/w, 6 x 8 1/2
        36. Counsellor, Miss Elwood and two anonymous girls, b/w, 8 1/2 x 7
        37. Swimming counsellor, Norma Woods, b/w, 8 1/2 x 7
        38. On the dock. Lorna Clark and Josephine Clark, b/w, 7 1/2 x 13 1/2
        39. Anonymous girl, b/w, 7x11
        40. Stephanie Jarvis - "Tennie" was always fishing, b/w, 7x12
        41. Cabin on Playground. All campers Junior Foresters (Mary Wright on right), b/w, 7 1/2 x 5 1/2

        253-261. Scenes from Midsummer Night's Dream. See also photos 225-227. Titania is Angela Brown. Titania and bottom, Mary Wright made papier mache head

        1. 14x8, b/w
        2. 11 x 8 1/2, b/w
        3. 13 x 8 1/2, b/w
        4. 9x14, b/w
        5. 10x6, b/w
        6. 11 x 8 1/2, b/w
        7. 11 x 8 1/2, b/w
        8. 11 x 8 1/2, b/w
        9. 11 x 8 1/2, b/w
        10. Anonymous female, camping outfit about 1920, b/w, 6 1/2 x 8 1/2

        Folder 13. Copy photographs. For detailed list see collection entitled Ontario Camping Association. Photos

        Box 2

        Folder 1:

        Shadow Lake Photos

        1. Eleanor Kay and four anonymous females, b/w, 17 1/2 x 12 1/2
        2. Shadow Lake Camp, Eaton Girls, b/w, 25x20
        3. Anonymous females reading around fire, b/w, 25x20
        4. Anonymous females swimming, b/w, 25x20
        5. Shadow Lake Camp, b/w, 25x20
        6. Shadow Lake Camp, b/w, 25x20
        7. Indian Camp fire, b/w, 25x20
        8. Anonymous females in front of cabin, b/w, 25x20
        9. Shadow Lake, b/w, 20x25
        10. Log cabin at Shadow Lake, b/w, 9 x 6 1/2
        11. Anonymous females with camp van, b/w, 9 x 6 1/2
        12. Shadow Lake Recreation Hall, 1945, b/w, 9 x 6 1/2
        13. Shadow Lake, b/w, 11 1/2 x 7
        14. Golf Course at Shadow Lake, b/w, 11 1/2 x 7
        15. (no photo listed)
        16. Shadow Lake, b/w, 9 1/2 x 7
        17. Shadow Lake, b/w, 11 1/2 x 7
        18. Sailing, b/w, 7x11
        19. Sail boats, b/w, 11x7
        20. Anonymous group in front of cabin, b/w, 7x11
        21. Riding, b/w, 11x7
        22. Anonymous females in front of monument, b/w, 7x11
        23. Sailing, b/w, 10 x 6 1/2
        24. Picnic, b/w, 14x9
        25. Tennis, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        26. Hiking, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        27. Dining Hall, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        28. Archery, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        29. Anonymous females around camp sign, 1945, b/w, 11x7
        30. Canoeing, b/w, 11x7
        31. Shadow Lake post card, b/w, 9x14
        32. View of Shadow Lake, b/w, 11 x 6 1/2
        33. Anonymous females around piano, b/w, 12x10
        34. Anonymous females in front of cabin, b/w, 11x11
        35. Anonymous females in front of cabin, b/w, 11x11
        36. Anonymous females in front of cabin, b/w, 11x11
        37. Shadow Lake post card to Miss Eleanor Keyes, June 1945, b/w, 14x9
        38. Riding, b/w, 15x10
        39. Sylvia Jones, M.O. Billing, Kit Wallace, riding, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        40. Archery, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        41. Anonymous female with camp bell, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        42. Anonymous female with camp bell, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        43. Dining hall, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        44. Dining hall, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        45. Riding, b/w, 9x6
        46. Riding, b/w, 11x7
        47. Anonymous females in front of camp sign, b/w, 11 1/2 x 7
        48. Mrs. T. Eaton congratulating winner at annual Labour Day Horse Show at Shadow Lake, b/w, 6 1/2 x 11
        49. Group photo, b/w, 11 x 6 1/2
        50. Shadow Lake, b/w, 12x7
        51. Canoeing, 1946, b/w, 7x11
        52. Archery, b/w, 12x10
        53. Riding, b/w, 11 1/2 x 7
        54. Swimming, b/w, 11 1/2 x 7
        55. Anonymous females in cabin, b/w, 12x10
        56. Golf, b/w, 14 x 8 1/2
        57. Broom Tennis, July 1947, b/w, 14 1/2 x 9 1/2
        58. Dining Hall, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10 1/2
        59. Anonymous female, rowing, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10
        60. Anonymous females at tennis, b/w, 12 1/2 x 10

