This fonds consists of programmes, rules and regulations, membership records, annual reports, minutes, photographs, correspondence and research material of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association of Peterborough.
Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association of PeterboroughThis fonds consists of programmes, annual reports, a memorial certificate for the 90th anniversary of the Lyceum Club and signed by Peter Adams, photos of club events and award winners, etc., administrative papers, a scrapbook, and Rug Group log books.
Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association of PeterboroughFonds is comprised of approximately 1850 slides taken by M. Margaret (Marnie) McCulloch pertaining to the Northwest Territories/Arctic region, western and eastern Canada, U.S.A. (particularly California), Australia, England, Peterborough, etc. Also included are miscellaneous photographs and textual items written about McCulloch by various people.
McCulloch, M. Margaret (Marnie)This fonds consists of 8 original pencil drawings, signed M. Smithson. The drawings are of fruits, Roman and castle ruins as well as pastoral scenes.
Smithson, M.This collection consists of two legal documents which belonged to Mrs. Friedman's sister. One is an indenture between James Holden and Thomas Westaby of Lincolnshire, dated February 20, 1686. The other is a land grant to Henry Smith, of 200 acres in Garafraxa township, Halton County, dated December 2, 1824 and December 27, 1825.
Friedman, Margaret A.This manuscript is a 1984 revised typescript, with original proofs, of Professor Margaret Doxey's publication, "The Contemporary World". Included are original maps used in the publication.
Doxey, MargaretThis fonds consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings and the M.A. thesis of Margaret Heideman of Peterborough, Ontario. Most of the correspondence is from Robertson Davies who was editor of the Peterborough Examiner and for whom Heideman wrote book reviews.
Folders includes the following:
1: Correspondence, n.d. and 1950-1968 mostly with Robertson Davies but also with Maureen Forester, Morley Callaghan, Hilda Neatby and Betty Jean Hagen
2: Newspaper clippings of some of Heideman's book reviews
3: Off-print of Heideman essay and copy of her 1948 M.A. thesis "The Imagery of Sir Thomas Browne"
This collection consists of items taken out from the collection of books from the Margaret Laurence collection at Catharine Parr Traill College. Publications by Laurence which are referred to include "The Prophets Camel Bell", "Long Drums and Cannons", "The Christmas Birthday Story", "The Diviners", "Six Darn Cows" and "Manawaka works". Other records have information which refers to, or are from, Helen Margaret Buss, Philip Shirley, Scott Hutcheson, Angus Mowat, Al Purdy, William Ready, and the book "Poet Cop" by Hans Jewinski.
Items are as follows:
- A note from Helen Margaret Buss that accompanied her study of M. Laurence's Manawaka works, n.d.
- A letter to M. Laurence from Philip Shirley, Oct 3, 1963, re The Prophets Camel-Bell, and a photograph of "Musa", 1964.
- A Clipping of a review of Long Drums and Cannons, by M. Laurence, 1969
- "Scott Hutcheson's Boat", a card with two photos (Hutcheson and his boat) and a poem to Angus Mowat by Al Purdy with a hand- written dedication to Margaret; Prince George, B.C. Caledonia Writing Series, 1973
- Collection of six items about William Ready, friend of M. Laurence, August 1979
- Collection of 4 letters and 2 Clippings related to The Christmas Birthday Story, September 1980
- Poet Cop, by Hans Jewinski, Simon & Schuster, Markham, 1975 with dedication inscription and hand-written poem in front cover.
- Copy 33.3 rpm disc of songs from The Diviners, Quality Records, 1973 with inscription "For the Children-Margaret Laurence" on jacket.
- Copy disc of Six Darn Cows read by Margaret Laurence, 1979
This accession consists of three letters, one dated January 27, 1981, one April 6, 1982, written by Margaret Laurence to Mary E. Hamilton, a college acquaintance, and one dated September 8, 1986. In the first, which is a photocopy, Laurence expresses her delight in the book "And Some Brought Flowers...", a copy of which Hamilton must have sent to her. She praises the illustrations and the text and suggests that her delight be passed on to Mary Alice Downie and E.J. Revell, co-authors of the book. In the second letter, which is an original, Laurence graciously acknowledges Hamilton's use of a quote in publicizing the "Flower" book. She also comments on the possibility of being nominated for the Nobel prize, asserting that her body of work is much too slim. An additional letter from Laurence dated September 1986 and addressed to Elizabeth Ritchie was forwarded to Trent University Archives in 1999 by the Canadian High Commission in London, England. The letter had been found inside a book and concerns Laurence's prognosis of cancer and her desire to complete her memoirs.
Laurence, MargaretThis item is a 26-page photocopy of typescript of a letter of reminiscence written in 1910 by Margaret Bird, of Peterborough, Ontario, when she was an elderly woman. It tells of her abuse at the hands of her husband including one attempt to poison her. It describes her difficult life in late nineteenth-century Peterborough.
Bird, Margaret LoveThis fonds consists of the original diary of Margaret Jane Scott who attended Lindsay Model School and then Toronto Normal School before teaching in Omemee, Ontario. The diary covers the period of time Margaret spent in Toronto at Normal School. Also included in the fonds is a typescript copy of the diary which is bound and includes an introduction, photograph and a section entitled conversations with Ida Scott which was produced September 12, 1994.
