Faculty, staff, visitors: groups

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UPC/OS4(02) Board of Governors File 1999-00
UPC/013(23) Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Spouses File 1994
UPC/013(07) Champlain College staff and faculty File [198-?] or [199-?]
UPC/013(08) Chefs at Trent File 1995-1997
UPC/013(24) Riverside office administrators and staff File [199-?]
UPC/014(02) Library staff, album 1 File 1972-1979
UPC/OS4(03) Board of Governors File [Between 1995-2005]
UPC/013(01) Athletic Complex staff: Herb Sheppard, Scott Ogilvie, Paul Wilson, Charlene Bridson, Gillian Stamp File [198-?]
UPC/013(09) Communications Department File [198-?]
UPC/013(10) Community Advisory Council, 1994 File 1994
UPC/013(11) David Moore, Bruce MacLeod, Susan Mackle, Todd Willcox, Mike McClintock, Jack Ruttle, Paul Wilson, John McCarney, and John Burbidge File [198-?]
UPC/013(12) Distinguished Alumni Award recipients File 2006
UPC/013(30) Wanapitei Temagami trips and events File [198-?]-2003
UPC/013(31) Ward Garden Committee File [199-?]
UPC/014(04) Library staff, album 3 File 1983-1984
UPC/OS3(03) Board of Governors File 1989-90
UPC/013(02) Arthur staff, 1982 File 1982