        Folder 2:

        Sherwood Forest Camp (#'s 323-384 all `no negative') 1950

        1. Sherwood Forest Lodge, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        2. Their Summer Home, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        3. A picnic, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        4. Just the Spot when Weather's Hot, (swimming hole), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        5. The swimming lesson, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        6. This camper knows how (diving), b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        7. Ready-Go! (diving), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        8. Life Saving Practice, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        9. Preparing for canoe trip, b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        10. Dreams come true (camp), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        11. Housekeeping, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        12. Water Beetles (rowing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        13. Craft shop, b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        14. Sherwood Foresters (archery), b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        15. Waiting for a breeze (sailboat), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        16. The Race is on (canoeing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        17. Nearing the Journeys End (canoeing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.


        1. C.H. Irwin - "The Chief", b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        2. Sherwood Forest Lodge, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        3. Their Summer Home, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        4. Housekeeping, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        5. Glastic Shower House, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        6. Just the Spot When Weather's Hot (swimming hole), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        7. The swimming lesson, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        8. Senior Beach, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        9. This camper knows how (diving), b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        10. Life Saving Practice, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        11. Craft Shop, b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        12. Sherwood Foresters (archery), b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        13. Water Beetles (rowing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        14. The Race is On (canoeing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        15. Marine Nature Study Boats, b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        16. A picnic, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        17. Game of Stones - Playing Field, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        18. Waiting for a breeze (sailing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        19. Preparing for canoe trip, b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        20. Dreams come true (camp), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        21. Nearing the Journey's End (canoeing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.


        1. C.H. Irwin - "The Chief", b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        2. Sherwood Forest Lodge, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        3. Their Summer Home, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        4. Housekeeping, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        5. Glastic Shower House, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        6. Sanitary Heated Showers, b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        7. Just the Spot When Weather's Hot (swimming), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        8. The Swimming Lesson, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        9. Senior Beach, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        10. On the Dock, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        11. This camper knows how (diving), b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        12. Craft Shop, b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        13. Sherwood Foresters (archery), b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        14. Water Beetles (rowing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        15. The race is on (canoeing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        16. Marine Nature Study Boats, b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        17. A picnic, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        18. Recreation Centre, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        19. Practising Skits, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        20. Game of Stones - Playing Fields, b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        21. Waiting for a Breeze (sailing), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        22. Preparing for Canoe Trip, b/w, 10x13, no neg.
        23. Dreams come true (camp), b/w, 13x10, no neg.
        24. Nearing the Journeys End (canoeing), b/w, 13x10, no neg. (Note: There are 24 identical photos for 1959, which have not been numbered)

        Folder 3:

        Camp Tanamakoon - These snapshots came from an "old" counsellor's album. They show Tanamakoon during the years 1930- 1933. The "sail past" and "canoe trip meal" photos were taken during the '40's.

