Fonds 04-022 - Ontario Camping Association fonds. 2004 additions

Title and statement of responsibility area

Title proper

Ontario Camping Association fonds. 2004 additions

General material designation

    Parallel title

    Other title information

    Title statements of responsibility

    Title notes

    • Source of title proper: Title based on the contents of the fonds.

    Level of description


    Reference code


    Edition area

    Edition statement

    Edition statement of responsibility

    Class of material specific details area

    Statement of scale (cartographic)

    Statement of projection (cartographic)

    Statement of coordinates (cartographic)

    Statement of scale (architectural)

    Issuing jurisdiction and denomination (philatelic)

    Dates of creation area


    • 2002-2004 (Creation)
      Ontario Camps Association

    Physical description area

    Physical description

    1.3 m of textual records
    ca. 100 photographs
    ca. 40 slides
    7 video tapes
    6 cd/dvds

    Publisher's series area

    Title proper of publisher's series

    Parallel titles of publisher's series

    Other title information of publisher's series

    Statement of responsibility relating to publisher's series

    Numbering within publisher's series

    Note on publisher's series

    Archival description area

    Name of creator

    Administrative history

    In 1900 A.L. Cochrane established the first private camp in Ontario. By 1925, the number of private camps in Ontario had increased to only six or seven. The camps established during this time period (1900-1925) were mainly for boys over the age of thirteen. Co-ed camps were unheard of at this time. As of 1925, the private camps were making headway in their development and agency camps, such as the Y.M.C.A., were opening up across the province. The leaders and directors of these camps, wanting to keep abreast of new trends, began to regularly attend the American Camping Association conventions, due to the absence of a Canadian or Ontario camping association. This situation, although helpful to the evolution of camps in Ontario, was not ideal. Issues relevant to Canadian camps, and camp leaders and directors, were not being addressed by the American association. As a result, the camp leaders in Ontario decided to form their own group. In the first few years, the meetings were informal, and held in private homes. The first members were A.L. Cochrane, H.E. Chapman, Mary Edgar, Mary Hamilton, Fern Halliday, and Taylor and Ethel Statten. One of the main topics of discussion centered on the need for a camping association in Ontario. In 1933, this group of private camp leaders and directors formally founded the Ontario Camping Association. Taylor Statten was made the first chairman of the Association. It was decided by the founding members that the Association would not just be for private camps, but would be open to anyone engaged in any aspect of camping. The interests of the founders of the Association encompassed the development and maintenance of high camping standards in the field of camping for children and an appreciation of the wider aspects of the camping movement. They believed that through discussion and consideration of common camping policies and problems, and by mutual exchange of ideas and knowledge, better camping would be achieved. The Ontario Camping Association was responsible for the development and implementation of standards for Ontario's children's camps, and, in 1941, in conjunction with the Provincial Department of Health, made the licensing of all camps mandatory. The headquarters of the Association are located in Toronto, Ontario. In 2012, the Ontario Camping Association changed its name to Ontario Camps Association.

    Custodial history

    This fonds was in the custody of various member camps of the Ontario Camping Association before being forwarded via the OCA to Trent University Archives in 2004.

    Scope and content

    Fonds consists of textual materials and photographs, slides, cds and video tapes relating to various Ontario Camping Association member camps, as collected via the Brown Bag Program. Included are samples of letterhead, brochures, camper registration packages, forms, staff manuals, staff training schedules, sample camper file sheets, promotion videos, sample menus, special events and program lists, lists of awards and prizes, and site maps. Also included are death notices for Adele Ebbs (1909-2003), Madelene Allen (?-2003) and John Latimer (1930-2003), and materials relating to the 2002 Salute to Kirk Wipper.

    Notes area

    Physical condition

    Immediate source of acquisition

    Fonds acquired in 2004 from the Ontario Camping Association via Anne Morawetz.


    Language of material

      Script of material

        Location of originals

        Availability of other formats

        Restrictions on access


        Terms governing use, reproduction, and publication

        Finding aids

        Generated finding aid

        Associated materials

        For related records see: Canadian Camping Association, Quebec Camping Association, and The Society for Camp Directors.

