Short fiction, poetry and unpublished novels

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
99-012/010(23) "Problems and Solutions" File
99-012/010(29) "Paula" (includes correspondence with Robert Weaver of CBC, 1957) File ca. 1957
99-012/010(31) "Michele," undated File
99-012/010(35) "I Should Be Glad of Another Death" File 1965
99-012/010(37) "An Honest Living" File
99-012/010(39) "The Dykes are Down" File 1965
99-012/010(45) "Arabesque" File
99-012/010(50) "The Public Man, the Private Man" File
99-012/010(55) "An Internal Matter" File 1972
99-012/010(60) "Requiem for the Pinguinus Impennis" File
99-012/010(64) Novel File 1973
99-012/011(03) "The Gargantua" notes and correspondence File 1978 and undated
99-012/010(01) Poetry File [1950-52]
99-012/010(02) "The Terrible Fate of Joshua Sibbs" (includes the November 1956 issue of "Acta" in which this story was published) File 1956
99-012/010(04) "The Thunder's Roll" - draft of an unpublished novel, journal entries ("The Progress of a Novel"), and a letter to Dr. Millar MacClure File undated
99-012/010(08) "A Wink of April (She Was Tender and Herself)" File July 1965
99-012/010(10) "A Wide Place in the Road" File February 1966
99-012/010(11) "The Wonderful World of the Spider" File November 1961
99-012/010(12) "A View for the Afternoon" File 1966
99-012/010(15) A story in two notebooks File 1969
99-012/010(17) "A Vague Circumference" poetry File
99-012/010(19) "Something for the Soul" File
99-012/010(33) "Joust" (includes correspondence with Robert Weaver of CBC File 1961-1962
99-012/010(34) "It Never Rains on Holidays" File
99-012/010(38) "Evered" File