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23-013/002(15) · File · Feb. 25 – Mar. 5, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • Why wasn't the Fire Code enforced?
  • She found poem -- and a lot more
  • Cuts silence natives, band says
  • Sharks may spawn new Arctic industry
  • Flames out but cres still fight tire fire
  • Ontario vows to prevent tire fires
  • Temagami Indian band loses bid to save trees
  • Silent about insult
  • Metis win chance to pursue huge claim
  • Town in NWT declares four official languages
  • Battling pollution rush target at tire dump
  • No more tire fires - editorial
  • Low level flights - political cartoon
  • High schools told to change "Redskins" name
  • How children see the disaster
  • Tire fire reported snuffed out
  • Tory cuts seem aimed at muzzling critics
  • Mint begins pitch for gold coin
  • 5 N.S. judges face hearing over Marshall
  • "End in sight" to tire blaze
  • Budget cuts hit northern radio
  • Native programs singled out - editorial
  • The better way to burn old tires
  • N.W.T. judge gets desk job during probe
  • N.S. Micmac group closes its office
  • Native writing anthology on list of spring books
  • Where there's smoke, there's buyers
  • Cuts show bias, native leaders say
  • Native press is killed in one cynical stroke
  • Natives vow to expand subsidized housing despite neighbor's bias
  • Mennonites to protest Labrador NATO bases
  • Spending on natives "at minimum level"
  • He's the last of the lacrosse-stick makers
  • Funding for Wawatay axed in federal budget
  • Bigotry on the rise, poll finds
  • Nation of bigots? - editorial
  • Tires continue to burn as officials pin hopes on warmer weather
23-013/002(11) · File · 5 February, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • Chopsticks serve up wealth, Alberta
  • Painstaking publisher of natives
  • Native Indians deserve same rights, letter
  • More action urged over Uniroyal
  • Equal rights to stories, letter
  • Ottawa may help pay Marshall
  • Aboriginal children need own schools, Winnipeg
  • Inside out, Globe & Mail literary review
  • Investigation sparked by racist calendar
  • Group justice is no justice at all
  • Judge will review Marshall's bid for more money
  • Native theatre reaffirming 'the old truth'
  • Elmira skeptical on water cleanup
  • Probe of Marshall judges sought
  • Monique Mojica, native actress
  • Post office hiking rates to North
  • B.C. Indian band sues 3 pulp mills
  • Natives need own schools, Winnipeg told
  • Brant Museum tells a story
  • Marshall saga: Will N.S. take the torch?
  • Shots fired at Warriors Base in Akwesasne
  • Prairies inspire native novelist
  • Case of bingo fans postponed, Quebec
  • B.C. Indian event to fight logging
  • Implement native courts Ottawa told
  • Indian tales, this time from the pen of a native
  • Walpole's new justice of the peace, Jibkenyan
  • Children attending school for the first time
  • $30,000 NDMA research study commissioned
  • The Great Debate, Tekawennake, letter
  • Natives begin own encyclopedia, Micmac News
23-013/001(05) · File · July 13 – July 21, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

Folder includes:

  • Siblings reunited by fire -Winnipeg
  • Chiefs take case to London -Winnipeg
  • Inuit adopt strategy on saving polar area Susimuit, Greenland
  • Mohawks oppose golf course plan -Oka, Que.
  • Blacks in U.S. got vote before Canada's natives letter to Toronto editor
  • Mohawks seek end to dispute over raid -Hogansburg, N.Y.
  • Appeal set in killing of elderly native man -Toronto
  • Inuit urged to welcome progress -Sisimuit, Greenland
  • Tale of big Manitoba blazes will live on -Winnipeg
  • Natives flown home as fires die -Thunder Bay
  • Native journalism students wary of typecasting -Toronto
  • More about, Manitoba fires
  • Northwest's fire evacuees beginning to return home~ Dryden
  • Bell appeals discrimination investigation -Montreal
  • Group threatens blockade if Ternagarni logging road proceeds -Toronto
  • Week-long blockade by police fuels tension among Mohawks -Hogansburg, N.Y.
  • Inuit meeting endorses environmentalist strategy Sisirnuit, Greenland
  • Bell wants court to set aside probe of its hiring practices -Montreal
  • Ouje-Bougournou advance -Montreal editorial
  • More about Hogansburg blockade
  • Native people continue to suffer -letter to Ottawa editor
  • Cynical treatment of the Lubicons -Edmonton editorial
  • Ottawa's recognition of new band clouds Lubicon deal Edmonton
  • Independent review urges on darn project -Toronto
  • Quebec Cree court puts Ottawa on trial for tax evasion Ouje-Bougournou, Quebec
  • All burning prohibited in Northern Ontario because of fire threat -Toronto
  • Move to split Lubicon band called immoral -Edmonton
  • Inuit accuse fur activists of 'cultural genocide' Sisirnuit, Greenland
  • More about Hogansburg roadblock
  • Capturing the faces of then and now -Saskatoon book review
  • More about Northern Ontario fire evacuations
  • More about Osborne case in Manitoba
  • Proposal for native employment in forestry -Longlac
  • Mohawks to vote on casinos -Hogansburg, N.Y.
  • Growing native militancy -Sault Ste. Marie editorial
  • Canada on trial over native abuses -Toronto editorial
  • Ottawa double-crossed us, Indians say -Vancouver
  • Natives seek UN aid in bid to regain pride -Geneva
  • Audubon group out to delay hydro plan -Montreal
  • Lubicons denounce creation of new band -Edmonton
  • More about NW Ont. fires
  • PM asks Tellier to stay on -Ottawa
  • Racism compounds woes of poverty -Winnipeg
  • Police seek substance that killed two men -Toronto
  • Prejudice apparent survey -Sioux Lookout
  • Chief asks Blind River council to delay annexation discussion -Blind River
  • More about NW Ont. fires
  • Native people see their treaties as living agreements Sudbury commentary
  • Fired manager considers running for Garden River chief
  • A seat for Soviet Inuit -Toronto editorial
  • Quebec's deal with Crees chides Ottawa -Toronto
  • More about Hogansburg gambling raid
  • Attempted murder charged in shooting of special constable -Moose
  • Factory Canada plans PCB cleanup in Arctic Inuit meeting told Sisimuit, Greenland
  • Native builder plans big resort for Athabaska -Edmonton
  • Native language course graduates -Thunder Bay
  • Treaty rights -letter to Sault St~. Marie editor
  • More about NW Ont. fires
  • Mohawks say occupation to reclaim land -Montreal
  • Shortage of natives in CBC jobs 'scandalous' -Saskatoon
  • More about Heron Bay hydro project
  • More about NW Ont. fires
23-013/002(03) · File · 30 October, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • Temagami blockade to resume after bid to win injunction fails - Toronto
  • A poor showing - letter to Toronto editor about new national museum
  • Armed Mounties guard border near Mohawk reserve - Cornwall
  • 1,000 rally to fight logging in Temagami - Toronto
  • Is Meech Lake accord really worth saving? - Ottawa
  • 1,600 federal workers poised to picket today - Toronto
  • Cree's 'attorney general' a passionate advocate - Ouje-Bougoumou, Quebec
  • Reserve promised new school, asbestos study - Ohsweken
  • Meech Lake foes blaze trail for PM - Toronto editorial
  • What Meech Lake accord is all about - Ottawa
  • Temagami battle is about who uses bush best - Toronto commentary
  • More about Temagami
  • Getting to know you - Toronto
  • More about Temagami
  • Three brothers hoping to stay together - Today's child - Toronto
  • Where The Spirit Lives triumphs as a powerful study of native injustice - Toronto TV review
  • More about Six Nations schools
  • More about Temagami
  • Auditor general likes morale-boosters - Ottawa commentary
  • More about Meech Lake accord
  • More about Innu protest
  • Panel urges demilitarized Arctic - Ottawa
  • More about Innu protest
  • Is there any hope for Meech Lake? - Toronto editorial
  • More about Meech Lake
  • More about Whitedog settlement
  • Ontario's new ombudsman is a proud Mohawk peacemaker - Toronto commentary
  • Indians to appeal fishing conviction - Cape Croker
  • NS Indians seek salmon fishing rights - Truro
  • Negotiator named to settle Inuit claim - Ottawa
  • Quebec Inuit village copes with double sales tax - Ottawa
  • Coffee's always on at native centre - Thunder Bay
  • Not worth fighting for? - Toronto commentary
  • Hunters upset with Indian hunting privileges - Hunters Mountain, NS
  • At the government's door - letter to Toronto editor
  • Native fishing talks set to resume - Toronto
  • Clash averted as Mohawks compromise - Cornwall
  • Mafia .backs big bingo in US, informer says - Montreal
  • Chief sees progress over island - Sault Ste. Marie
  • Nishnawbe-Aski chiefs take next step toward new structure - Thunder Bay
  • Education council asks Mennonite school to abolish strap - Sioux Lookout
  • Local woman crushes chiefs resolution on crisis centres - Sioux Lookout
  • Webequie students miss more classes - Sioux Lookout
  • Natives plan for better stores - Atikokan
  • Next round of Whitefish Island negotiations set - Sault Ste. Marie
  • More about Six Nations schools in senate - Ottawa
  • More about John Kim Bell
  • Great Lakes plan disparaged - Ottawa
  • Grade Nine plus TYP equals university - Toronto
  • The art of fighting fires - Toronto
Academic Skills Centre
23-013/003(08) · File · Apr. 7 – Apr. 30, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes


  • Mohawk officials advise staying off reserve
  • Uneasy calm falls on reserve
  • Anti-casino Mohawks vow to resolve reserve war alone
  • Family divided
  • Evacuation of reserve
  • Disarm warriors: Chief
  • Mohawks set for "war" over casinos
  • Fear stalls return to reserve homes
  • Mohawks flee border reserve to avoid gambling showdown
  • Akwesasne at a glance
  • Hundreds flee Canadian side of blockaded Mohawk reserve
  • Indians flee reserve on barges as gambling battle escalates
  • Ottawa conveys concern to U.S. over mounting Mohawk tension
  • Four Mohawks hurt as reserve boils over
  • Mohawks on troubled reserve expect gaming violence to grow
  • Heavily armed Mohawks overrun Cornwall reserve
  • Gun battle Mohawk missing
  • Canadians trapped as reserve sealed off
  • War brewing over casinos
  • Grenade explodes near Mohawk station
  • Fire bombs destroy building on reserve
    The environment, protests:
  • Ontario calls partial halt to logging in Temagami
  • Ontario gives natives veto over logging in Temagami to save ancient pine tracts
  • Peterson's big winner in forest deal
  • Loggeis, workers cry "sell-out"
  • Last glimmer of hope vanishes for Temagami's reeling workers
  • Temagami deal difficult -- Premier
  • 5 tire fire suspects face more charges
    James Bay:
  • From crystal rivers to murky Manhattan
  • The Project of the Century
    Howe Sound:
  • Dioxin levels highest ever
    Meech Lake:
  • Gov't would accept McKenna resolution , committee is told
  • NWT minister decries view that Canada to break up over Meech
  • Meech should be killed, native leader says
    Lubicon Update:
  • Support increasing, Lubicons say
    Youth, Education, Culture:
  • Drumbeat conference at Mac shaping up as major event
  • Webequie students still not in classes
  • Accurate historical education needed to dispel the stereotypes of Indians
  • Anti-drug march
  • How Canada drives its native people to drink
  • Diabetes in natives prompts call for study
  • Prison separates mothers from children
  • Report on prison for women
    Editorials, letters:
  • Meeting to protect a shared Arctic
  • Creative bargain to save old pines
  • In a democracy, do racists deserve rights?
  • Book review: A trail of broken promises
23-013/002(10) · File · 29 January, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • Stinging rebuke to high officials in Marshall case - Boularderie, NS, commentary
  • Report on Marshall case finds racism widespread - Halifax
  • Officials open logging road in Temagami - Toronto
  • Native seminary meets only rejection - Winnipeg
  • Marshall case report urges anti-racism measures - Halifax
  • Shooting worries Akwesasne police - Toronto
  • Loggers celebrate road completion ·- Temagami
  • One of our greatest poets never wrote a word - Toronto
  • Donald Marshall still owed a debt - Toronto editorial
  • No home in their native land Toronto book review
  • Pemmican Publications stresses accuracy - Winnipeg
  • Old formulas, new sensibilities - Toronto book review
  • Inuit arts and crafts collection featured at Guelph
  • Huge Marshall report falls short of righting tragic error - Halifax analysis
  • Ministers got 'special treatment' - Halifax
  • Police investigating child abuse allegation - Poplar Hill
  • Man fined for gill netting through Lake Nipigon ice - Thunder Bay
  • Stop stealing native stories - Toronto commentary
  • Marshall wants ex-chief charged - Halifax
  • Poverty, teen-age pregnancies linked to higher infant death rates - Toronto
  • Native communities address family violence - Sarnia
  • City, Chippewa councils hold first joint meeting - Sarnia
  • Uniroyal, province reach deal on pollutant - Kitchener
  • Right to vote of off-reserve Lake Helen residents confirmed - Thunder Bay
  • New magazine on Arctic to be published in North - Toronto
  • Federal dept. critical of Hydro's Jackfish hydro - Thunder Bay
  • Saugeen band vows to clean beach - Toronto
  • Band considering court injunction - Armstrong
  • Native legal corporation to be in business soon
  • Cree take James Bay hydro fight to Washington - Montreal
  • More about Saugeen claim
  • Mohawks try to cope with split on reserve - Akwesasne
  • Reserve's anti-gamblers fear casinos linked to mob - Akwesasne
  • Environment union doesn't think Environmentalists know how to save forests ... or jobs - Ottawa backgrounder
  • How Indian culture can heal white society - Ottawa essay
  • Former radar base for sale -- again - Sioux Lookout
  • More about abuse of native women
  • Bison may face controlled killing - Edmonton
  • Twinkling stars of self-govt - Ohsweken editorial
  • Water crisis still in effect Ohsweken
  • Selling self-govt and Indian Act - Ohsweken editorial page
  • No way to achieve peace - Montreal editorial
  • Mississauga and Chippewa sign treaty - Sutton West
  • Pottawatomi treaty entitlement claim Sutton West
  • Chippewas of Georgina Island membership code - Sutton West
  • Chippewa headland-to-headland initiative - Sutton West
  • Chippewa tri-council seeks control of islands in Georgian Bay - Sutton West
  • Trust accounts management - Sutton West
  • Tri-council treaties and claims - Sutton West
23-013/001(09) · File · Aug. 1 - Aug. 28, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • A native son - Toronto editorial
  • Brushes with greatness - Toronto book review - an excerpt
  • Former envoy runs for office - Randburg, South Africa
  • Native justice would .make Riel cry - Winnipeg
  • Temagami blockade planned for Sept. 18 - Toronto
  • The ghosts at Sainte-Marie - Midland
  • Natives challenge study of sacred bones - Toronto
  • Officer should not be called to testify - Winnipeg
  • Loan project on reserves a success - Toronto
  • Ottawa, union accused of discrimination - Toronto
  • Cree leader appeared drunk, waitress says - Winnipeg
  • Man 'spoiling for fight,' Manitoba enquiry told
  • Officer who shot Indian admitted to psychiatric unit - Winnipeg
  • A parallel accord - Toronto editorial
  • More about officer's health - Winnipeg justice enquiry
  • Native officer added to minority relations unit - Toronto
  • Indians plan petition for Jesse Jackson - Winnipeg
  • More about native officer and minority relations
  • North lacks basic needs, says Rae - Fort Severn
  • A justice system for natives - Winnipeg editorial
  • Boycott of schools urged on reserves - Ohsweken
  • Committee concerned about school maintenance - Toronto
  • No need for native justice system, minister says -Vancouver
  • Native leaders upset over justice minister's statements -Kamloops
  • School flying high - Belleville
  • Aboriginal rights: progress by inches - Vancouver editorial
  • More about school maintenance - Ohsweken
  • Indians mean big business - Calgary commentary
  • Hunting for a compromise - Halifax editorial
  • Pro-trapping group may use 'star wars' to counter animal rights activists - Moose Factory
  • Child and family services assembly planned - Fort Hope
  • Store and band management trainin9 - Sioux Lookout
  • European group joins fight against animal rights activists - Moose Factory
  • Clean up environment, leader says - Moose Factory
  • Trivializing native issues - Sault Ste. Marie editorial
23-013/003(03) · File · Mar. 24 – Mar. 26, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • U.S. and Canada Indian tribes unite
  • Mohawks blockade leading to reserve casinos
  • Engineering newsletter causes uproar - Vancouver
  • Budget Cuts that hush a native voice - editorial
  • Marshall condemms budget - Ottawa
  • Smuggling fuels Akwesasne economy - Akwesasne
  • Police drive black/warrior white - Akwesasne
  • Reserve residents expect bloodshed - Akwesasne
  • Peterson's slight angers native people - Orillia
  • Rae assails inaction on asbestos - Toronto
  • PM makes plea for unity - Ottawa
  • No toast for Weiner at breakfast - Toronto
  • Chief foils Soo school closing - Sault Ste. Marie
  • McKenna proposes new deal on Meech
  • First immigrants imported their culture - letter
  • Leader says Ottawa keeps Indians poor - letter
  • Native broadcuts cuts must be restored - letter
  • Hagersville site of tire fire in '77 MPP reveals
  • New translation brings Bible home to Artie
  • Aboriginal group seeks native-language services
  • Blame for fire too hot to handle - editorial
  • Native media deride budget cut
  • Natives trying to flex muscles in Liberal race
  • Ministers to review plan to get rid of used tires
  • Test measures risk of diabetes
  • Mohawks fear violence as gambling talks fail
  • Police want braid - Calgary
  • Mohawks plan referendum on gambling - Cornwall
  • Indian history of Canada - book review
  • Modern native images that counter cliches
23-013/002(14) · File · Feb. 8 – Feb. 26, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • Good news on two fronts in Hagersville
  • Hagersville residents weary of publicity
  • $50 million added to native child welfare
  • Ottawa charges video on Ojibway 'biased', seeks return of funds
  • Budget clobbers native Canadians
  • Temagami protesters fined
  • Our official languages ignore native peoples, letter
  • Dioxin found in ditch water near tire fire
  • Tire dream sparks nightmare
  • Marshall gets 'sincere apology' from legislature
  • The rubber match in Hagersville
  • High levels of toxic chemicals detected in creek near fire site
  • Ontario to compensate victims of tire fire
  • Gravel, cement dust used to douse U.S. tire blazes
  • Power exports lead to genocide, Cree leader tells energy board
  • Ottawa kills grants to native groups
  • Assault on civil service misses job-trimming goal
  • Funds reduced or ended for outspoken women's, native groups
  • Tire fire offensive a rain-out
  • Lots of blame to share in Hagersville fire
  • Tory budget focuses on wrong 'green', editorial
  • Now it's time to stand up for tolerance, letter
  • Burning rubber, editorial cartoon
  • Water bombers pause as tire fire oil removed
  • Foam clobbers firefighter
  • Native program cuts called 'intolerable'
  • Elmira finds contamination in fourth well
  • Ray passes the bucks, photo (new $100 coin)
  • Trappers, opponents try to snare young minds
  • Water-bomber salvos launch tire fire drive
  • Brantford residents want probe of chemical dumping into river
  • New road brings hope to crews
  • Blazing tires' owner feels 'badly hated'
  • Budget lean but not mean, comment
  • 'Tough, necessary decisions to protect Canada's future', text of the budget speech
  • Spending lid hits natives
  • Lack of Innu translators delays trials for 2nd day
  • Delegation threatens boycott of furs
  • When entertainment breeds ignorance
  • Public Service 2000
  • Anti-logging activists invade stress seminar
  • Amen to letter on Hagersville fire
  • Let the fur fly in flurry of facts
  • North enlists Super Shamou to stop 'sniffing'
  • Self-Gov't pacts won't be protected by Constitution
  • Native newspapers fear government's budget axe
  • Kashtin cashes in on novelty craze - Montreal
  • Gov't stays away from conference on land claims - British Columbia
  • Those who live in glass houses ... , comment
  • "Warrior Society", letter, Tekawennake News
  • Ohswekan water okay for bathing, washing, says Health and Welfare
  • Struggling with the issue of a Native justice system, Wawatay news
  • Native trappers group looking to set-up network of northern trappers
23-013/001(04) · File · June 10 - July 24, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