        Related materials


        This fonds, along with 78-006, 82-009, 84-019, 86-018, 88-006, 89-015, 92-005, 93-021, 98-019, and 01-018 is an addition to 72-007.

        General note

        BOX 1

        Camp Ak-O-Mak
        Alive Outdoors; Camp Summit
        Alternative Wilderness
        Camp Arowhan
        Arts Explorer Day Camp
        Atlantic Challenge Canada
        Camp B'nai Brith
        Bark Lake
        Beacon Bible Camp
        Camp Bellaleo
        Bellwood Lodge and Camp
        Camp Bimini
        Camp Brebeuf
        Camp Can-Aqua
        Cave Springs Camp
        Centennial College
        Camp Cherith
        Chilawee Trails
        Camp Chimo
        Circle R Ranch
        Circle Square Ranch
        Columbus Boys Camp
        Cool creek Camp and Outdoor Centre
        Camp Couchiching
        Crusaders Bible Camp
        Camp Davern
        Dorion Bible Camp
        Camp Eden (Ein Gedi)
        Egalacres Farm Camp
        Five Oaks Summer Day Camp
        Fraser Lake Camp
        Camp Ganadaoweh
        Glen Eagle Golf Camp

        BOX 2

        Grippen Lake Camp
        Havergal Summer Camps
        Hila Science Camp
        Hillside Outdoor Education School
        Hockey Opportunity Camp
        The Hollows Camp
        Huron Church Camp
        Camp Huronda
        Camp Hyanto
        Camp Iawah
        Camp Joshua
        Joy Bible Camp
        Camp Kawabi
        Camp Keewaydon
        Camp Kienuka
        Camp Kilcoo
        King Day Camp (Seneca College)
        Camp Kintail
        Camp Kitchi
        Camp Lau-ren
        Laurentian Camp
        Camp Ma-Kee-Wa (Toronto area Girl-Guides)
        Camp Manitou
        Camp Maun-Kiki
        Medeba Adventure Learning Centre
        Camp Menesetung
        Moorelands Camp
        Camp Moshava

        BOX 3

        Muskoka Woods
        National Music Camp of Canada
        New Strides Day Camp
        Camp Newport
        Camp Nominingue
        North Waters Wilderness
        Camp Northway for Girls
        Ontario March of Dimes Summer Program
        Olympia Sports Camp
        Camp Oochigeas
        Par Golf Camps
        Camp Pathfinder
        Camp Ponacka
        Project C.A.N.O.E.
        Camp Quality
        Pripstien's Camp
        R K Y Camp
        St. Vincent De Paul
        Camp Shalom
        Silver Lake Camp
        Camp Simpreska
        Sorcerers Safari
        Taylor Statten Camps (Camp Ahmek/Camp Wapomeo)
        Camp Tawingo

        BOX 4

        Texas Long Horn Ranch
        The Horse People
        The Rolling Hills Area Camp (TRHAC)
        Tim Horton's Onondaga Farms
        Camp Trillium
        Upper Canada College
        Camp Walden
        Camp Wanapitei
        Camp Wenonah
        Camp White Pine
        Camp Widjitiwin
        Camp Winnebagoe
        Camp Woolsey
        Camp Wyoka
        YMCA Camp Belwood
        YMCA of Cobourg
        YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington Day Camps
        YMCA Ki-Wa-Y
        YMCA of London Day Camps
        YMCA of Oakville
        YMCA-Rotary Presqu'ile
        YMCA Simcoe/Muskoka Summers Camps
        YMCA Sudbury (Camp Falcona)
        YMCA Wanakita
        YPCE Adventure Camps

        OCA miscellaneous documents
        Death notices (2003): John Latimer, Adele Ebbs and Madelene Allen
        Salute to Kirk Wipper (2002)

        Alternative identifier(s)

        Standard number

        Standard number

        Access points

        Subject access points

        Place access points

        Name access points

        Description record identifier

        Institution identifier

        Rules or conventions

        Language of description

          Script of description


            Accession area