Research and publications

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
98-014/015(04) Perth; Tay Canal; Rideau Ferry File
98-014/001(02) Michael Grass: research materials: Mainly L. Turner's research notes ( some notes relate to Van Alstine); bibliographic references; and DCB entry written by L. Turner; correspondence File
98-014/001(06) Larry Turner's Master's Thesis Peter Van Alstine, Michael Grass and Associated Loyalists (second draft), Queen's University File 1983
98-014/001(09) United Empire Loyalist Foundation of Canada: Minutes of meeting of UEL of Kingston branch on Feb. 20, 1996, guest speaker L. Turner; newsletter Cataraqui Loyalist Town Crier, January and March, 1996; compiled list of Treasury Loyalists by Thomas Sylvester; photocopies of original lists of loyalists File 1996
98-014/001(14) Loyalist research: M.A. Thesis From Soldier to Settler: Patterns of Loyalist Settlement in "Upper Canada", 1783-1785 by M.S. Waltman File
98-014/001(15) Loyalist research: lists, bibliographical notes; copies of research articles; manuscript of [The Associated Loyalists of Adolphustown], names associated are: Allen¸ Allison, Benson, Bogart, Campbells, Cornhaus, Clark, Clerch, Cole, Cornell, Deane, Demarest, Dorland, Dulyea, Dyer, Fitzgerald, German, Hagerman, Huff, Huyck, Lewis, Maybee, More, Parsall, Petterson, Roblin, Rush, Ruttan, Rutter, Ryckman, Sharp, Smith, Steel, Trumpour, Valleau, Van Alstine, Vandermodt, Van Dusen, Van Horne, Van Skiver, Yeurex File
98-014/001(18) Loyalist research: Ontario Bureau of Industries: Adolphustown report File
98-014/001(19) Loyalist research: Memoirs of the Life of Henry Van Schaack by H. Cruger Van Schaack, 1892 (photocopy); Benjamin Ingram, Loyalist: A Case Study by Earle Thomas, 1979 (copy) File
98-014/002(07) Lake on the Mountain: general research File
98-014/002(11) The Voyage of a Different Kind: original manuscript; microfiche of the book File
98-014/002(12) The Voyage of a Different Kind: research notes, fragments of a manuscript, etc. File
98-014/002(15) Book reviews, promotion and related correspondence File
98-014/002(19) Administrative documents: Assignments for volumes VI, VII, VIII; preliminary name list for Vol VI; correspondence; memorandums of agreement File
98-014/002(20) Typescripts for DCB: Robert Clark; William Bell; Van Alstine; Michael Grass; Moss Kent Dickinson; Billa Flint File
98-014/003(05) Canadian prehistory: research on Mississauga peoples File
98-014/003(06) Canadian prehistory: research on Ojibwa peoples File
98-014/003(18) Canadian prehistory: [typescript] headings include Cayuga Nation and Kente and the Sulpecian Mission to North Shore Lake Ontario, 1668 - 1680; photos: maps of Great Lakes; Fransiscus de Laval Primus Episcopus Quebecensis; Colbert; Ludovicus XIV; Jean Jacques Olier; Jacques-Rene de Brisay; reception of the Marquis de Tracy and the intendent Talon by Mgr. Laval; Daniel de Remy; Talon; Coureur de Bois; Seminary of St. Sulpice, Montreal; Carignan-Salieres Regiment; La Salle; Frontenac; Wellers Bay File
98-014/008(01) General research: The Reverend William Bell: One Emigrant's Adjustments to Upper Canada by Richard Reid; Church and Community: The Presbyterian Kirk-Session in the District of Bathurst, Upper Canada, thesis by Duff Willis Crerar; Mr. Geo. Bell obituary; The Bell family tree with sources; correspondence to Rev. W. Bell; indenture between Rev. Bell and J. Malloch; etc. File
98-014/008(03) Genealogical research re Bell family; names associated are John Howle; Howley; Miller; Bourne; Research re Bell's currency (shinplasters); Canadian Paper Money Journal, July 1980; manuscript on William Bell; reference cards File
98-014/008(04) Research re history of Canadian paper currency including Bell's currency; parts of manuscripts for DCB and other articles re Bell; Alcoholism in a family 150 years ago and The "shinplasters" of W. and J. Bell by Larry Turner File
98-014/008(05) Notes from W. Bell diaries; Campbell papers; photocopies of W. Bell's correspondence; other research material File
98-014/004(05) Bibliography from M. Dafoe's thesis The Political Ideas of the United Empire Loyalists; Published Material on Temagami Canoeing, 1894-1913 by J. Benedickson; Temagami Bibliography and Temagami General Chronology by Ruth Snider; Ontario References and Sources for the family Historian; Wilderness & Recreation bibliography no. 3 File
98-014/001(07) John C. Clark: bibliographical reference notes; photocopies of reference materials; opening of a historical plaque in Napanee File
98-014/001(13) Loyalist research: muster rolls in British Headquarters Papers from New York; note about Wilcox family; photocopies of various research articles associated names are: Montreal, Huff, Adolphustown, Burgoyne, Trumpour, German Loyalists, Upper Canada; The Loyalist Gazette, June and December 1984; some notes and correspondence; postcard of General Burgoyne File
98-014/002(01) Glenora: manuscript Glenora Ferry by L. Turner (handwritten and typed copy); manuscript There Lies by Quinte's Shore a Debtless Lake by L. Turner; and bibliographical notes File