Folder Includes:

  • Soviet Inuit to join Arctic discussions -Sisimiut
  • Inuit from four lands at top-of-world summit
  • Forest fires force 16,500 to flee homes -Winnipeg
  • More on forest fires Standoff between militants, police draws to end at Mohawk reserve -Hogansberg, N.Y.
  • More on Akwesasne blockade Extradition fight, fall from grace occupy exiled U.S. Indian activist -Vancouver
  • Manitoba Indian bands to sign defence treaty
  • Summer low-level jets fly right over the Innu letter to editor -Toronto
  • 5 die on Ontario roads in weekend accidents
  • Sarcee sign agreement on military clean-up -Calgary
  • Leg amputated -Kashechewan
  • Navajo dispute -Window Rock, Ariz. Saskatchewan
  • Cree community blames federal housing policy for massive tornado damage
  • More on U.N. probe
  • $15,000.paid over infant's airport x-ray
  • CBC urged to hire more natives
  • Sons of the Chief -book review -Toronto
  • Time to overhaul outdated Indian Act, official says
  • More on U.N. probe
  • More on native defence pact
  • Mohawk Indians occupy St. Nicholas island -Montreal
  • More on Akwesasne blockade
  • Federal payments cut by $2.2 billion
  • More on U.N. probe
  • More on Temagami logging
  • More on forest fires
  • Better Indian relations new directorate's goal Edmonton
  • Sault Ste. Marie fishing dispute
  • Photo of native dancer
  • More on U.N. probe
  • More on forest fires
  • Program S -Toronto
  • More on forest fires
  • More on U.N. probe
  • Man drank fatal amount, native probe told -Lethbridge
  • More on Temagami logging
  • More on post-secondary education
  • Act fast on Shoal Lake, editorial -Winnipeg
  • More on Temagami logging
  • More on U.N. probe
  • Canada's racism record: some cause for optimism
  • Rights board probes CBC, Bell Canada over hiring policies -Ottawa
  • Rufus Prince, won fight for native hunting rights obituary -Brandon, Manitoba
  • More on forest fires
  • Government grants to study Ontario's forest management
  • More on forest fires
  • Indians across the country step up protests in quest for power -Ottawa
  • More on forest fires
  • City's water threatened -Winnipeg
  • Native indict The Pas -Winnipeg
  • Aboriginal court sets gov't eviction date
  • More on U.N. probe
  • Ottawa must deal with natives, editorial -Sault Saint Marie
  • INAC encourages women bosses
  • Recollet eyes justice system changes -Sault St. Marie
  • Whitefish Island land claim
  • Native group challenges the Canadian Indian Act
  • DIANO Minister gets 'D' on columnist's report card Political cartoon -Vancouver
  • Nun's efforts in native education rewarded
  • Letter of thanks re: fire evacuation -Geraldton
  • More on post-secondary education
  • Claim to be pursued with, without treaty -London
  • Indians want base back -London
  • Walpole band farm gets S600,000 grant
23-013/002(02) · File · 23 October, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

