1991 faculty strike collection

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
91-009/001(01) TUFA Strike Information Sheets and Bulletins File February-March 1991
91-009/001(04) Strike-related memorandums from the Trent University Department of Human Resources File January-March 1991
91-009/001(16) Non-transcribed audio-cassette containing 15-minute CBC Radio Noon interview with SSHRC Canada Research Fellow Professor Stephen Brown, Trent University Department of English Literature, on "informal" teaching during the strike File March 14, 1991
91-009/001(18) Trent Student Union communique and strike poster File 1991
91-009/001(02) University Communications Office Bulletins File February-April 1991
91-009/001(03) Trent Fortnightly issues dealing with strike File March-April 1991
91-009/001(07) Mediator's press release announcing end of strike and copy of the new three-year collective agreement attached File 1991
91-009/001(09) ALUMNUS, Volume 23, Number 2 (Spring 1991) File 1991
91-009/001(14) Miscellaneous Administrative and Staff strike communications File
91-009/001(19) Miscellaneous student posters and documents File
91-009/001(21) 14 cassette tapes: meetings, radio broadcasts, student information sessions, received from Audio-Visual Department, 2011 File 1991
91-009/001(05) Strike-related communications from Trent University President and Vice-Chancellor John Owsley Stubbs File February to April 1991
91-009/001(08) Communiques from Students For Education At Trent (Students FEAT), who occupied the Registrar's Office between March 13, 1991 and March 19, 1991. File 1991
91-009/001(10) Communiques from Apathy? No! Students Working for Employment Resolutions (A.N.S.W.E.R.), who staged the longest occupation in Trent history from March 17, 1991 to March 25, 1991 in the president's office, A.J.M. Smith Conference Room and university switchboard areas File 1991
91-009/001(11) LILITH, March 5, 1991 (annual special womens' edition of the Trent student newspaper produced by women from ARTHUR) and ARTHUR, Volume 25, Issue 21 (March 12, 1991), dealing with strike-related issues File 1991
91-009/001(12) Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) FORUM and Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) BULLETIN editions dealing with Trent faculty strike File February-April 1991
91-009/001(13) Strike-related communications from College Heads File
91-009/001(17) Trent Student Union communique and strike poster File 1991
91-009/001(06) Transcripts of TUFA strike information sessions for students at Artspace File March 1991
91-009/001(15) Miscellaneous ephemera. TUFA Parity Buttons. Business card of Dr. C. Hamori-Torok, Department of Anthropology, Trent University, received during faculty-student impromptu strike victory party at Red Dog Tavern, March 25, 1991 File 1991
91-009/001(20) Various records: additional material received from Janice Millard in 2006 File 1991
91-009/0S1 Oversized strike poster File 1991