        1. Tanamakoon counsellors, early 1930's, b/w, 9 1/2 x 6
        2. Tanamakoon counsellors, early 1930's, b/w, 9 1/2 x 6
        3. Tanamakoon counsellors, early 1930's, b/w, 23 1/2 x 18 1/2
        4. Tanamakoon counsellors, early 1930's, b/w, 8 x 5 1/2
        5. Mary Hamilton, b/w, 2 1/2 x 6
        6. Sailing, b/w, 8 1/2 x 5
        7. Sketching, b/w, 7 1/2 x 8
        8. Group photo, b/w, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2
        9. Anonymous female, b/w, 3 1/2 x 4 1/2
        10. Archery, b/w, 6x10
        11. Anonymous female, b/w, 12 x 10
        12. Swimming, b/w, 10 1/2 x 8 1/2
        13. Canoeing, b/w, 9 1/2 x 4 1/2
        14. Anonymous female on dock, b/w, 4 x 9 1/2
        15. Ornamental swimming, b/w, 11 1/2 x 6 1/2
        16. Canoeing, b/w, 7 x 4 1/2
        17. Canoe racing, b/w, 11 1/2 x 6
        18. Wash day, b/w, 10 1/2 x 6
        19. Group photo, b/w, 10 1/2 x 6
        20. Old woman in the Shoe, b/w, 10 1/2 x 6
        21. Cleopatra, b/w, 11 x 6 1/2
        22. Two anonymous females on dock, b/w, 6 x 9 1/2
        23. Two anonymous persons, b/w, 6 x 8 1/2
        24. Group photo by beach, b/w, 12 x 9 1/2
        25. Log hut, b/w, 5 1/2 x 8
        26. Bathing beauties, b/w, 10x6
        27. Anonymous group around fireplace, b/w, 7 1/2 x 5
        28. Anonymous females in sailboat, b/w, 6x4
        29. Sailing, b/w, 10x6
        30. Anonymous females climbing fire observation tower, b/w, 4 1/2 x 6 1/2
        31. Sail past, 1940's, b/w, 11 1/2 x 8
        32. Anonymous male blowing horn, b/w, 5 1/2 x 6 1/2
        33. Anonymous campers, b/w, 3 1/2 x 5
        34. Riding, b/w, 11 x 7 1/2
        35. Riding instructor, b/w, 4x5
        36. Riding, b/w, 7 1/2 x 5 1/2
        37. Hay ride, b/w, 8x5
        38. Archery, b/w, 7 x 10 1/2
        39. Anonymous females on stage, b/w, 9 1/2 x 12 1/2
        40. Anonymous female, b/w, 9 1/2 x 12 1/2
        41. Anonymous gypsies, b/w, 9 1/2 x 12 1/2
        42. Canoe trip, 1940's, b/w, 4x6
        43. Outdoor cooking, b/w, 11 1/2 x 9
        44. Group photo of trippers, b/w, 11 1/2 x 7 1/2
        45. Anonymous instructors, b/w, 4x6
        46. Group craft photo, b/w, 10 1/2 x 6

        Folder 5:

        1. Photo of water activity at Camp Tinawatawa, b/w, 25 x 20 1/2, no neg.
        2. Temagami Ned, 1909, b/w, 9 x 14 1/2, no neg.

        Folder 7:

        1. Abundance of Beautiful Trees at Camp Tonakela, Madras, India. Half the value of the camp to girls and boys from treeless areas of Madras City lies in its fifteen acres of lovely green trees. Except for some tall palms on the fringes it was a barren waste in 1946. Every tree shown here was planted since then by the staff and committee members. b/w, 21 1/2 x 16, no neg.

        Box 6

        Folder 17:

        Centenary Journey

        1. Good camping means experience and skill in building fireplaces and fires, as well as knowing how to cook and erect pot holders. At Centenary Journey participants must be well versed in camping skills prior to taking a Trip. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        2. Mountains, as well as rivers and lakes must be crossed on the Voyageurs Highway. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        3. "Getting there is half the fun" - and half the fun is portaging past white water, dangerous rapids, dams and other man-made obstacles. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        4. A highlight of any trip is the meals... especially when a group experiments with Bannock (Balsam Portage, Saskatchewan). b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        5. Good trippers must also be experienced in the art of map reading and compass work. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        6. A good tripper takes time out to relax, explore, and fish (Sturgeon Weir River, Saskatchewan - a group from the Regina YMCA). b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        7. A stark reminder of a man-made Lake. Once a small stream winding through beautiful countryside the naked trees are epitaphs to the advances of the lumbering and hydro industries. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        8. Sleeping under the stars will be a wonderful part of Centenary Journey. But good campers must always be prepared for rain. Tents must be properly pitched and trenched. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        9. Grand Portage - a key centre in the early commerce of Canada. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        10. On Mirond Lake, Saskatchewan, a group of Centenary Journey participants from the Regina YMCA Camp take time to pose for a photograph which will go in many scrapbooks - a pleasant reminder of the part they played in the Camping Associations' Centennial Project. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        11. To participate campers must also know how to handle a canoe in White Water. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        12. Other campers look on enviously as a group sets off on their trip (Mahood Lake, British Columbia). b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        13. Exploration and research will be an important part of the responsibilities of Centenary Journey participants. On side trips troops will enjoy discovering old Indian cabins, and taking the time to meet local inhabitants who can spend hours around a campfire relating legends of the past. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        14. And so the day begins! - Or is it the end of a portage? In any event from land to water brings on new thrills and anticipation of what lies beyond. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.
        15. Indian villages and reservations still lie along the Voyageurs Highway. Canoeists welcome the opportunity to find such a village and visit with its inhabitants. b/w, 25 1/2 x 20, no neg.