This following folder includes

  • Film hits sensitive nerve in native community - Toronto
  • Prize means a lot to all native artists - Toronto
  • Cadieux to meet band chief - Toronto
  • Native groups urged to bolster blockade - Ottawa
  • Native students' Catch 22 - Toronto
  • Trappers to cull wolves under bounty program - Edmonton
  • NWT makes native new speaker - Norman Wells , NWT
  • Three hunters killed in tent fire - Marathon
  • Animal rights group assails museum fur trade exhibit - Winnipeg
  • Indians fight clear-cutting of Quebec wildlife reserve - Maniwaki
    -Mohawks ' showdown delayed at Cornwall
  • Buddy, 8, loves hiking, exploring - Toronto Today 's Child
  • Temagami road construction halted pending court case
  • Whitedog gets S2.4 million for flooding
  • Freed Mohawk casino owner must stay off Cornwall reserve - Syracuse, NY -
  • Ojibway model proud to be native - Toronto
  • More about Six Nations and New Credit schools
  • More about Whitedog settlement
  • Native awareness focus of week - Fort Frances
  • Probation for former housing manager - Thunder Bay
  • Chief arrested at blockade - Toronto
  • More about Cape Croker fishing fines I I
  • Pottawatomi take battle over land to US congress - Washington , DC
  • Micmacs claim first moose under new NS hunting rights - Hunter ' s Mountain, NS
  • Robert Jamieson gets rave reviews as new ombudsman - Toronto
  • Giving Canada's Indians provincial status would salve many wounds - Ottawa commentary
  • Aboriginal peoples' quest for justice - letter to Ottawa editor
  • Non-native hunters protest .Micmac agreement - Halifax
  • Chief wants OPP to quit border post -Cornwall
  • Absence in natives of Alzheimer's probed - Winnipeg
  • Mohawk reserve battles over bingo - Montreal
  • Buses turned back in Mohawk bingo dispute - Hogansburg
  • Law and order a target in Mohawk feud - St. Regis
  • Tax (cigarettes) dollars go up in smoke - Montreal
  • 51% say courts unfair to natives - Ottawa
  • Natives fear violence over unlicensed bingo - Montreal
  • Indians paid dearly for benefits - letter to Thunder Bay editor
  • More about fines for blocking traffic - Marathon
  • Homes opened - Fort Frances
  • AFN supports Six Nations in attack on Indian Affairs minister - Ottawa
  • Native education rights supported - Calgary
  • Most feel natives get unequal treatment - Ottawa
  • Copps offers support to halt river dredging - ·Walpole Is. 33
  • Profits tucked away out of taxman's reach•- Montreal
  • Environment No. l issue, says chief - Walpole Island
  • Stored toxic wastes seeping in river area - London
  • Natives right to mistrust dredging - letter to London editor
  • Native reliance on govt. over, Treaty 3 chief says
  • Misunderstanding - Thunder Bay editorial about medical treatment residence
  • Supports multiple use for crown land - letter to Elliot Lake editor
  • Metis send invoice to government - Sault Ste. Marie
  • Weekend elders' conference - Ohsweken
  • More about Six Nations and New Credit schools
  • Blockade is becoming a pain in neck - Decaen - North Bay
  • Skeletal remains handed over to Caldwell band - London
23-013/004(11) · File · Jul. 19 – Jul. 23, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes


  • Akwesasne election challenged in court
  • Preliminary inquiry set for Doug George
  • Indians challenge election of chiefs
  • 5 Native bands accept Ontario claims deal
  • $8.9M native land deal
  • Band refuses to sign land deal
  • Ottawa criticized in land claim deal
  • NWT deal for land rejected
  • Ottawa tells Dene, Metis it can salvage N.W.T. deal
  • Dene, Metis reject deal over land
  • C.S. military reduction "bad blow" for Goose Ray
  • Will native claims flare up in Ontario?
  • Establish commission on natives, Lewis urges
  • Restaurateur won't fight with natives to collect CST
  • Contract signed to deliver courses over airwaves
  • 14 health projects financed
  • Metro doctor makes Arctic house calls
  • Study to test native healing of drug users
  • Yanomami dying, Brazilians report
  • Natives adopted by white families get chance to discover their heritage
  • Family finances cited in suicide of native inmate
  • Only good faith will end impasse
  • Ottawa's conspicuous absence from Oka
  • Dying for attention
  • Ottawa takes a pass
  • Call the cavalry
  • White justice and native justice
  • Missing the bigger picture at Oka
  • Indians open big window on selves
  • How did this get by unnoticed
  • White-hot hate lights the night
  • A desperate lack of leadership
  • How guns of Oka wrecked PM's plans
  • No happy medium for Mohawks
  • Blockade nightly magnet for crowd
  • PM pulls a Hatfield
  • Peter Stockland
  • Who really owns the land in Oka?
  • Chateauguay resembles Alabama in the 1960s
  • Touchy Quebec exhibits racism
  • Where's the PM?
  • This place is downright surreal
  • Legacy of long memories
  • Strangers in their own land
  • Let's talk peace with native peoples
  • A summer of guns and discontent
  • Bienvenue to Hate Town
  • Mohawk mess was avoidable
  • Canada ... the violent society?
  • Editors didn't Win any prizes
  • Sending Canada back to the drawing board
  • We'll wear Mohawk shoes when the Goths invade
  • Oka shows what happens when bureaucrats are in charge
  • Willing to buy land
  • Why should natives sacrifice a culture to industrial way?
  • Indians undermined
  • Revealing episode?
  • A sensitive headline
  • It's only the beginning of solidarity with natives
  • With the benefit in hindsight...
  • A shameful display for world to see
  • Photos' violent image unfair
  • Standoff is a 'national crisis'
  • Aboriginal claims
  • Oka incident reveals the struggle ahead
  • We must keep calm during this racial strife
  • Most Quebecois back native cause
  • Oka mayor has revealed his priorities
  • Political cartoons
  • Archeological site a "Garden of Eden" for early Indians
  • Toronto's Iroquois heritage is a little known story
  • Tantalizing hints to ancient history destroyed by airport construction
  • Natives find their spirit
  • Being "true" to what he sees
  • Horrendous personal price of success
  • Native writers ignore the past, pinpoint today
  • Gentle new show a summer treat
23-013/004(10) · File · Jul. 18 – Jul. 23, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes


