
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
82-014/019(45) Chimo Friendship Foundation: Newspaper clipping re: Ontario Medical Wives Association File 1976
82-014/019(46) Commission on Canadian Studies: Correspondence; pamphlet; newspaper clipping from Globe & Mail, Feb. 14, 1973 File 1972-1973
82-014/019(47) MISSING: Corporate Action Research Project: “We stand on guard for whom? a study of corporate control over resources in the N.W.T. and Brazil; folder includes material about the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline File 1976
82-014/019(49) Federation of Women Teachers' Association of Ontario: Correspondence File 1975, 1977
82-014/019(51) Indian Advisory Education Council: Correspondence File 1974-1975
82-014/020(04) Canadian Wildlife Federation - General Correspondence: Correspondence, “Ottawa Report”, Feb. 1975, CWF Booklets "Endangered Wildlife in Canada", "People and Wildlife" File 1975-1976
82-014/021(05) Indian Rights for Indian Women: Correspondence; Minutes and documents from Annual conferences; Application for incorporation File 1973-1977
82-014/021(07) Inuit Tapirisat of Canada: Correspondence; reports, publications File 1976-1978
82-014/021(12) National Association of Friendship Centres: Seventh Annual Conference papers and documentation File 1978
82-014/021(13) National Indian Arts and Crafts Corporation, 1976-1977; Correspondence, Brochures (stone, blankets & quilt work). Newspaper - Canadian Indian Art Crafts File Jan. 1976
82-014/021(14) National Indian Brotherhood – Correspondence – General: Includes: publications, “Indian Control of Indian Education”; “Indian Housing Policy and Program: NIB-DIAND Joint Work Group Technical Reports; research papers File 1972-1978
82-014/021(15) National Native News Service: News releases with request for national coverage by Native newspapers and radio File n.d.
82-014/021(19) Native Council of Canada, 1976-1978; Correspondence, annual assembly minutes and resolutions; The Forgotten People (newspaper May/June 1977); Report of the Executive Officers and revised constitution and by-laws File 1977
82-014/022(02) Alberta: Bowden Native Brotherhood - Alberta: Correspondence File 1976-1977
82-014/022(03) Alberta: Calgary Friendship Centre: Correspondence; proposal for a coordinator and office to work with Alberta Native Friendship Centres Association File 1978
82-014/022(06) Alberta: Métis Association of Alberta: Correspondence; news clippings, press releases, copy of a speech by V. L. Horte, President, Arctic Gas; draft proposal re: Remote Community Video tape program File 1972-1977
82-014/022(18) BC: Nishga Band: booklet, “Citizens Plus”; copy of Nishga Declaration File [n.d.]
82-014/022(21) BC: Union of B.C. Indian Chiefs: Correspondence; newsletters and bulletins; reports and publications File 1970-1976
82-014/022(22) BC: MISSING: Social Planning and Review Council of British Columbia: Correspondence, contact lists, conference and resource materials, reports, research papers File 1978
82-014/022(25) Manitoba: Indian and Métis Brotherhood Organization of Stony Mountain: Correspondence; Proposition paper for Half-way House in Winnipeg File 1971-1976
82-014/022(30) NB: Centre for Native Oriented Rehabilitation: Proposal, Centre for Native Oriented Rehabilitation of Native Inmates, by Patrick Paul File 1975
82-014/023(03) Ontario: Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians (Brantford): Correspondence File 1973-1974
82-014/023(04) Ontario: Big Lodge Society: Correspondence; Reports; Newspaper clippings; Meeting documentation; Funding proposals and documents File 1977-1978
82-014/023(07) Ontario: Grand Council Treaty No.3 (Kenora): Correspondence. Booklet - What You Know About Community Employment Strategy? by Mrs. M. Hartling, National Anti-Poverty Organization, n.d. File Jan. 1972 - Nov. 1974
82-014/023(15) Ontario: Native Canadian Centre of Toronto: Correspondence; Annual Report, 1975; Informational leaflet, n.d. File 1975-1978