Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani fonds. 1997 additions

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
97-003/001(16) Correspondence and photographs File 1929
97-003/001(18) Letters from Gilbert to Stewart File 1930-1931
97-003/001(27) Telegrams File 1910-1929
97-003/001(28) Minnie's original diaries File 1874-1880
97-003/001(31) Materials removed from green binder: containing typed manuscript of "My Aunt Minnie" by Stewart Bagnani (includes introductions to the diaries and transcripts of the diaries; also at the front of the binder is a handwritten copy of a poem by Kate Greenaway, 1883) File 1883, n.d.
97-003/002(02) Prayer found inside an envelope with title "Prayer written out by the first Mrs. Hagerman found among old papers, June 25, 1896"; 5 other prayers, one of which is dated 1877; newspaper clipping with title "Home Sweet Home" File 1877-1896
97-003/003(04) Locks of hair File 1845-1903
97-003/001(04) Correspondence File 1890s
97-003/001(10) Correspondence File 1920s
97-003/004(05) Bishop Strachan School exercise book with handwritten poems, etc. by various poets File 1930-1966, n.d.
97-003/004(11) Restoration and reopening of Victoria Hall, Cobourg; also Cobourg Daily Star souvenir edition, September 30 1983, commemorating the opening of Victoria Hall File 1971-1983, n.d.
97-003/003(04) National Gallery of Canada: correspondence, flyers, etc. File 1968-1971
97-003/003(07) Art Gallery of Toronto: flyers, brochures relating to exhibitions, etc. File 1944-1964
97-003/003(10) Correspondence from artists File 1957-1984 n.d.
97-003/003(11) Art exhibit announcements, brochures, biographical writings/sketches of artists File 1958-1990, n.d.
97-003/005(03) Photographs of Stewart Bagnani in her youth [34-84] File 1918, 1936, n.d.
97-003/006(08) Gilbert Bagnani's family [543-554d] File 1906-1921
97-003/007(02) Postcards, originally in a plastic album [562] File 1961
97-003/008(02) Numerous photos of famous paintings & sculptures, including 2 glass negatives [could be pictorial aids for Stewart's lectures] [611] File
97-003/008(03) Numerous miscellaneous photos, including 1 glass negative [612] File
97-003/008(05) Photographs and negatives of various identified people [629-639] File 1957-1959 n.d.
97-003/008(06) Photographs and negatives of various unidentified people [640-716] File 1880-1929, n.d.