  • Chief warns PM
  • Mohawks, police entrench positions
  • Natives urge Mulroney to take charge
  • Oka conflict now macho test of wills
  • Pro-Indian rallies urge end to "war "
  • Mohawks air hopes, fears on radio show
  • New train is alternative to choked roadways
  • Blockade halts golf, bingo fun
  • Police bar Red Cross shipments from Oka
  • Blackout threats
  • Residents not racist or violent, mayor says
  • Native unrest gives Dene MP a pivotal role.
  • Police "hijack" Oka talks
  • Feds deaf to chiefs
  • Quebec human rights group refused entry to Mohawk area
  • Ottawa urges Oka to sell land
  • Make plans to defend native lands, chiefs told
  • Let police cut forces Chretien suggests
  • Oka officials deny wrongdoing
  • Ottawa rejects Indian chiefs' key demands to end "crisis"
  • 700 halt traffic protest over bridge blockade
  • Indians stake their claim to Quebec
  • Chiefs urge swift recall of Parliament
  • A question of nationhood
  • No land deal while barriers up in Quebec; Siddon says
  • Red Cross repeats role played in 1885
  • B.C. natives set up more roadblocks
  • Chateauguay getting "bum rap" from news media, mayor insists
  • Native factions united by crisis
  • Ottawa won't negotiate "with a gun at our head"
  • Metro rally calls for end to standoff
  • Ottawa accused of retaliating for Meech defeat
  • RCMP bolster police lines to turn back angry residents
  • For a Warrior, "it's a job"
  • Mohawks toughen demands
  • Indians cool to Siddon from the start
  • "No deal at gunpoint"
  • Siddon busy with holiday
  • Indians threaten lawyer
  • Hungry natives greet food aid
  • Indian leaders struggle to find common ground on land claims
  • Harper urges native support for peaceful end to standoff
  • Oka denies that Ottawa offered to buy golf course
  • RCMP repel angry Chateauguay mob
  • Will block more roads, bands say
  • Manitoba chiefs protest "wanted" poster
  • Siddon faces growing anger over impasse
  • Mounties help avert violence at bridge
  • C.S. native protest warns against more Oka violence
  • Help end standoff, Ontario is urged
  • Chiefs take hard line on rights, land claims
  • Mohawks threaten to break off talks
  • Province probing Oka politicians
  • Bourassa regrets police acted alone
  • Quebec media deplore "racist" white behavior
  • Reward poster upsets Indians
  • Indian barrier sparks uproar
  • Natives warn of more bloodshed
  • Leaders toughen demands
  • Troops poised in native standoff
  • Policy a "recipe" for trouble
  • Chiefs hold summit on Kahnawake reserve
  • Ten bands blockade highways in B.C.
  • Natives denounce Ottawa for failing to defuse Oka
  • Troops moved as "contingency'' in native dispute
  • Hopes fade for quick resolution to armed standoff
  • Natives urge Ottawa to help solve crisis
  • Police took sole decision on assault
  • Racial violence erupts in dispute
  • Tensions boil
  • Lift blocks or else, B.C. Indians told
  • RCMP move in as Quebec police reduce numbers
  • Neighbors smuggle supplies to Mohawks
  • Ex-art student becomes voice of Mohawks
  • Throng grieves for cop
  • Residents rip down barrier
  • Violence at the eastern door
  • Grand river warrior society coordinates support for Oka
  • Local businessman and Warriors organizer issues Oka support appeal
  • Death in the family won't let go
23-013/003(07) · File · Apr. 20 – Apr. 23, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • Policing, Justice:
  • Special Series: Policing the Prairies:
  • Natives, police forever colliding
  • Natives wonder why "so many deaths"
  • Police force watchdogs almost never bite
  • Indian police get chance "to paddle own canoe"
  • Shootout ended dream of RCMP career
  • RCMP making headway in minority hiring
  • Two judges for Marshall quit during investigation
  • Project aims to join native, white ways in justice system
  • Report on Women's Prison
  • Assembly of First Nations challenge Wilson's Budget in Grief
  • Group seeks investment in eastern Arctic
    The environment, protests:
  • Training flights at Goose Bay must stop
  • How some protections simply fail to protect
  • Innu chief says Indians will resume flight protests
  • 5 teens face mischief charges in 17-day Ontario tire blaze
  • Tourists flock to Great Tire Fire scene
  • "You never know" on Temagami Peterson says
  • Ontario wants extensive, costly cleanup by Uniroval in Elmira
    James Bay:
  • Natives make it there
  • Adventures of a singular man
  • Turning jungle into wasteland
    Education, Culture:
  • Grade 3 pupils surprised by native traditions
  • A tale of two schools
  • Webequie school closed again
  • Crazy Horse rides again
  • Indians know concept of united nation
  • Natives united by belief in Creator
    Editorials, letters:
  • Birthrights and a mess of wattage
  • Nothing to be ashamed of
  • No simple solutions to native realities
    Upcoming events:
  • Pow Wow Summer
23-013/002(09) · File · 22 January, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

This folder includes

  • Six Nations can't get answers on water - Ohsweken
  • Judge presented question after ordering lawyer jailed - Toronto
  • Restless natives - Toronto commentary on native women and self-government
  • Ontario moves to protect oldest forests from logging - Toronto
  • Polluters get ultimatum - Toronto
  • Injustice and racism in True North - Toronto book review
  • Gambling feud puts Indians on brink of war - Akwesasne
  • New police recruitment program hopes to attract visible minorities - Toronto
  • Environment review may yet save Innu - Toronto
  • Feds will decide format of Lake Helen elections - Thunder Bay
  • Peace activists disrupt lunch at Empire Club - Toronto
  • Most native wives abused by husbands, study shows -Toronto
  • New book teaches language of Ojibwa - Winnipeg
  • Natives urge end to plan to kill bison - Fort Smith, NWT
  • Baffin Island tank leaks fuel - Toronto
  • Tourist camp operator promotes Ojibway cultural studies - Atikokan
  • Mohawk leaders fear deaths in gambling feud - Akwesasne
  • Natives seek own justice system - Regina
  • Casino profits siphoned from St. Regis reserve, gambling opponents say - Cornwall
  • Job-equity law under fire as minuscule gains found for women and minorities - Toronto
  • Arson destroys hopes for summer camp - Toronto
  • Civil servant seeks to polish a tarnished image - Ottawa
  • Ottawa, Indians sign talks pact - Vancouver
  • Casino boosts security after shooting - Ottawa
  • Inquiry winds up hearings on Bill C-31 - Thompson, Man.
  • Convicts go back to roots with sweat lodge rites - Guelph
  • Mohawks negotiate for native courts - Montreal
  • Native group pushes for self-policing - Vancouver
  • More about Temagami and court charges
  • Interim recommendations made by Walpole Council to alleviate deficit
  • Kahnawake bingo breaks Six Nations law: top chief - Montreal
  • Legalized gambling step toward independence for The Pas band: chief - Montreal
  • 3rd probe into death of Native - Ottawa
  • Funding, not racism said at root of native justice problems - Sioux Lookout
  • Indian-death probe becomes art exhibit - Winnipeg
  • Ontario releases new policy for native self-govt - Sioux Lookout
  • Natives have more disabilities: study - Sioux Lookout
  • Family wants compensation for skiplane accident - Sioux Lookout
  • Wawatay receives S30,000 grant - Sioux Lookout
  • Frontier Air plane first in Canada - Thunder Bay
  • Eagle's Nest building bargaining chip to speed school cleanup - letter to Ohsweken editor
  • General hospital should move independently of amalgamation: administrator - Sioux Lookout
23-013/001(08) · File · Aug. 3 - Aug. 21, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

