Writing correspondence

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
22-013/001(04) Contracts with publishers and related correspondence File 1991-1998
22-013/001(06) Correspondence with publishers, libraries, organizations, academic institutions across North America following Hero of Lesser Causes winning the Governor General’s award File 1992-1996
22-013/001(08) Correspondence with library’ in British Columbia and Yellowknife about Julie Johnston travelling for readings, correspondence with publishers about royalties and manuscript edits File 1993-2010
22-013/001(03) Correspondence with library’s, literary organizations, publishers regarding book launch, readings, and congratulatory messages File 1999
22-013/001(14) Correspondence with fellow jurors for the Vicky Metcalf for Children’s Literature award, File 2010
22-013/001(09) Photographs of daughters wedding File 14 September 1996
22-013/001(07) Correspondence with publishers regarding Adam and Eve and Pinch-me File 1993-1998
22-013/001(11) Correspondence with publishers, organizations to Julie Johnston about The Only Outcast; also includes correspondence for local organizations to Julie and her husband Dr. Basel Johnston File 1998-2002
22-013/001(10) Correspondence and clippings regarding disintegration of Stoddart Publishing and acceptance with Key Porter Publishing File 1996-2005
22-013/001(01) Black book with publishing history File 1979 – 1992
22-013/001(13) Royalty statements and correspondence from publishers File 2004-2012
22-013/001(05) Royalty statements and correspondence from publishers File 1992-2003
22-013/001(12) Contracts with publishers and related correspondence File 1998-2011
22-013/001(02) Clippings about Julie Johnston’s success as a writer File 1986-2005