        Box 8

        Folder 1:

        1. Canadian Camping Convention - Toronto, Feb. 29 - March 1, 1952, b/w, 26x20, 3 copies and 2 negatives

        Box of 35mm slides

        Folder 2:

        1. Mary S. Edgar before 1922, b/w, 6 1/2 x 9
        2. Mary S. Edgar before camping - as a young girl with school chum, b/w, 3 1/2 x 6
        3. Mary S. Edgar in early 20's, b/w, 8 1/2 x 14
        4. Mary S. Edgar with a friend in early 20's, Glen Bernard Camp, b/w, 7 1/2 x 12
        5. Lake Bernard, b/w, 13 1/2 x 19
        6. Glen Bernard Camp - Main Lodge with flag raising (approx. 1925), b/w, 15 x 9 1/2
        7. Mary S. Edgar giving one of her Sunday morning chapel talks - early 1930's, b/w, 8 1/2 x 8 1/2
        8. Senior Camp - Indian Council Ring, b/w, 7x12
        9. Gypsy Day, 1955, b/w, 7 x 11 1/2
        10. Basketball game on site of present game field, early 1920's, b/w, 16 x 16 1/2
        11. Main beach area, 1930's, b/w, 11 1/2 x 9
        12. Mary S. Edgar, early 1940's, b/w, 9 x 14 1/2
        13. Mary S. Edgar, during early 1940's at Sunday Chapel, b/w, 14 1/2 x 9
        14. Camp On Da-Da-Woks, 1915, b/w, 8 1/2 x 13 1/2
        15. Camp On Da-Da-Woks, 1915, leaders, b/w, 13 1/2 x 8 1/2
        16. Camp On Da-Da-Woks, 1915, canoe trip camp, b/w, 14 x 8 1/2
        17. United Church Camp, Normandale, Ontario, 1928, b/w, 14x9
        18. Training Camp for boy workers, Beausoleil Island, Georgian Bay, 1925, b/w, 14 x 8 1/2
        19. Camp Stephens, Lake of the Woods, 1917, camp boat, b/w, 8x14
        20. C.F. Plewman catching for camp baseball team, Golden Lake, b/w, 7 1/2 x 12
        21. C.F. Plewman, YMCA Camp, Lake Couchiching, 1904, b/w, 8 1/2 x 6 1/2
        22. Jack Miner telling one of his wild goose stories. Manitoba boys took Board Training Camp, Minaki, Ontario, 1921, b/w, 16 1/2 x 10

        Folder 3:

        1. Ernie Schmidt, Executive Director, ACA; Doug McEven, President, CCA; John Latimer, President, OCA, 1967. b/w, 13x9, no neg.
        2. Group photo including Earl of Willingdon, b/w, 13 1/2 x 8 1/2
        3. Camp Temagami, 1904, b/w, 4 x 6 1/2
        4. A.L. Cochrane and camper, 1904, b/w, 9 x 8 1/2
        5. G. Cochrane, 1905, b/w, 8 1/2 x 8
        6. Camp Temagami banner, 1905, b/w, 8 1/2 x 8
        7. Post card, Cochrane Camp, Lake Temagami, Ontario, 1906, b/w, 13 1/2 x 8 1/2
        8. Lord and Lady Bessborough, Camp Temagami, b/w, 9 1/2 x 14 1/2
        9. Big Chief Paul, real Indian Chief, 1908, b/w, 9 1/2 x 9
        10. Lord and Lady Bessborough, b/w, 7 x 11 1/2
        11. [Gib] Cochrane and Temagami Ned in canoe, 1910, b/w, 9x9
        12. Governor General and others, about 1922, b/w, 14x8
        13. A.L. Cochrane and Sir Robert Falconer, b/w, 8 1/2 x 14 1/2
        14. Rt. Hon. Viscount Byng of Vimy, Vice Regal party, Camp Temagami, b/w, 14 1/2 x 8 1/2
        15. Temagami Ned, b/w, 14 1/2 x 8 1/2
        16. Fun in the water, Temagami, b/w, 16x10
        17. Junior boys, early morning exercises, b/w, 9x16
        18. Counsellors talk to his boys, 1948, b/w, 16x9
        19. Canoe trip, 1940's, b/w, 16x9
        20. Getting ready for canoe trips (two parties), 1940's, b/w, 16x9
        21. Junior boys morning P.T., John Turner at right back, John Leishman in front of Turner, b/w, 16x9
        22. YMCA Camp, Norval, 1911, group photo, b/w, 25 1/2 x 20 1/2
        23. YMCA Camp, Norval, 1950, swimming, b/w, 25x20

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