This following folder includes

  • Entrench native right to self-determination, lawyer recommends - Vancouver
  • Alcohol abuse emerges as link native probe - Stand Off, Alta.
  • Native justice probe reviews Harper case - Winnipeg
  • Prairie samurai (movie-making on reserve) - Toronto
  • Native elders seeking new role in Catholic Church - Sudbury
  • Indians report seeing sasquatch - Webequie
  • Quebec Indians voice outrage over PCB plan - Quebec City
  • Indians in the prison of cliche - Toronto book review
  • Cree Summer had colorful journey back to L.A. - Toronto
  • Innu vow to step up court fights - Montreal
  • Wildlife bears graphic scars of chemical abuse - Toronto
  • Ottawa robbing the North, Turner charges - Iqaluit, NWT
  • Indian Act review to be unveiled at conference - Toronto
  • Schools may be closed after tour inspection: Labour Canada - Toronto
  • Our childrens' safety is not negotiable - Ohsweken editorial
  • Time to reassess the Indian Act - Ohsweken editorial
  • Children are nightmarish evidence of alcohol abuse by native mothers - Toronto
  • Trapper persuades MNR to postpone spraying - Sioux Lookout
  • Drop court battle and deal with equity, CBC urged - Toronto
  • More about sasquatch sighting
  • Winnipeg police give up fight against Indian probe
  • Canadian fishing company pays US Indians' claim - Sault Ste. Marie
  • Big Ben gets hero's welcome at Bear Island - North Bay
  • Overfishing by non-status Indians feared - Toronto
  • Nova Scotia negotiating hunting with Micmac Indians - Sydney, NS
  • Indians lose bingo battle - Regina
  • Ontario Metis endorse 'using force' - Sault Ste. Marie
  • Canadians to learn what Indian self-govt. means in next Constitutional talks - Nautley, BC
  • Abolish native hunting rights - Winnipeg commentary
  • NWO natives not committed to defence .pact - Sioux Lookout
  • Wild rice pool proves successful for growers - Kenora
  • Oakville man named to Indian affairs post
  • Indian ecumenical movement growing - Halifax
  • Wawatay and cultural centre will produce native-language children's TV programs - Sioux Lookout
23-013/001(11) · File · Sept. 13 - Oct. 2, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

This following folder includes

  • Innu take flight fight to court in St. John's, Nfld.
  • Native footwear exhibit - Toronto
  • 2nd vote set in Chippewa land claim - Sarnia
  • Native justice system rejected by Ian Scott - Ottawa
  • Native probe hears lawyers - Winnipeg
  • Outdoor murals save community from doldrums - Chemainus, B.C.
  • Police arrest two more in logging protest - Temagami
  • Seven arrested in raid on reserve bingo hall - Kanesatake, Que.
  • Minorities go toe to toe with majority - Toronto
  • Police acted like savages, Mohawks say after raid - St-Jerome, Que.
  • War Party battles triteness - Toronto movie review
  • Haida canoe's trip up the Seine, native artist's fantasy comes true - Paris
  • Metro police native liaison - Toronto
  • 'Mistakes' in probe of shooting, chief says - Winnipeg
  • More about Temagami
  • More about Innu
  • Six Nations children still out of school - Toronto
  • More about Temagami
  • Innu demonstration in Toronto
  • Mora about Sarnia Chippewa vote
  • More jobs for natives - Winnipeg
  • Hiring quotas for native people - Winnipeg
  • School teaches natives pride in culture - Toronto
  • More about uncovering old Indian graves in NW Ont.
  • Cop's letter gross insult - letter to Winnipeg editor
  • Clouds of war obscured Indians' plight - Calgary
  • More about Temagami
  • More about Six Nations schools
  • Actress praises Beachcombers for improving natives' image - Gibson, B.C.
  • Innu picket embassy over NATO flights - Ottawa
  • Flaws in law stack odds against native people - Sudbury commentary
  • Naming Wright to post pleases Indian leaders - Saskatoon
  • Education centre imperative - Sioux Lookout
  • No threat from environmentalists - letter to North Bay editor
  • Band threatens reserve blockade·- Whitedog reserve
  • More about Six Nations schools
  • Inquiry ought to proceed despite anguish for police - Saskatoon editorial
  • Former Sault resident entrusted with improving native economics - Sault Ste. Marie
  • Windigo and Bond agreement is as good as gold - Sioux Lookout
  • Tikinagan's executive director calls it quits - Sioux Lookout
  • Kashechewan and Albany advised to boil drinking water
  • Removal of chairman sought - Moose Factory
  • New NWT commissioner popular - Inuvik
  • Mohawks fight to preserve schools - Winnipeg
23-013/003(02) · File · Mar. 19 – Mar. 24, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • Mohawk Chiefs call reserve referendum
  • Indians' diabetes linked to new lifestyle
  • Time to recognize native rights - letter
  • $100 gold coin is a cruel joke - letter
  • A splendid introduction to Coyote and his world
  • Queen's Park cracks down on tire dumps
  • No one knows why pair died in "white culture"
  • Native, police tell of differences - Saskatoon
  • Natives attack Tories over devastating cuts
  • Canada's bitter legacy of injustice - editorial
  • Why native groups alarmed by Meech - editorial
  • Nato choice won't end fight - Innu say
  • Liberals say that 9 seats should be for natives
  • Author likes hunters' way of life
  • Tire fire offers environmental lesson - letter
  • Mohawk factions seek end to violence - Cornwall
  • Museums giving up native treasures - but slowly
  • Ojibwa, Ottawa agree to negotiate self-government
  • Public service "downsizing" largely illusory
  • Chiefs eye lawsuit over budget cuts - Manitoba
  • The issues of native wife abuse - commentary
  • NAN gets the go-ahead to look into restructuring
  • A.I.A.I. reeling after 65% budget cut
  • Students taught Anishinaabe traditions - Winnipeg
23-013/002(05) · File · 18 December, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • Indians suffer ill treatment, 35% tell poll - Toronto
  • Province must help natives, NOP insists - Toronto
  • Ottawa's S1.4 billion restraint package - Toronto
  • Rules issued for talks on native self-govt. - Toronto
  • Ontario willing to negotiate native self-rule - Toronto
  • Munro trial may not start until '91 - Ottawa
  • Ojibwa model finds native look may lead to success in Paris - Toronto
  • Civil service urged to hire low-paid groups - Toronto
  • More than one way to grow a new forest - Thunder Bay
  • Lakehead university president named fund administrator
  • Lubicon braced for RCMP action - Calgary
  • Passion of the Metis people remembered - Edmonton
  • Many trials, tribulations in Munro's life - Toronto commentary
  • Lake Helen band office closed in 'coup' attempt - Thunder Bay
  • Mediation in Little Jackfish hydro project - Thunder Bay
  • Temagami braces for next round in road war - Toronto
  • Stalled negotiations with Ottawa provoke more Lubicon threats - Edmonton
  • Decision Feb. 28 in night hunting case - Thunder Bay
  • Micmac agreement unfair, unsafe - Halifax commentary
  • Pulling images out of the bear - Vancouver art review
  • Suzuki meets with native people - Sarnia
  • Race relations workshop held - Wallaceburg
  • Two area native groups receive grants - Sioux Lookout
  • It's another fine mess - Brantford editorial about Six Nations education
  • Study of programs may bring education changes - Sioux Lookout
  • Province urged to follow multi-use Crown land policy - Sudbury
  • Expansion of federal building - Sioux Lookout
  • Dispute sparked by removal of principal - London
23-013/001(03) · File · July 5 - July 17, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