Scott, MargaretThis collection consists of six published articles and booklets relating to Mary Northway, W.E. Blatz, the Brora Centre and child psychology. It also consists of two photographs, one of Taylor Statten at Camp Ahmek in 1929, and one of Camp Ahmek council members in 1923, with accompanying key to names. Also included is a share certificate issued to Marian Gibson by John Northway and Son, Limited, and 1982 reminiscences of Mary Northway of her days at Glen Bernard Camp.
Van Every, MargaretThis collection consists of a Glen Bernard Camp songbook, a large portrait of "Chief" Taylor Statten, press clippings from Canadian Camping, a Camp Ahmek certificate dated 1923, 70 photographs, and 3 postcards. Also included are the following artifacts: a Glen Bernard trophy engraved for Janet Gibson, 1923, Camp Ahmek counsellor's medal, 1924, a leather Camp Ahmek "Third" badge, 1923, and a plaque inscribed "2nd Stollery and Van Every", undated.
Van Every, MargaretFonds is comprised of research and exhibit materials related to Glenn Madill. Included are some of Glenn Madill’s employment records, correspondence between Marisa Scigliano and archival repositories, photocopies of articles, personal notes, maps, posters, etc. Included are photographs forming the ‘Moccasin Madness’ and ‘Magnetic Moccasins’ parts of Scigliano’s ‘Moccasin Mania’ exhibit: approximately 33 enlarged mounted colour photographs taken by Scigliano on the Symons Campus, Trent University, in the fall of 2013; 16 enlarged black and white photographs taken by Madill in the 1920s during his northern expeditions (images found through research at the National Research Council).
Scigliano, MarisaFonds consists of a bound original assessment roll for Harvey Township for 1927, a photograph of Marjorie McLean Oliver (ca. 1919), two account books of the tourist camp which the Olivers operated (1926-1947; 1951-1970), a cemetery deed from Verulam Cemetery Company (1880), tax bills (1907-1968), and assessment notices (1891-1960). Also included are two land documents (1927; 1938) of the property donated to Trent University in 1998 by Marjorie McLean Oliver in memory of her father, James McLean Oliver.
Oliver, Marjorie McLeanFonds consists of photographs and post cards relating to the Oliver family and their friends, and their home at Lakeview Farm, Bobcaygeon, Ontario. Family members referred to include Marjorie McLean Oliver, Margaret Elizabeth Oliver, Margaret Chase Oliver, and James McLean Oliver. The fonds also consists of a collection of Time Books for 1935-1948, The Clan Oliver Magazine and The Oliver Society Magazine 1969-1986, a family scrapbook of birth and death notices, newspaper clippings, letters and certificates, and two Tourist Registers for Lakeview Farm 1926-1961. Also included are family property documents including a map issued by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 1955, entitled Terrestrial Ecozones and Ecoregions of Canada, with handwritten notation indicating the location of the Oliver Property which was donated to Trent University by Marjorie McLean Oliver in 1998.
Oliver, Marjorie McLeanFonds consists of photographs, genealogical information, and legal documents pertaining to the Chase and Oliver families; diaries of Marjorie Oliver; documents relating to her teaching career; school yearbooks; correspondence; and greeting cards including several Valentines. Also included is a North Harvey Cheese & Butter Manufacturing Company Ltd. ledger dated 1911-1920.
Oliver, Marjorie McLeanFonds consists of the correspondence, photographs and travel diaries of Marjory Seeley Rogers, founding Principal of Lady Eaton College, Trent University.
Rogers, Marjory SeeleyThis fonds consists of photocopies of two diaries of Mark Robinson from October 8 to December 31, 1915 and January 1 to March 3, 1917. The 1915 diary deals mainly with recruiting men from Simcoe County. The 1917 diary describes an instructional tour of the trenches in France, time spent in England, and his return to Canada. Leslie and Cecil Frost are mentioned in these diaries.
Robinson, MarkItem is a photocopy of a letter written 10 December 1953 by Mark Robinson, Superintendent and Ranger of Algonquin Park, to Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Statten, parents of Taylor Statten of Camp Ahmek.
Robinson, MarkThis fonds consists of official programs, player statistics, schedules, and prints of photographs of the Peterborough Petes, Ontario Hockey Association Major Junior "A" Hockey Club which were collected by Marlow Banks. The fonds also contains correspondence to and from Marlow Banks in reference to the sport of hockey, hockey programs, and hockey magazines.
Banks, MarlowThis addition to the fonds consists of Peterborough Petes memorabilia 1980-1981 and 1981-1982 seasons. Also include dare 10 issues of "Junior Hockey" and 1 issue of "The Leafs."
Banks, MarlowThis addition to the fonds consists of Peterborough Petes hockey team memorabilia for the 1983-1985 hockey season.
Banks, MarlowThis addition to the fonds consists of programs and clippings regarding the Peterborough Petes hockey teams, 1987-1988 season plus records from the 1988-1989, 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 seasons which were added.
Banks, MarlowThis addition to the fonds consists of programs, photos, correspondence and newspaper clippings relating to the 1986-1987 season of the Peterborough Petes hockey team.
Banks, Marlow