Short fiction, poetry and unpublished novels

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
99-012/010(42) "Drains" File
99-012/010(46) "The Fourth for Bridge" (includes correspondence with CBC) File 1960
99-012/010(51) "Jimmy Bond" File
99-012/010(52) "Gentlemen's Agreement" File
99-012/010(54) "Grand Manan" File July 1970
99-012/010(56) "Homage to Axiel Hoeniger" File 1972
99-012/010(59) "A Very Simple Operation" File
99-012/010(63) Novel File 1972-1973
99-012/011(05) "Widow's Walk" File
99-012/010(05) "To Raise a Child" - with correspondence File 1957
99-012/010(21) Poems/Stories File 1954
99-012/010(22) "Renwick" File
99-012/010(24) Poems File autumn 1965
99-012/010(41) "Come at the Cocktail Hour" File
99-012/010(49) "Beat No Drums for Him," 1958 (includes correspondence from "The Tamarack Review" 1959 File
99-012/010(53) "Fullerton File" File
99-012/010(58) "The Marsden Prize" with correspondence File 1973 and undated
99-012/011(01) "The Antiarch/Piranesi," File 1974
99-012/011(02) "The Antiarchs," draft of an unpublished novel File 1973-1974
99-012/011(04) "Emma" File
99-012/011(07) Correspondence and textual materials pertaining to "Erratic," "Seasons" File Winter 1980
99-012/010(03) "Two Shadows" - draft of story broadcast on the CBC radio show, "On Campus" File January 16, 1957
99-012/010(06) "Summer Thing" File
99-012/010(09) "A Wink of April," revised and with correspondence File March 1966
99-012/010(16) "A Vague Circumference" notes File