Folder includes:
Foundation offers loans for women's business -Toronto

  • Campaign of civil disobedience has won little action from Ottawa
  • Huron mission thrives today -Midland, Ont.
  • Fire officials on standby for evacuation of reserve Deer Lake, Ont.
  • Sarcee sacred bundle returned by museum -Hull
  • UN rights body to investigate Canada's treaties with natives -Toronto
  • Province can start Temagami road work -Toronto
  • Crawford's still waters run deep in history (reconstructed Indian village) -Campbellville, Ont.
  • Heritage of myth and legend -Toronto book review
  • More about UN rights agency probe
  • Erasmus wins second term as Dene president -Inuvik, NWT
  • Court won't hear llth-houi:-bid to block Temagami logging road~ Toronto
  • Lubicon chief to meet Getty on July 24 -Edmonton
  • Indian land dispute given to committee -Calgary
  • Snapshots of native community life -Toronto editorial
  • Pour des peccadilles -lettre au redacteur -Montreal
  • Women the losers as federal jobs cut -Ottawa
  • $4.6 million for six N. Ont. schools -Thunder Bay
  • Indians distrusted police too much to give evidence, probe told -Lethbridge, Alta.
  • Thanks for fire evacuation assistance -letter to Geraldton-Longlac editor
  • Ottawa obliged to pay natives' hospital costs letter to Toronto editor
  • Confrontations feared at Whitefish Island 'unless Ottawa acts' -Sault St. Marie
  • Path to violence -letter to North Bay editor
  • Natives frustrated by cutbacks -Thunder Bay editorial
  • A dubious defense pact for natives -Toronto commentary
  • Indians' lawyer dumped after lengthy fight -London, Ont.
  • Gap between American and Canadian news grows -letter to Ottawa editor
  • Canada Customs staff want RCMP protection -Cornwall
  • Woman convicted of assaulting police -Calgary
  • McKnight, Sarcee chief to set up dispute committee Red Deer Lake, Alta.
  • Chief ready to talk -Calgary
  • Six Nations Indians make claim for riverbed -Toronto
  • Indian blockades, occupations are becoming 'fact of life' -Bell -Sault Ste. Marie
  • Who gave· the natives the right to mistreat others? letter to Sault Ste. Marie editor
  • Cabinet: From A to F -Toronto
  • Harry Laforme appointed Indian commissioner -Ottawa
  • Few Indians apply for airlines work -Vancouver
  • Post-secondary funding for Natives -Kenora commentary
  • Events a reminder of long native presence -letter to Sault Ste. Marie editor
  • Big Grassy' s new constable -Rainy River
  • Natives lost land, way of life -letter to Sault Ste. Marie editor
  • Pays Plat supports concerned citizens -letter to Terrace Bay/Schreiber editor
  • Native students making the grade -Sioux Lookout
  • New protests against genocide of a native people Atlantic regional commentary
23-013/002(1) · File · Sept. 27 - Oct. 16, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

This following folder includes

  • 11 men jailed, fined for illegal sale of trout - Wiarton
  • Bingo hall opening draws demonstrators - Montreal
  • History of discrimination - letter to Toronto editor
  • Native woman to be named ombudsman - Toronto
  • N.S., Micmac groups sign pact on hunting - Halifax
  • Native people deride discovery of America - Toronto
  • Natives ask court to stop low jet flights - Yellowknife
  • Teachers won't end boycott at New Credit - Toronto
  • Iroquois longhouse, artifacts found in dig at Barrie site
  • Columbus introduced slave trade - Toronto
  • Temagami trees at risk, study finds - Toronto
  • Innu struggle to survive as a distinct nation - Toronto
  • Innu seek U.K. help to ban jets - London
  • Armed guards protect Cornwall Island border post
  • Obituary - John- Wesley Beaver - Toronto
  • Indians renew blockade - Maniwaki, Que.
  • Ojibwa bands 'ripped off' historian says - Walkerton
  • More about Temagami
  • A noble dissent - Toronto editorial about Marshall case
  • Pediatrician sees trauma among Labrador children - Halifax
  • Soup kitchens try to ease hunger for Regina's children
  • Letters to editors about Labrador Innu
  • Calgary native column lauded
  • Booze at root of problem - letter to Calgary editor
  • Suicide concern - Thunder Bay
  • Defence pact not a priority - Thunder Bay
  • More about Six Nations and New Credit schools
  • Native justice system a matter of time - Sioux Lookout
  • Chiefs call for aboriginal health authority - Thunder Bay
  • Manitoba hunters may be charged - Fort Severn
  • Two bands tell task force of reserve conditions - Sioux Lookout
  • Story on alcohol and native people - Sioux Lookout
  • Diesel fuel spilled near Fort Albany
  • New goal for Lakehead University - letter to Sioux Lookout editor
  • Native nurses program falling between cracks - Thunder Bay
  • Money for education center still being sought - Sioux Lookout
  • Appointment of members to Nishnawbe-Aski legal service corporation - Thunder Bay
  • Solar power brightens northern Ont. village - Toronto
  • $50,000 grant to skills group - Elliot Lake
  • Merit isn't necessarily meritorious - Ottawa commentary
  • How we were - Ottawa review about Poundmaker book
23-013/004(09) · File · Jul. 7 – Jul. 16, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes


  • Peaceful end to Oka standoff possible
  • Mood turning ugly among residents
  • Police ban Canadian flag at barricade
  • Talks on blockade to resume
  • Indians mocked by mob
  • Clerics join talks
  • Blockade may be lifted at bridge to Montreal
  • Teetering on edge of war
  • Oka - Canadian Press
  • Metro women giving Mohawks food from rained-out festival
  • Natives join black protest at museum
  • Anti-racism demo snarls traffic
  • Ottawa asked to resolve standoff
  • Violence not rising, natives say
  • Quebec sends SOS
  • Food short in "police state"
  • Days of rage
  • Band opens food bank in face of blockade
  • Standoff at Oka
  • Mayor says police needed for "peace"
  • Mohawks demand immunity in talks
  • "Sure we're scared," Warriors say
  • Golf course conflict linked to land grant 270 years ago
  • Police block food supply to Indians
  • Mulroney must send an envoy, national chief says
  • Talks fail to break siege
  • The road to Oka
  • Mohawks set for long stalemate
  • Officials not saying whose bullet hit officer
  • Minister, Mohawks negotiate
  • Standoff on rise between authorities, Indians
  • Dispute at Oka dates to land grant by king of France
  • Residents, reporters restricted
  • Indians call attack reprisal for Meech
  • Armed Mohawks, police in standoff
  • Violence rooted in centuries of dispute
  • Golfing mayor blamed in fight
  • Cop's death a mystery
  • Both sides claim land belongs to them
  • Death and Defiance
  • Tiny town torn as confrontation takes tragic turn
  • Violence may rise, chief tells Ottawa
  • Mohawks vow to blow bridge if any natives hurt by police
  • Police guns turned on us journalist says
  • Bourassa furious with "revolting" violence
  • Ottawa regrets failure of mediation attempt
  • Mediator faults Oka council
  • Police officer dies in Mohawk battle
  • Talks begin with Mohawks as barricade tensions grow
  • Mohawks may get visit by Mandela, official says
  • Mohawk Nation Chiefs greet Mandela
  • Confederacy peace plan for Akwesasne falls on deaf ears
  • Mohawk jailed for 10 months by U.S. court
  • Cornwall totals costs of reserve evacuation
  • Mohawks stop Governor's police and gambling bills
  • Tarbell and Smoke sworn in as Chief, Sub-Chief
  • Haida demonstrators put pressure on holdout fishing outfit
  • B.C. Indians join dispute over salmon fishing rights
  • B.C. groups raising flak over U. S. bomber flights
  • Natives blockade road in Ontario
  • Heron Bay, Canada Post settle dispute
  • Bitter battle looms
  • James Bay 2
  • Native power confronts Hydro-Quebec
  • Algonquin Indians federal government strike deal over island
  • $32M centre for island
  • Ontario Hydro pays Kash a $40,700 land use settlement
  • Agreement could bring Webequie closer to controlling "homeland"
  • Land claims high on Roote's priority list
  • U.S. Indians flex muscles in making treaty claims
  • Aborigine group declares own government
  • Aborigines out in cold
  • Thorny questions face judicial council
  • Lawyer decries judges' "insensitivity to injustice"
  • Judges' lawyer leaves probe of Marshall case
  • Supreme Court smiled on women, natives
  • B.C. Indians question charges laid against two tribal constables
  • Indian chief urges race-crime stats
  • Indian inmates charge Bowden prison staff with discrimination
  • Meech victory strengthens Native voice
  • Indians resisting federal overture
  • McLaughlin calls for constitutional committee
  • Natives "on high moral ground" for stand against Meech, says Harper
  • Native-first policies okay, rights body rules
  • Sunday shopping having local impact
  • Inuk village mayor sees women as answer to economic future
  • Six Nations Golfers will soon be puttin' with the best of 'em
  • Native media rocked by funding cuts
  • Confusion stems from Housing Program
  • Reaching out to native peoples
  • Treasured gift
  • Natives seek own agency for children
  • Folly and death at the Oka barricade
  • Gun madness
  • The violence at Oka
  • Put Oka golf course plan on hold
  • Akwesasne Indian Times Editorial
  • Soveignty and Common Sense Part II
  • Warrior's Words call for execution
  • The prophet Elijah judges Canada
  • His ordeal is not yet over
  • Gun butt diplomacy not enough for natives
  • Indians deserve fairness
  • Golf war an act of revenge?
  • There's still time to get those Innu
  • Myths central to country's nationhood
  • A myth remains: a nation of losers
  • The rigid limits of English
  • Here's to one courageous Manitoban
  • Playing the name game
  • Criminal to increase low-level training flights
  • Resentment no stranger for natives
  • "Lawbreaking coward"
  • How French fur trade affected the Indians
  • Iroquois villages discovered on Highway 403 extension
  • Ancient pot going on display
  • Ojibwa students to observe East Coast lifestyle
  • Navajo culture at heart of novel
  • "Gossip" presents women's view of North
  • Inuit artist draws to sell
23-013/002(08) · File · 15 January, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

