
North America, Eastern. Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 A new & accurate map of Louisiana with parts of Florida and Canada, and the adjacent countries drawn from surveys assisted by the most approved English and French maps & charts. The whole being regulated by astronl. observations by Eman. Bowen. London. "We think it proper to inform ye curious reader that in laying down ye coast & boundaries of ye British Empire in America, as well as that of Louisiana, Canda or New France, recourse has been had to all ye surveys & most authentick charts & maps hitherto published, but more particularly to Monsr. Bellin's maps of Canada, Louisiana & drawn by him for ye use of P. Charlevoix's History of New France; and as our maps of these parts differ considerably from most others, this difference must be principally attributed to our relying on Monsr. Bellin's authority." Back of frame has biographical information on Bowen and information about this map. From: A Complete System of G

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