Pamphlet collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
P798 Captain W.F.W. Owen's Journal of Memoirs of the back or Northern Communication between Lakes Ontario and Huron 1817, Upper Canada. Transcribed 1998 by Phyllis White. File 1817
P800 David Bierk: A Question of Balance (Wynick/Tuck Gallery, Toronto, October 19 - November 9, 1996; Carleton University Art Gallery, Ottawa, December 1, 1997 - February 22, 1998 exhibition catalogue) File 1996-1998
P802 Treaties 1 and 2 between Her Majesty The Queen and The Chippewa and Cree Indians of Manitoba and Country Adjacent with adhesions, reprint File 1957
P803 Treaty No. 3 between Her Majesty The Queen and the Saulteaux Tribe of the Ojibbeway Indians at the Northwest Angle on the Lake of the Woods with adhesions, reprint File 1957
P806 Copy of Treaty No. 6 between Her Majesty The Queen and the Plain and Wood Cree Indians and Other Tribes of Indians at Fort Carlton, Fort Pitt and Battle River with adhesions, reprint File 1957
P809 The James Bay Treaty, Treaty No. 9 (Made in 1905 and 1906) and Adhesions made in 1929 and 1930, reprint File 1957
P812 The Indian in Transition: The Meeting of the Ways; Learning for Earning. Two articles reprinted 1961 from The Beaver File 1960
P814 The Aztecs. Pan American Union, Washington, D.C., reprint File 1964
P820 Inter-American Indian Institute 1940-1986 File [1986]
P824 About Indians in Canada. National Indian Brotherhood File [1979]
P825 Canada's Indians / James Wilson. Minority Rights Group, London, England. Report No. 21 File 1974
P828 The Rideau Canal: Early Canadian Views. Agnes Etherington Art Centre, Queen's University. 2 July - 15 August 1982 File 1982
P831 Up the Streets of Ontario. Heritage Canada File 1976
P832 Winnipeg Architecture: 100 Years. William Paul Thompson File 1975
P833 Symbols of Aspiration: Victorian Architecture in London and Southwestern Ontario File 1986
P834 The Architecture of W.E. Noffke. Heritage Ottawa File 1976
P835 Links Between Two Cities: Historic Bridges between Ottawa and Hull. Lucien Brault File 1989
P841 300 Years of American Papermaking. Helena E. Wright. Catalogue no. 50. An exhibition in the Graphic Arts Hall, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, December 1990 - November 1991. File [1990?]
P844 Pacific Extension: Ottawa-Lake Nipissing: The Building of the Canada Central Railway. Wayne Tasse File 1994
P856 Ships, Colonies and Commerce: The Age of Sail and Prince Edward Island. Laura Brandon and Mark Holton File n.d.
P857 The Saint Lawrence River Skiff. John Gardner File 1977
P858 Town and Country Houses: Regional Architectural Drawings from Queen's University Archives. Jennifer McKendry File 1993
P864 A Guide to Peterborough for Newcomers File 1986
P872 [City of Wetaskiwin]. City of Wetaskiwin. Unveiling of the Memorial to commemorate the work of The Reverend Father Lacombe and Reverend John McDougall "The Peace Makers" In the City Memorial Park on Thursday 23rd July 1936. File 1936
P878 Mowat, Oliver. The Separate Schools. The No-Popery Cry. Protestantism Not in Danger. Memorandum by the Hon. Oliver Mowat, Premier of Ontario, December 2, 1886. Toronto: C. Blackett Robinson File 1886