  • Native band claims part of Sauble Beach, thanks to century-old error - Toronto
  • Taxation and animal rights groups - letter to To. editor
  • 35 charged after hunting probe - Toronto
  • Distinct society, indistinct accord - Toronto editorial
  • Indians, Ottawa sign pact - Kispiox, BC
  • Gambling sparks reserve shootout - Cornwall
  • 'You have bestowed on Mother Earth grief' - Toronto commentary
  • Task force to look at why natives jailed - Edmonton
  • Territorial judge regrets rape remark - Yellowknife
  • Arson suspected in Indian society fire - Toronto
  • Nomadic natives denied status inquiry told - Toronto
  • In compassion, BC native village finds justice for all - Toronto
  • Ojibway subjected to 'ongoing insults,' federal report says - Regina
  • Scientists assail study on Labrador base - Ottawa
  • Treaty denial smacks of racism - Fredericton commentary
  • More about Sauble Beach claim
  • Police switching to semi-automatics on native reserve - Cornwall
  • Quebec to probe woman's death in Hull - Ottawa
  • Help natives save their languages - letter to Ottawa editor
  • Natives win gambling rights - Winnipeg
  • Natives 'frustrated' by red tape - Toronto
  • AFN plans own way of observing Columbus event - Montreal
  • Reopen church school Osnaburgh parents urge - Toronto
  • No male artists need apply - Toronto commentary
  • Indian Act changes causing rifts, native inquiry told - Toronto
  • Backs aboriginal language foundation - letter to Montreal editor
  • Self-determination a must for natives - Thunder Bay commentary
  • Ont. minister discusses logging, hunting, native - affairs - Thunder Bay
  • Threat to destroy Six Nations schools - Ohsweken
  • Monthly paper planned for Six Nations - Ohsweken
  • Native issues embarrassing - Hamilton editorial
  • New thinking needed on native policy - Montreal editorial
  • After called racist, judge to leave North - Dryden
  • Justice in Kahnawake - Montreal editorial
  • Six Nations school counsellor fired for speaking out - Brantford
  • Micmac treaty of 1752 now invalid: judge - Antigonish, NS
  • Natives vow to oust polluters at Six Nations - Toronto
  • Aspiring commercial pilot looks north - Pays Plat
  • Quebec eyes native-run justice system - Montreal
  • Education center deal back to square one? - Sioux Lookout
  • Real experiences sought by tourists - Sudbury
  • Has the issue already been settled'? - Sudbury commentary
  • Six Nations and New Credit school boycott - Letter to Ohsweken editor
23-013/003(10) · File · May 12 – May 14, 1990
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

The following folder includes

Meech Lake, Land Claims:

  • Natives from Ontario and Quebec will remain united
  • Native shares in Canada
    The environment, protests:
    Severn River:
  • People say "no" to damming of Severn River
    Toxic waste:
  • Pollution of Indian lands ignored, inquiry told
  • Unprincipled firms try to turn reserves into toxic waste dumps, natives say
  • We need help with toxic dumps Mohawk chief told
  • Natives seek Quebec inquiry into effects of low-level flights
  • Environmental assessment conducted to settle the Shoal Lake controversy
  • Trail plan unveiled by wilderness society
  • Mock jail cell built to protest Temagami
  • Judge imposes heavy fines on Temagami demonstrators
  • Four men held in police probe of reserve killing
  • Four held in Mohawk shooting death
  • Mohawks detained
  • Akwesasne wounds won't heal soon
  • Guns, drugs are seized on reserve
  • "White-backed" chiefs must go, Mohawk Warriors Society says
  • Pro-gambling Mohawks to meet in effort to halt "occupation"
  • Mohawks meet in Kahnawake
  • Counselling for school teachers
23-013/001(07) · File · July 28 - Aug. 14, 1989
Part of Indian and Northern Affairs newspaper clippings collection

This following folder includes

  • Bruised (by alcohol) before birth - Toronto
  • Ben Johnson visits Bear Island - North Bay
  • Indians in ancestral home left without . cash, housing - Toronto
  • Group concerned natives used to justify fashion fur industry - Toronto
  • Meech Lake called threat to minorities - Fredericton
  • Native arts minus the canoes - Calgary
  • Alcohol abuse on Alberta's Indian reserve - Standoff
  • Man convicted in Osborne murder refuses to testify The Pas, Man.
  • Ottawa's conjuring trick to create new Indians - Montreal commentary
  • Chief says other native deaths in The Pas area sloppily handled
  • Native head warns of likely violence - Toronto
  • More about new band and Lubicon Indians - Edmonton
  • Protests threatened in bid for status rights - Toronto
  • More about Osborne hearings
  • Complaints no surprise, doctor says - Stand Off, Alta.
  • Bands reject proposal for power plants - Muskrat Dam
  • More about demand of non-status Indians for rights
  • Residents vote in support of gambling - Hogansburg, N.Y.
  • More about Osborne hearings
  • Arson charge - Whitedog
  • More about Osborne hearings
  • Non-natives warned to stay away from hall - Montreal
  • Aboriginal conference finishes in Moose Factory
  • More women, minorities joining police, study says - Toronto
  • Natives seek development freeze pending land claim ruling - Thunder Bay
  • Blocking progress - North Bay editorial about Temagami
  • Ominayak off to Geneva to appeal to UN group - Edmonton
  • Admit we're entitled to reserves, band says - Vancouver
  • Race relations group reports progress - Sioux Lookout
  • Hospital board wants to trim size - Kenora
  • Chief labels health report superficial - Red Lake
  • Shibogama receives grant - Sioux Lookout
  • More about Moose Factory aboriginal conference
  • Trivializing native issues - Sault Ste. Marie editorial
  • Blind River councillors request new govt't study on annexation - Sault Ste. Marie
  • The Native tradition - North Bay editorial
  • Organization to return to negotiating table on hunting rights - Eskasoni, N.S.